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Everything posted by chrisblaalid

  1. THE beach in benidorm may look pretty from the air, but when you stand there... it's shitty yes... Rent a sailboat, sail around the area... fantastic... not the sunburn but all the other stuff... ^^
  2. rainbow? nooo... I said GAY tony... djeez
  3. WANTED: FTBR - TESTERS! (Final Testers Before Release) Job description: Due to final tests before release, I need to gather a team, a team to check all details in the game. Every tester will be given a task to check out. Such as names, textures (missing elements), theese testers will not be given the task of playing the game. Just inspecting every elemt to the mod, to make shure that we are releasing the mod people are expecting. You must be: Hard working, and have an eye for details. Instructions will be given. In need of 3 people! Read again UPDATE: Extended release date.. Due to attacks in Norway, the mod has been delayed!
  4. be shure to check all the cars under the destroyed bridge also.. and the rioters will march down the main street, with enough police officers you can stop them by arresting them all and helicopters to save the victims after the tzunami.. also boats.. with divers
  5. You can't, it is not released yet... Says so in the Topic name "Norway Mod (WIP)" WIP = Work in progress jupp, I'll drink with you... My 0.33L beer to 15 norwegian kroner bought at Rema 1000 (2.90 USD or 2.0€ or 1.76£) And I think that is cheap
  6. It's called France And they SPEAK French Don't forget that the french people are sensitive snobs.. If it were up to them, the global language would be french, not english But this year, I had no vacation.. just worked all summer... Going to Greece in september, and espania in november.. Dream vacation: Maldives, Mexico, the moon, NY/LA AND snowboard vacation in the alps ^^
  7. hehehe... Here.. read what I saw in the newspaper today. Tourists view on norway: * The Norwegian fjords are spectacular. * The clean air on the west coast is fantastic. * You get clean water straight from the tap. * Norwegian fish tastes good, and Norwegians know how to prepare. * Whale meat is good and a little disgusting. * Norwegians are generally friendly, even those who do not get paid to be there. * People do not honk when they drive a car, and seems generally patient. * Norwegians seem amazingly healthy people. * Norway is good for environmental protection. * The quota of alcohol is allowed across the border, is ridiculous. * Norwegian beer is good, but extremely expensive. * Everything else in the country is also extremely expensive. * You may not have the time to experience Norway in three days. * Norwegians are most likely depressed by living in the country in winter. * Norwegians seem indifferent. * Norwegians are all too keen to show off museums and royal gardens. * Norwegians live in small three houses. Very exotic.
  8. everything is... with the right tools Saints Row the Third
  9. oh dear lord, that looks so sweeet.. if the NY mod were eatable, I would EAT it at once! I don't think I said MikeyPI were a scripter, I do belive theese were my words: You, MikeyPI mentioned a advanced scripter, and you and Hoppah are pretty close right? You should run this by him, if anyone could pull this off it would be him I do belive. I'm sorry if I wrote in wrong
  10. Thank you, one thing... the crew on this site, preffers it if you write in english.. so I will post a translated version... except one word.. "ultrupassar"?? But again, thank you for your words. We can not do it without support from the people. Likins words Translated: To all who were involved directly or indirectly in this terrible attack, a word of hope. Man is strong and will eventually ultrupassar. My condolences to the families of the victims and that they rest in peace.
  11. I had the same problem, turned out that the first time, I had done something to the original files in the data folder.. had to re-install the whole game.. then it happened again, then it turned out that I had done something to the mod.. To sum up, your files has to be EXACT the same as the ones you are trying to play with... a empty readme or an empty folder can ... you know kcuf it up
  12. what do you mean? totaly black? like you do not see shit?
  13. you did it wrong... :O omg omg omg try this one: <string name="ID_NAME_HEAVY_RESCUE">LAFD Heavy Rescue</string> <string name="ID_PURPOSE_HEAVY_RESCUE">The Heavy Rescue truck can lift heavy objects.</string> <string name="ID_TOOLTIP_HEAVY_RESCUE">LAFD Heavy Rescue</string> one for each model What looks like is that you are missing the ID_NAME_ pieces, and replaced them with _ABBR_? what is that?
