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Everything posted by EM4life

  1. Ok, in trying it out, it gave me some sort of eror message. Will investigate it soon...
  2. Francis always has the answer P.S. Tell us!
  3. How do I convert the .Vo3 file to Zmodeler for editing?
  4. Then why do you do all reskins if you're good with Zmodeler?
  5. How do I remove the old light bar?
  6. Ok, well, as is, there is no way this will work with my game. I'm better off just reskinning my LAPP car...which is what I'll end up doing. BTW: How do I swith out the lightbar already on the car for the NYPD lightbar in yor mod?
  7. Ok...but can you convert these skins to the original format? Not the new one.
  8. All I really need is the skins in the original format, the one that the game originally uses. Not this new format. Also, does the NYPD original car use the .dds and .Vo3 files named "lapp" or was it called something else? I changed yours out for mine and it was the same model. Didn't change the skin yet tho...
  9. I've got tons, from PRL to AUS, AMR to custom cars, custom skins to edited lights, and an endless amounts of edited scripts... I need a version that works with the original game...
  10. Why did you set up your .dds files the way you did? I can't seem to use them...
  11. Ok, I'm still having the skin problem. Why are the skins set up differently than the normal skins? I can't seem to get them to show up correctly... I'm not going to copy and paste your files over mine. I've got tons of edits and have to painstakingly change things out manually.
  12. Ok, and one last thing, the NYPD light bar is (left to right) "R R W R W R R" right? R=red light W=White light
  13. Alright, and the "original NYPD car" replaces the LAPP car, renames it right? Not just replaces the model and skin.
  14. Must I replace the models too? Is that why the texture's aren't working with the original models? P.S. You respond fast
  15. Well, I guess I'd mean the NY Mod you've got. Anyways, like in my prevoius post, all of the textures are in the wrong spots. They're not the conventional texture scheme. So it messes up the texture. Am I missing anything to make this show correctly?
  16. I still have no use for them and their 20 seconds less wait...I download, not upload.
  17. Hey, DL'd the mod but the skins aren't working...all of the parts are in a different place then they should. When using them ingame it messes them all up. Am I missing something?
  18. I just realized I never attached it... here it is... LA Siren Script.rar
  19. I'm not sure who would actually pay them money to wait 20 seconds less...
  20. Ya, I get it but I want to actually know how to do it. Whenever I wan't to make my LA Mod better, I always screw it up. But it always get's fixed in the end.
  21. I like all of your mods, I know most of them are just upgrades to the textures but I'd like to have them. If you can get permission, these would be pretty good.
  22. I was trying to add a siren for a car I DL'd, the LAPD car converted from EM3 into EM4 to be more specific. I added the two parts into the LASiren script and used the correct names and everything. But when I turn on the siren it gives me an eror message. It says that the last part, the part that has the vehicles names listed in each section for the siren that that car's been asigned, is too long. idk why but I've attached it to the post so you can look over it. The car i'm trying to get to work is called "cv_umpc_burgundy" for your referance. I believe I've done everything right but, obvously not... If anyone finds the problem(s), let me know. Thanks for you time. This was the process of finding this problem...in emoticons!... to... then... and finally...
  23. I understand all models are done and this is would be the first version but... Are there any reserve engines or ladders in the first release you aren't telling us about? If not... Will you include any reserve engines or ladders in later versions? Also, will there be a NYPD Traffic division in first release? If not... Will you include a NYPD Traffic division in later versions?
  24. I was thinking...if the calls come out one at a time, how much time will be between calls? I'd hate to respond to a fire then have to respond to another fire somewhere else within a few seconds. Maybe 3 minutes between calls would be nice...
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