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Everything posted by Freelancer

  1. Really? is they any need in spamming the topic with that pointless message..which was in response to a message that was over 2 months ago? Reported...
  2. Thanks for the support in answer to your question we already have an unmarked mondeo I may release pictures of it soon We want to hear your suggestions for the LFB units so feel free to post any links/pictures/idea's etc...
  3. Apologizes for the lack of updates but we've all been rather busy but now we hope to get our work back on track,hopefully with a nice Christmas update in the mean time here's another unit to be shown. Still got a few minor changes to be made.. Enjoy your weekend...Freelancer & Team
  4. Thanks for the support guys,No updates to show been very busy lately and had no time to work on the mod. I shall hopefully have an update for you guys in the next 2 weeks
  5. It's not been discussed yet so you will have to wait and see.
  6. Nice to see some really good idea's Well I can say that St.Johns Ambulance are planned to be in the mod.However regarding the PCSO's I'm not sure yet me and the team shall have to discuss this.Anyway please keep these great idea's coming!
  7. Are you just looking for team members to make this for you? what are your modding skills?
  8. We're glad to see so many good responses and today we have 2 new images we want to share with you. @Cops They should but I believe the Em4 engine won't allow it. @Rlast Thanks for the comment and the new buildings are all my own work. (Model+Texture) So to start off with Here's a SKODA ANPR Car. And Another Mercedes Atego Thanks for the Support Freelancer & Team
  9. The London Project Whats "The London Project"? The London Project is a new London mod that aims to create Emergency 4 into the wonderful City of London. I would just like to state that nothing is being copied and pasted from the other London mod and it completely separate.A whole new map is in the works with Iconic Icons such as the London Red Bus and Black cab etc..Are they going to be any Landmarks in the map or what is the map based on?To answer this the map will have no iconic landmarks or at least in the first version and the map is made up no where specific. The Team Freelancer-Leading Developer,2D/3D Artist BritishReserveArmyCadets-Co Leading Developer Dyson- General Help, Map Recruiting 3D Artist 2D Artist Green=Wanted Red=No Longer Needed Screenshots We hope that you will like our mod and that you shall support us in the mean time to help get everyone in the British Spirit how about some Rolling Stones? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgbZ1uiwKKU Regards Freelancer & Team
  10. Any modders out their looking for some work?

    1. Handsup!


      I'd say yea then i realize:

      I'm a crap modder

      I never deliver anyway

    2. Freelancer
  11. I can offer my part time skills for a 3D modeler I have 6 years+ experience with 3ds max... Feel free to shoot me a PM if interested
  12. Top work! now I'm back I can continue work on my small projects and model and post them here
  13. Work...Work...Work

    1. Handsup!


      Don't work too hard!

  14. Oooo very nice looking forward to seeing it skinned
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