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nick the greek

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Everything posted by nick the greek

  1. Electric guitar mainly and other instruments just for fun ( piano, drums). I also play trumbet in a marching band but I haven't played for months.
  2. A mod made by you? You mean that you wanna gather all mods and make one huge mod? So we got massive theft. Gosh Einstein was right when he was asked about the universe and stupidity...
  3. As far as I know nope. Her brother wants to be a rockstar though Panda was worse. I got two or three but I still download things from there. Not everyone in that site wants to destroy your system or puts virus in his upload. lol Did you do any damage to the car?
  4. Well yeah but before that you'll need to set up some things and you'll have to read German Agree on that
  5. Nice one Hunter. It's just the kind of reviews I wanna read. The game looks good but I'm not going to buy it because I know nothing about German and this won't let me enjoy it. About the graphics. There are some 90's computer games that are still great and people play them although they have bad graphics. So this shouldn't be a reason not to buy the game.
  6. We didn't have air condition. We didn't need it but I don't know what the new school might have Wake up no need to spend money on ACs we got other things to buy first. Nope AVG. Gonna scan it with malwarebytes too. This app saved my ass many times in the past. The strange thing is that the file where the trojan was located was on my computer for 1+ year. It was a file downloaded from the famous bay And we two have registered in the first two years! At the moment my sister is taking a shower and she sings I Will Always Love You She's good at singing
  7. It had some trojans and stuff like that. Messy situation.
  8. Fixed my pc. Man I'm a genius! lol @Hunter I'm waiting for your review on Feuerwehr-simulator.
  9. Then Ami89E1234 should leave Em-planet and go study
  10. Edit: Shopping postponed for the next Monday @ It starts in 34 days ( 13th of September). It usually starts at 11th but it's Saturday so . I can't wait for it to start! It's just gonna be awesome! New kids, new teachers, new building, new level of education and parties If our school started in 8 days we wouldn't be able to pay attention to anything because of the hot weather.
  11. Bad news: My computer was full of trojans! Had to take out my second hard drive, repair windows after scanning the whole system(except my second hard drive), several blue screens and other errors occured and I still have to do some things. I just hate people who create viruses just for fun. Good news: Got back from my city's university camping yesterday. My godmother studies Physics and so she has the ability to stay at the camping with some guests in lower prices. Gonna buy some new clothes today!
  12. No "I am Steve" was the best. @Francis Xplorer is right. Captain is responsible for this situation.
  13. We got to thank him for making us laugh with his childishness* and stupidity** *Posting only a word that has almost nothing to do with the topic or posting some strange off topic things like this one or this one **asking a million times "When is this going to be released?" in the same topic in different ways.
  14. my fault thought they didn't have For God's shake! I've realized that the last one is MJ's They Don't Care About Us :O Can't say what I think of it though.
  15. There were many German people who formed up resistance group against Nazis and we should never forget their sacrifice. Don't forget that many of the first Jews to be captured by the forces of evil were German people. @frankie there's no point in posting Croatian vids we can't understand them
  16. Almost all strong dictators do the same as Hitler. They make their country rich. Many of the new labors were working in the army industry so that's why he achieved such a goal. He gave breads but he took lives and if my bread would cost a live I wouldn't eat it. Have you ever heard that Hitler was running campaigns in which he tried to make people believe that people with mental problems cost money and they should be executed for the greater good ( The greater gooooood Hot Fuzz )? I was shocked when I heard that. Neither do I. He was also a lucky bast^ard, 42 assassination attempts took place and he survived all of them. Wasn't that the city where a huge massacre took place? Generally it was a nationalism, religion and money war. Europe didn't get involved but US did and you know what they achieved...
  17. I personally think that every war on earth should stop. Every war that exists at the moment is declared in the name of money and power. The only war I would accept would be a war against anyone who threatens humanity's peaceful living ( for example Nazis and Japanese during the WW2. The Allies should have screwed both of them) I don't want to talk about the Yugoslavia wars. It's a sad history chapter that should never have occurred.
  18. From what I learned from you ( remember when I asked you some info regarding Austin because a member in another forum was moving to there and needed some info info? ) and from Wikipedia Austin sounds awesome and it would be amazing to attend any blues concert in there. You also got to be proud of the Vaughan brothers Absolutely. He could become a moderator and even deal with older people's problems.
  19. Judging by becoming a police officer too but in Greece don't even make it. You simply can't afford anything like that.
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