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L.C. Long

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Everything posted by L.C. Long

  1. Just to say, is Miami Mod or Italian Mod EVER going to come out ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ???

    1. L.C. Long

      L.C. Long

      O.K. Maybe, with a bit of luck, they will come out THIS YEAR!!!

  2. If Anyone lives in New Zealand, PM me please, I would love to find out what it is like over there :)

    1. Voodoo_Operator


      I guess it's like Lord of the Rings but without the fantasy stuff.

  3. If Anyone lives in New Zealand, PM me please, I would love to find out what it is like over there :)

  4. Happy Easter All ! !

    1. FDNYpower


      and a happy Easter to you to:)

    2. L.C. Long

      L.C. Long

      Thanks josh41 !

  5. Happy Easter All ! !

  6. Are you sure that you didn't mean 'Release date: 1/1/13? This mod does look prettey outstanding though, good work
  7. Does anyone live in New Zealand, if so can you please PM me, I have some questions :) Thanks.

  8. Does anyone live in New Zealand, if so can you PM me please :) Thanks.

  9. What has happend to Megaupload ? ? ?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. cops
    3. griffy


      i think its more like megaupload hosted movies before they came out to theaters illegal so fbi killed it

    4. L.C. Long

      L.C. Long

      Well I know it is something along those lines, thanks guys !

  10. Not much happening round here ! ? ! ?

  11. Don't worry, I know now
  12. I have looked at the manual but I still can't get fire/ personnel for vehicles already on map! How to?
  13. I voted for LA mod, simply because it is the base mod/ overall idea for probably over 50% of these ones AND it is a great mod ! ! ! !
  14. Merry Christmas and a happy new year everybody ! ! ! !
  15. How do you cange your name on here ?

    1. RedHawk504


      Requesting a name change @ mikeyPI

    2. L.C. Long

      L.C. Long

      I sent a meesage to mikeyPI, see if he gets back. :)

  16. Sometimes on my game it goes into one corner. Like when you move the cursor to the edge of the screen, but i'm not doing anything, it does it itself. Any comments?
  17. Are you putting in a good word for the sgt. to be promoted?
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