  14. cuz you called Hoppah's mod/elements from the mod for "prima donna material" xD hah .. funny
  15. Here in Norway we got something called "custody sentence". Meaning he will after he has done he's 21-30 years, be placed in front of a judge once again. The judge can then do one of two things, release him or give him 5 more years. After what the police have stated, he will be given 5 more years. Over and over again. However, the "criminal gangs" here in Norway has put a price on his head. This is done after the killer stated that he was "protected by B-Gjengen", wich was a lie. The gang did not like this at all, saying he were never protected, not even known among the members. They said he has misused the gang's name, and a man such as he, with the backround of what he did will NOT go unpunished. Some of the members also was personally affected by his attacks. The warden of the prison says that "Ila Landsfengsel" (A prison in Norway) now has an amp mood after the prisoners found out that Anders Behring Breivik sitting on a closed ward / isolate. So it depends, if he will be put among the other prisoners, he will (after what is stated) get alot of attention. Which may end his life in the end. Or he will be isolated for the rest of his life. Personally I hope it will be the last one... why? cuz wounds heal... lonelyness doesn't ^^ and the isolation will most likely do more damage to him than the punches and attacks will. (B-Gjengen = criminal "gang" in Norway. Which may also be referred to as a "criminal organization/mafia").
  16. I got an Idea. This year... Saints Row the third comes out ... And I CAN*T WAIT!!!
  17. And there you have it Read all the posts down to this, and I do belive you will have the reason why the LA Mod is the original best mod ^^
  18. A result of a well made mod if I may ad. Proper tested and followed up on ^^ Think about it, if every mod maker would dedicate so much time and effort on theyr mod, the community would be filled with extremly good mods for every one to enjoy
  19. Yes there is, but if the LA mod has not been so big, people would not have made them. The Submods are an "aftershock" from the LA Mod. Another sign that the LA Mod, is and I do belive always will be THE mod for EM gaming.
  20. She said it perfectly... Same goes for me *thumbs up*
  21. Youtube And for some reason, I'm lissening to Alex Goot... and I will say.. Shit me sideways and call me aunt margaret, If I could play that many instruments and sing .. I would be famous.. Not spending all my time on youtube.. djeez
  22. Ofc you don't go to THE beach... I am talking about the private nude beach Why in the world would I got to THE beach.. ? And why would I bring sandwiches? :-S There are restaurants man...
  23. Very true, and most people do like america. Especially LA, since it is the home of the moviestars Who here has not pretended it was David Hasselhoff that died of a heart attack outside the burgershop in the game, Jessica Alba they saved from drowning. etc etc.. a massive confident booster for 14 year olds
  24. Oh I do belive my list is filled with so much junk EM 1,2,3,4 (Ofc, I also had 2012... But that flew in the trash) Sims 3 (all exp) Sims Medieval (I really don't know why) Construction Simulator (I had alot of fun with that, now it won't work ) Spiderman (It was fun to swing from building to building for a while, then I got tired) GTA 4 GTA SA Neverwinter Nights 2 Fallout (all exp) Fallout: New Vegas Hitman (All) CS (I know it is there, but don't know where) Flight Simulator X ( I have a shitload of simulator games) Tow Truck Simulator Ship Simulator Destruction Simulator Train Simulator Fork Lift Simulator Blaster Simulator Driving Simulator Theme Hospital (Who does not love that game xD) Black & White 2 (I love to play GOD ) I know theres alot more, but right now my computer is sick.. So I will have to check it later
  25. Well, some would say that it contains all the features above. It is well made, good scripted (everything worked), everything was new (new units, new commands, new voices, etc), the large specter of new missions must also be mentioned. <---- What she said.It made the game to be played in a whole new way. It also had the benefit of beeing the largest mod available to its date. I can also say that the LA Mod/Hoppah is the reason why EM modding is the way it is today. I do not belive the interest of modding would be so high if it where not for Hoppah and his LA Mod. To sum up, the LA mod had all the factors a mod need to totaly change the original game.
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