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Everything posted by EM4life

  1. Alright, I'm only going to say this once because I believe you've done this before here, if you believe the mod will never come out, then STOP WATCHING THE THREAD (see, I can do it too). Also, if you have nothing good to say, say nothing at all. Furthermore, have patince, if you can't wait, then (wait for it...) make your own mod! It's that simple. There's always the NY Submod so you'll have to live with that...
  2. More like all new FDNY rigs use Halogens. but the rear lights and side lights are LED's.
  3. Yea, that's pretty kewl, but I'd also like to see a Halogen FDNY truck in the mod, so that's another good reason for this truck.
  4. As of this time, NO you can't, but if it is released, then you can. Do NOT ask for release dates, it is against the ToS and it is annoying for modmakers.
  5. As far as I know, it has not, and I've been watching this topic since (if memory serves correct) page 53 on the old topic, the one with over 200 pages. I don't know why you'd want doors to stay open but that's your right to ask whatever you want. You can still search the topic though. (I believe I've been watching 234 pages of this topic...that's alot...)
  6. Great pic, as always, can't wait for more!
  7. I'd like to see the mod released before EM5 (2012), and with the release date surprising pushed back , it would make it alot easier. Of course, if the mod doesn't come out by then, it's not the end of the world, it's just my opinion. On Topic: Really enjoyed the last light vid, hope to see more in the near future.
  8. Me too, I thought that the LA Mod 1.8 was crap, no offence, then 1.9 stepped it up, and finally, 2.0 capped it off.
  9. uumm...not really...he might but, very likely not. Of course the NY Mod could always use Hoppah's stuff for whatever reason, but the NY Mod has done an amazing job without him or it.
  10. It sucks having an awsome PC and playing games with bad or low graphics... Except for Rise of Nations which still runs great on a new PC.
  11. Nice one Tim! No truer words were ever spoken.
  12. As this kind of stuff always turns out for me, all problems solved. Thanks for your help Francis & Xplorer.
  13. The only reason I agree with you Dyson is because he's got some models you can use. You don't have any models yourself (a few actaully) but they're just reskins. I'd like to see these models in the ,released, NY Submod
  14. Well, any site can give you a viris. Even Google. I heard on G4 that just by searching some actor's name, you've got a 1 in 10 chance of getting a viris.
  15. First, there will probably be a link in the DL center. Second, why can't you just click a link here in the thread?
  16. No. This is how it will be in version 1. It may be improved in later versions.
  17. I tried to edit my LA Mod to use the NY Submod but it failed. I ended up backing up my original, deleting the mod, reinstalling the mod and patch, then putting in the NY Submod. P.S. The lights in that mod suck. I edited them heavily, as I always do to my mods, and it looks ok.
  18. I know that you've said that many times so don't make it seem like he can't say things like that because it's stupid. BTW: I can't wait for the NY Mod either. It'll be the new LA Mod. Me too! Had to reinstall my LA Mod! BTW: That was mentioned about...oh...20 or so pages ago. I'm not gonna link it because, one, I have no time for this, two, there's a seach button for a reason, and, three, you should pay more attention.
  19. So, which one? Francis or Xplorer? I edited the script but see "btw" below. BTW: I'm using the NY Submod so my original LA Mod is in another folder as a backup for later.
  20. You want the non-Francis version? Well, I'll have to edit it again... LA Siren.rar
  21. I don't get it... What do you want me to do? And I'm still not sure what needs to be fixed...
  22. What was changed in the code ur showing me? It looks the same...
  23. It says line 268, and has something to do with parenthesis... The only thing in line 268 is two presses of the tab button and a "}" BTW: lol, in the eror it says "this_is_an_evil_workaround" XD
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