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Everything posted by theparanoid

  1. It had just stop snowing about three hours before the picture was take. Since I sat I traffic for that time it likely his car got like that responding to wreck. Which required shutting down the interstate.
  2. I71 was shut down right before the i75 interchange. More pictures at http://www.flickr.com/photos/rolesnevich/sets/72157638329988795/ Also in that set
  3. Kentucky State Police http://www.flickr.com/photos/rolesnevich/sets/72157638329988795/
  4. That a general game engine issues. 9 out 10 playing a second game without restarting leads to crash. At least if you have mod running
  5. \ http://www.flickr.com/photos/rolesnevich/sets/72157637286923243/
  6. http://www.flickr.com/photos/rolesnevich/sets/72157634964301265/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/rolesnevich/sets/72157635309278687/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/rolesnevich/sets/72157636325920043/ old one before i learn how to take pictures http://www.flickr.com/photos/rolesnevich/sets/72157634474364656/
  7. No it was always late 2013 to early 2014. So depending on when it comes out will depend on if it was pushed back.
  8. Yup the german release mention a historic unit. Yes it supose to be out next year. Which happens to be the 20 year anniversary of the company.
  9. you have to unpack the .rar and put the harbor city folder in you game's mod folder. Make sure you do not have second harbor city folder inside the first in games mod folder. The mod install is not need or used for this mod.
  10. I say that this plus no news equals the em5 news last year was to sell more copies of that crap game
  11. Fürth Polizei - Fürth is located next to Nürmberg. Which is why they plates of the N. All the Fire and Doctor cars have the N. See next picture. This picture was taken near the main train station and U-bahn station next the post office. and one more These and more can be view at http://www.flickr.com/photos/rolesnevich/collections/72157635312720861/ Where I put all my Emergency Vehicle sets in one collection. More pictures will be load up soon as process them in light room.
  12. 1. Go to http://www.amazon.com/Atari-40477rst-Responders-911-Download/dp/B0049B2FP4/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1380194868&sr=8-1&keywords=911+first+responders 2. Buy the game 3. Download said game 4. Install the game.
  13. What your permanent population size?
  14. from what i been told before that normal water tank level indicators.
  15. http://www.flickr.com/photos/rolesnevich/sets/72157635315980258/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/rolesnevich/tags/pennsylvaniastatepolice/
  16. expect I seen performance issue on my system. I have none of the above. I have 2GB of dedicated video ram. The game and the mod are install on SSD drive. Yet this mod takes longer to load then any other mod. include winterberg. Until i turn all the EM4 graphics setting to load. I would crash to desktop with in 5 minutes. Now i cna play for a bit as long as I do not enter a building. I be trying the SD version today.
  17. Just some feed back so far i like what i seen when it works. I was having crash with ever false alarm. That was fix when I dropped all the in game video setting but resolution down the min. However last night I had another crash when I sent two cops into building. I got the loading icon and left it the way it was for a good 15 minutes before I ctl+alt+delete out of the game.
  18. very nice. There got be a way to do this is freeplay. Reason begin it been done. Winterberg has limit water supply for several years now. However I seem to recall that they went to studio at one point and got help from the game designers.
  19. Acculty a .rar is a archived file it just another format then zip. Just like 7z is yet another format. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/RAR
  20. Download to your computer. Unzip the rar file. Move the harbor city folder into the games mod folder
  21. Do you have a fire wall or antivirus on systems? If not it may be the build in one's causing the issues. I know kaspersky gives issues with multiplayer unless it disabled or configured not to interfere.
  22. Well some may but not all. Take Saxonburg Volunteer fire company. based in saxonburg PA, which as of 2010 had 1,525 people living there no stop lights. They hanlde Clinton township which had 2,779 in 2000 and Jefferson Township which has 5,690 in 2000. Ladder 15 is from the fact on there website. http://www.svfc.com/ Now let take a look at some photo's of ladder 15. FYI the building behind ladder 15 in this picture is pretty much the tallest structure in there first due area. There are bigger building in there second due area. More photos at http://www.flickr.com/photos/rolesnevich/sets/ Do some have smaller truck. up. Some also have no ladder. Like in the area ladder 15 is in. There mutual aid company Penn township has no ladder. nor those mutual aid company winfield twp volunteer fire company. Where bufflo township went with to smaller trucks (well one of the department in buffalo did)
  23. Did you try using a fire fighter to drag them off the road?
  24. look in spec\campaign.xml There index for ever mission. 1-35 21 -25 are at the bottom.so you see 1-20, 26-35. 21-25
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