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nick the greek

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Everything posted by nick the greek

  1. Is there a demo for this one? I can't find anything
  2. Do they say D&G and Virgin on them? They look great!!
  3. Does this sentece actually make any sense?
  4. Non complaint: Blue Monday and Love Will Tear Us Apart songs exist
  5. Got to say that this looks very promising. Hope you manage to do what you have been thinking of. I like the pics
  6. Meaning more fame and probably more money for him( the pastor)...
  7. Such fires can burn down a whole city :O
  8. +1000 Good people. Where are they from? I'm guessing Turkey they got some really good people there. Respecting homosexuals is something that only a few do
  9. true. sorry but I think that in the Koran it says that Muslims have to "recruit"( dunno the proper word) others with all the needed ways. in a violent or a peaceful way. yeah KKK same dumbf*cks as extremists May I ask why? I'm not a rasict but I think that some Muslim people just can't get on well with the Western way of life. I mean that they have different cultures and sometimes they tend to do some really odd things like executing people by throwing them rocks.
  10. A civilized person has to respect every religion on Earth(except Satanism). By burning the Koran they wouldn't achieve anything besides causing huge riots and maybe a real terrorist attack plus that this would so be so freaking fascist... On the other hand we all know that Muslims don't respect other religions(especially Christians) and they never did in the past. We shouldn't respect them but by doing it we prove that we are more civilized than them.
  11. because of an inernational exhibition and prime minister's visit my city is full of cops! it's not that cool to see 30 cops patrolling in a day...

  12. haha I wish we could watch American Pie on our school. btw your signature is a bit scary lol
  13. hello bud. just saw the comment you made on my status many days ago . yeah I would love to see a secret service documentary :)

  14. Nah I personally don't care about them but they are so fanatical. I thought that in the Q4 of 2010 after all these wars and alliances that there wouldn't be problems in Europe. If greece didn't have huge military needs and had some better administration in the past things would be so good today
  15. If only I could capture these moments with a device...

  16. Got pranked by my friends. Jesus I was ready to call the cops! It sounded so realistic!

  17. It's my status and I don't want it to be locked!

  18. My dad pisses me off! He used my youtube account to reply to a Albanian who was supporting turkey. I personally don't give a shit about countries and borders and I don't want him to post anything geopolitical related with my account. F^ck countries, f^uck borders, f^ck imperialism
  19. bored of the forum "police state" policy...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Stan


      stop trying to be a bitch to new people then...

    3. nick the greek
    4. Xplorer4x4


      What do you expect when some one new comes in then throws a temper tantrum because 4 hours later no one has replied to help them out.

  20. made a post in hang out topic yesterday and still haven't seen it.

  21. Thank you very much Signed up in my new school today. It looks kinda good. I also went to the English School and got the headmistress congrats about having the highest ranking ( 86/100) in the FCE exams. I'm going to continue to the next level which is the CPE. I'm in love with almost everything related to Britain and thanks to you guys for helping me practise in a daily basis.
  22. Thank you very much Just got back from rowing training. It was great! It's cold here! Most people on the streets were hoodies or even coats :O
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