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Everything posted by Freelancer

  1. Hello everyone After a long time away from this forum and Emergency 4, I've decided to return, as I've been playing a lot of the Bieberfelde mod for Emergency 5 and have been impressed with it's modding capabilities. Because of this I'm working on a New Emergency 5 project which I'm not ready to announce the details of yet, but that will be coming in the coming weeks/months. The Purpose of this post is I'm currently looking for a couple of teams members, who could contribute to the mod and it's development. If you feel this is you please drop me a message to register your interest I'm going to post a few pictures of a model I'm currently working on, it's still under construction but for those of you who recognise it, it's a dead give away of what is to come and what country That's all for now Thanks Freelancer
  2. Very nice, look forward to seeing it finished.
  3. Shall try and revive this topic a bit. Here's some recent work on a British Bren Machine Gun. Still a lot more to do but it's starting to take shape.
  4. Plans for opening lockers have not been discussed yet.
  5. I really like this, and shall include this in the mod it will make a nice addition
  6. Maybe RRV was the wrong word to use, either way here is what it's based on https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8029/8040636790_cb422b4a05_b.jpg
  7. I do have plans for BTP but i doubt they will make an appearance in 1.0
  8. Been making some real nice progress lately Looking forward to more updates
  9. Hello guys, I recently got a new computer and had a lot of problems with my 3ds max so I've been unable to work on the mod.But this morning my luck changed and now 3ds max is fully functional again, this now means I can continue on the mod. I'm still looking for some help so if your interested shoot me a PM. Now it's time to get this mod back on the road again, Updates coming soon.
  10. Probably not at the moment, have no time to commit to the mod
  11. Work goes on but very slowly got a lot of issues to be dealing with so still trying to split my time up.
  12. GTA V In first person? think I just **** my pants http://uk.ign.com/articles/2014/11/04/grand-theft-auto-v-a-new-perspective Think this will be a great new image for the game What's everyone's opinions?
  13. Big supporter of UK mods so if you need any stuff feel free to strip bits out my Midlands mod and my London project when it's released Good luck!
  14. Hello all, I would just like to give a little news to our fans, The mod is coming along very nicely, I have only a couple of units left to finish then they are all done in 1.0 Most of the work is now on the map. Now I wish to go into more details about the map... For the start of 1.0 we will try and include as many new buildings and objects as we can but it's a hell of a task for me to do being the only main modeller. so for 1.0 some of the buildings will be like place-holders (Em4 buildings) until I get around to modelling the actual UK style building. So as each version goes on more and more of the buildings will be made my myself until it's all eventually done by me and more or less no Em4 buildings. Hopefully this will give more of an insight for what's to come with the mod and it's future buildings In the meantime keep checking the topic for more news All the best, Freelancer.
  15. There will be a Fire station(s) with only fire engines. Hospitals will have the ambulances or maybe a small station for them, this has not been discussed with the team yet.
  16. Have you paid for Fraps? I believe it records for a max of 30 seconds on the demo version.
  17. Only a fight at the Co-op can happen over lamb joints DPG on a shout...
  18. It's a lovely addition to the mod Anyway I bring images of Ghosts new Truck and reports of a commotion at the local Co-op :o
  19. Just a Simple White Sprinter Van, Will have multiple new company vans and fictional companies in the mod. 600
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