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Everything posted by Fred03

  1. Guys all the vehicles and people are out of proportion, its the price you pay for playing Emergency 4. Its not that big a deal and I've yet to see a mod that has truly fixed it and I doubt I ever will. New units/lights look nice Bma.
  2. Cool, looking forward to it. Volunteer script still?
  3. So what's changed? What new info do you have to share?
  4. Just throwing out my area's setup. City Police-Have full jurisdiction in city limits for all LEO functions, can assist outside city limits only when requested officially be a LEO with jurisdiction. Sheriff's Department-Have full jurisdiction throughout the County and are primary LEO response outside city limits. Highway Patrol-Have full jurisdiction anywhere in the state but mainly stick to the main highways and special operations (drug enforcement, etc) they also respond to rural wrecks. State Park Rangers-Have same jurisdiction and training as Highway Patrol but stick close to their park areas mostly. State Conservation Agents- Full state jurisdiction, primarily focus only on wildlife affairs (I think) National Park Rangers-Jurisdiction depends on the park, in my area they share jurisdiction with the Sheriff but are the primary response, in some parks they are the ONLY ones with Jurisdiction at all. ATF, FBI, DHS- Jurisdiction anywhere in the United States (I believe) In my county however the Police Departments and the Highway patrol have to pick up a lot of slack from our Sheriff as he is very "good ol boy" and does not believe in much law enforcement.
  5. Have you thought about making the LA Park Tender? With the limited water supply script in more and more mods it would be another realistic tender/tanker for folks with the LA mod.
  6. Oh when I try to send the MHP car to the Police Station I get a error, last time I had to restart my computer :/
  7. Same @NFK It would be a pain ,however realism is the point of this mod to a certain extent (I believe) and having random numbers of people show up is the essence of a volly department. I've had 12+ firefighters respond to a brush fire less than one acre and had 3 firefighters respond to a structure fire with occupant inside. Yes its a pain but so is Limited Water Supply Only one medic unit on map Small amounts of PD on map Waiting for volunteers to arrive before you can roll trucks Rural emergency services is all about "pain" lol
  8. The military black hawk looks SICK! But the rotors don't spin.
  9. I think when you used the dispatcher or chief to dispatch units it would play a short "tone". If there was some way to set the max number of times it could be played in a minute or something so you could click multiple times/dispatch multiple units and the tone would only go off once.
  10. Remember mate this is a much smaller department. But I don't see a reason to not have the jaws on one of the pumpers as well, its not inconceivable to have 2 sets of rescue equipment in a small department. My main thing is that the jaws NEED to be on the rescue, it really amazed me when they weren't. When I have a wreck I roll a rescue, when the guys get out of the rescue I send them to get the jaws and they start hoofing it back to the station, like what? Then I went back and looked at the truck and it sure did say "Rescue" on it. And I figured I'd just include the NPS ranger picture here.
  11. Ok I FINALLY got this mod downloaded and I've got a few comments/suggestions Overall NICE JOB!!!! Great mod great small town feel.Might want to have a look at the call ambulance script (from dispatch and PD officers) I've been having trouble with itI suggest putting the jaws of life on the rescue unit, seems like the best unit to have the jaws, really surprised me that they weren't on it.Might want to make some more descriptive buttons for the dispatch for offmap aid, I still don't know which is which.A reskin of the Park Ranger would be nice, as you got the truck perfect but the person not quite. But that's no bigee, shoot me a PM if you want a pictureIf its possible incorporating the close hydrant script into the disconnect script. Once again, nice job! I already enjoy it and with the bug fixes you promise in the patch I'm sure it will be even more wonderful/smoother.
  12. Option 2 And in response to the earlier discussion about fire department size: My department covers 100 square miles and about 800 people in a rural setting with one town of 500 in the center of the district where our station is. We have 2 pumpers (one with MVA equipment), 1 tanker and 1 brush. Our nearest ambulances are in the next towns to the north, south, east or west with the closest being about 15 miles to the south. We have our fire department run EMR level medical response in our district. HOWEVER many other departments have similar situations and use a different combination of units and stations. Fact of the matter is that for the current map I think the unit setup if pretty good, just make use of mutual aid like real rural departments do.
  13. Looks good! I suggest a little work on the wheels though, the hubs seem too dark to me.
  14. That would be cool, although I don't believe their are any good hazmat scripts that could be used beyond just "shut the container".
  15. I think their would be only a few places in the town that would have a fire alarm like that, perhaps just the school and the courthouse/city hall or whatever. I know in my town the AFA at the High School goes off quite regularly, always been a false alarm so far. Something else that would be cool is something like the fire alarm script but with a security system for like burglars. It would work the same way except the control panel would not have a flashing light on it and sometimes instead of a false alarm their would be a criminal outside or inside the house that would have to be arrested. Not sure if that's possible or not but it would be pretty cool. And even in a small town 4 or 5 houses would have some kind of security system.
  16. I think he mentioned a train track, that'd be a good spot for a Hazmat call, or a tanker semi wreck on the highway.
  17. One MAJOR flaw in that logic, just because hundreds of people are calling 911 does NOT mean the officers know what is going on, anyone in the emergency services can tell you about the "fog of war" for lack of a better term, that surrounds the initial response to any major incident. Older folks will remember on 9/11 that it was reported for a short time that a helicopter had hit the pentagon instead of a plane.
  18. The thing is that criminals don't need to steal guns from the houses of private citizens, with $300 anyone can walk into a pawnshop in the country and walk out with a gun, no questions asked so the leak of a gun registry wouldn't be much risk I think. As for the second amendment the folks on the right have taken that to be a absolute but when it really comes down to it if you take it in the context it was written it was more to ensure national defense seeing as the Constitution prohibits a standing army hence the need for a militia. Don't get me wrong I am thrilled to death the US has the best army on the planet but it does negate the original need for armed citizens. And the "well regulated militia" (that the true gun nuts use as a excuse to have their little heavily armed drinking parties) already exists in the form of our National Guard and our reserve standing army units (Army Reserve and such)
  19. I think most of the issues with policing in the US comes from lack of funding for PDs across the country, specifically in the areas of training. As for the issue of police weapons I do not believe that assault riffles and shotguns should be used all the time I do think they should be available to all patrol officers, the fact of the matter is that since pretty much any citizen of the US can get assault riffles and shotguns the police force needs to have comparable or superior weaponry to criminals, its just that simple. Cops cannot be outgunned by criminals and that cannot be allowed for society to exist in a healthy state. Many of these issues need to be solved however due to the ridiculous amount of partisan polarization in American politics. For example if background checks were required for all weapon sales a number of lives could surely be saved each year. Also due to a number of stupid laws that were pushed by groups like the NRA the government cannot put gun ownership records into an easily accessible format, such as a searchable computer database, this needs to be changed immediately. (For more on this subject http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/10/25/AR2010102505823.html) Oh and @TACRfan, you need another option or two like In some situations Generally Sometimes but rarely Such absolute answers just lead to more unreasonable, all or nothing opinions.
  20. Will the PD Supervisor unit be able to call units like the fire chief would?
  21. Ravenna's dead bro. But yeah it would be really cool to see a script like that in a North American mod, the German mods get all the cool stuff
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