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Everything posted by Sawdbuster

  1. Is there any fire units yet? Great job on the FCV's!
  2. Hey Guys, You guys know I've been talking about GTA recently, But I am also like other games, I have a xbox but I like using my computer more, but I can't run a lot of games. Games: I can play(and do/have): -GTA San Andreas -American Army 3 (summer game when not much else to do) -Counter Strike: Global Offensive (summer game when not much else to do) -Emergency 3 -Emergency 4 (uninstalled) Games my computer Can run: -GTA IV (on Xbox) -Arma 2 Games I want: -Waiting on PAX Big time Mods (and for what game) -Day-Z (can't play now, but when I get a new computer, which is put on hold for a bit) -Police Chase v3b for GTA: SA -LCPD:FR (can't play now, but when I get a new computer, which is put on hold for a bit) Favorite Game: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Why? Because the story line is awesome, it is about respect, not some outsider trying to strike it big. I also the love the chase mod I have installed, it is simple but entertaining. I love all of the options you have. There are a trillion side missions, a million tools that you can use and infinite amount of options. Even without the mods I have the game is fantastic. Firetruck Ambulance (F350) Car Chase (above) ELM (google for GTA SA) I have noticed some people don't like LCPD:FR my tip to them, is don't use ELS. it may look nice, but it crashes too much, doesn't enhance gameplay, and is a pain to install. WELL, There are not as many units for ELS!! What do you have to say about that? WELL, Fire & EMS, Cruiser, and Patrol, not enough? WELL, (Non ELS) What do you guys play on PC, other than emergency? (no rhyme intended) BTW: If you think I should be playing more emergency, then reply to my mod!
  3. Will this mod have a snorkel? I know you are good with booms, because in Chicago a Squad is a two piece unit: Snorkel & Rescue:
  4. But this topic has been dead for a while and it was announced that the mod is going to be Chicago. Plus we have the LA Mmod v2.1 which features LAcFD Paramedics and LASD Deputies
  5. I actually bought GTA SA just for that purpose and fell in love with the story line, I'm only like hal;f way through the game, but I have some cop mods and firetruck/ambulance mods and I have a game saved for messing around with that. GTA IV, I have for PC and I would say yes, for LCPDFR and Mordeki's EMS mod. Although I have new played either, I have played the similar ones on GTA SA and I love them. But I also like the GTA IV story, but I can't get through more than a mission a sitting before I just start messing around and searching for Easter eggs I am going to buy GTA V and I don't know what that will in-tale. According to my friends, GTA III is also a great game. GTA VC is the first video game I ever played, but I don't think that is worth buying.
  6. I want it to come out on PC, but I can wait. I'll do this when it's not coming out; I don't want a version to come out early with a bunch of security bugs
  7. I have cleo installed because of a loop-hole while installing ELM. If you install it with the configuration tool, it automatically installs Cleo 4. I think it is this one: http://gtapolicemods...?do=file&id=420 I have two new cop cars to replace San Fierro and Las Ventures; I'll find the links later Also, I can't use the SWAT Support anymore, I can't enter cars when it is installed. But Police Basic works great, but I haven't every needed to use the tow truck so I'll try that command later and check in
  8. DVD or Steam/torrent?
  9. I do!! Stop Kicking Ass!! I actually don't know who to vote for this time, they are all very very good, I think mine might have to go to one of the F350s though
  10. Sawdbuster

    GTA SA

    I have GTA SA and I have to say, it has become my favorite game of all time. I really like the ablity to do what ever, there is a ton of tools and equipment and side missions, that just make it that much better. I cannot use SAPDFR or LAFDFR. Because my computer can't handle it. I am able to use Mordeki's Police Accessories mods: -Heli-pad on top of LSPD HQ -Police Accessories Basic -SWAT Support -Link I really like these mods because they are simple, they seem like something that would be in the game, not seeming like a completely different game like SAPDFR. And if I want to do a chase I could just do the vigilante missions. ( I just do the FF and Paramedic Missions too). They are also fun with the riot-mode cheat in Ballas Country And For Cars: (I only Have three) -Fire Truck (Because the one in the game is atrocious) -Ambulance (Because the one in the game is atrocious) -LSPD Car (I hate the damage model, and I just really like these FCVs) Anything you have to say about the game? Mods?
  11. I know some of the best drama's on TV are cop shows, but I'm at my local PD every 2 weeks learning about police work. I talk with a lot of the sops and i realized that most of the shows that are on arean't very realistic. I'm not saying they're bad shows, but they leave out a lot of the little things that Police Officers, Medics and Firefighters have to do/deal with while on the job. It's not catch the bad guy at all cost, it's not let's save everybody (Luckily Chicago Fire did that). I know they are good shows to watch, but there is no show or game that truly depicts what really being a cop of Firefighter is like, (With the Exception of the Universal 70s shows, like Emergency, Adam 12, and today's Third Watch, Southland, NYC 22) But I think Chicago Fire is doing a good job at showing the little things that aren't so little on the job. BTW my Favorite Emergency Shows are: Southland, NCIS:LA (Surprisingly, that show is more realistic to what NCIS does than the original NCIS show, just a fun fact), NYC 22, Third Watch, Rookie Blue, Adam 12, the New Adam 12 and Emergency
  12. I like it, but I went into it knowing being a firefighter or cop is one of the most boring jobs to depict on TV My dad was a firefighter and I'm an explorer; almost all the calls that are responded to one these tv shows are realistic, but would only happen once or twice during the span of a career. also I went into it know that there would be excessive drama with the characters, but I was surprise when all the non-main firefighters had realistic stories with them. The main characters, there is no hope of ever calling them realistic. Basically, I like the show, but it is one I have low standards for. If you want to know my favorite cop or Firefighter show: It is Third Watch which is both Fire and Police. Whole thing's on youtube, I'd suggest watching it
  13. Welcome to the Forums . This is an Emergency 4 forum, not a GTA IV Forum, I'd try gtapolicemods.com if you want help with that or at the least go in the off topic.
  14. I like some ELS, but a lot of it I think is just obnoxious and ugly. Like These are nice lights: And these I don't like:
  15. The handgun in the first post, and I'd stick Umarex, the make the best airsoft guns, solid, durable, and reliable.
  16. It's like youtube, but without the age restrictions on blood and guts/you know what else
  17. Did you just discovered Liveleak?
  18. For Britain I would use these guys: http://www.youtube.com/user/jambwow
  19. I didn't make the engine, I just use it. I just made the video, Edit Made
  20. I made this VIDEO instead of finishing math hw: Here's the F350 Squad (didi't make this video)
  21. That mod was Police Chase V2, the suspect is supposed to open fire one you at the end of the chase. V3 is better: you can transport them. Are there going be any new scripts in the mod? (Or not Em4 Scripts?)
  22. @goog1967, I know that skin, It is for one of BXBUGS123 Crown Victorias. If that author doesn't sound familiar, he deals with Grand Theft Auto Police Mods.
  23. I agree with tactical, I'm keeping off of my topic when new stuff comes into play. It's like a movie, you watch the trailer and see the finish project. Not watch it one scene at a time when that scene is finished. That said, I wish I didn't make a topic while W.I.P. but sadly, nobody helps when you don't have one.
  24. Name: Kris Age: 17 Sex: M 1. No 2. Because nobody else would except that in the United Sates as trade barter 3. The fact that people believe that a piece of rag (US currency is made out of fine rag, not paper) represents any true value compared to an object/product/services. I change may answer to 3 to his, because that is what I think, but didn't wanna type it
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