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Commander Rasseru

Best Fireman Contest

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@Fort yea canada dont have that? thats weird i thought everyone did

Firefighters do a good job regardless of their physical characteristics, it generally does not matter their size they still do the job, you know, the people on the big red trucks that come when you burn some food and panick cause you've got some smoke in your kitchen *tear tear* Or the people who come out at 3:30 in the morning in the pouring rain to extricate you from your truck, when you flipped it leaving the bar. Or the guys who come out when you're having chest pains from, as you so elegantly put it, the 'food' you eat. Yes, some may be overweight, but, I can guarentee, they would never NOT come when you call. And they still do the job JUST as well. Only difference is their gear costs, maybe $50 more, because they need more material.

@HPVFD236, naw, we don't, but I'd love that :) maybe I should come down there :P

Lazilly modified it... and god there's more.

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Pipe down everyone lest I make ya'll run laps around the track...... This is meant to be a friendly board and it will be that way or I toss warning at everyone that said anything inflamitory, even if it was justified in my or anyone else's opinion..... Play nice or don't play at all, frankly I don't care if you're 200 pounds or 600 pounds if you can still do your job do it.... Grow up and be mature don't just play stupid games of who's the most patriotic here because they defend something or someone. Everyone has a right to an opinion and you may discuss it, turning it into a flaming contest is a great way to make it so nobody gets to have anymore fun.

Now I get the joy of editing 20 post, thanks guys! :angry:

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"Even Future Firemen Will Be Obese, Says Study"

Researchers from Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM), Boston Medical Center, Harvard University and the Cambridge Health Alliance found that more than 75 percent of emergency responder candidates for fire and ambulance services in Massachusetts are either overweight or obese. The findings in the journal Obesity on March 19 may have significant consequences for public health and safety.

Emergency responders (firefighters, ambulance personnel and police) are expected to be physically fit to perform strenuous duties without compromising the safety of themselves, colleagues or the community. Traditionally, these professions recruited persons of above- average fitness from a pool of healthy young adults but the candidate pool is currently drawn from an increasingly heavy American youth.


You should read that story...

Also this story of a Scotland Firefighter.


Most firefighters who have health problems or being overweight get resign to a desk job.

It shows how American is relax in firing a firefighter for overweight problems.

But might be some departments.

To not to start fights... Look in topics and research yourself. Or ask for my sources.

Yippieee I can't let this go so I get a warning instead of going back to the original topic! thanks!

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You should read that story...

Also this story of a Scotland Firefighter.


Most firefighters who have health problems or being overweight get resign to a desk job.

It shows how American is relax in firing a firefighter for overweight problems.

Yeah, but you can't base a country off one state... That's like basing Japan off a City

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Yeah, but you can't base a country off one state... That's like basing Japan off a City

I didn't say a single thing about Japan. Read my posts... :gruebel:

Does it matter? it is an EXAMPLE! Tokyo isnt the whole of Japan, nor is some volunteer depts or certain key cities a defined definition of american departments.... GET OFF THE FACT THAT AMERICA IS FULL OF CHUBBY CHASERS! In the end if it's that important visit e-health.com or something and dispute the overall unhealthy nature of america now, not just one profession.

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=) I am finally done, a good 35 minutes of my life I won't be getting back... thanks for that...

Either get back onto the Best Furrfighter contest topic or just stop posting about this, this should NEVER have became about the chubby state of a nation, the end result would never have came out positive.... common sense tells ya people are touchy.... Whether this was or is about nation vs. nation does not matter to me, in the end SOCIETIES are overweight, not just one profession, if you try to prevent people due to an unreasonable reason in america from doing said job, you get a warm call from the ACLU.... You can't forbid people from doing things due to things that are not a DIRECT threat to their ability to do a certain job.... It is simply not worth it to fight the court battles you will certainly get, and since it is a trend across most first world nations to live less healthy and exercise less, many nations including the USA are seeing increased rates in unhealthy living... Generally firemen, young or old across all borders try to take the best care of themselves and I personally believe that a contest between the world's firefighters could be fun to watch, I loved going to the Best US Ranger competitions... Taught them teamwork and it was a friendly competition that pushed them to their limits, not a bad thing to be challenged regardless of one's field.

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I wanna punch slow people in the back of the head

I wanna punch slow people in the back of the head

I wanna punch slow people in the back of the head

I wanna punch slow people in the back of the head

I wanna punch slow people in the back of the head

I wanna punch slow people in the back of the head


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all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy, all work and no play make mikey a dull boy,

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dude go ahead and warn me...im only fighting because im tired of him talkin crap on US emergency services...it seems every non game rlated topic hes complaining about them,criticizing our equipment or our tactics....end that and you end my fighting

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I'll get to ya in pm....

dude go ahead and warn me...im only fighting because im tired of him talkin crap on US emergency services...it seems every non game rlated topic hes complaining about them,criticizing our equipment or our tactics....end that and you end my fighting
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You are not flaming a topic by discussing something IF you can keep it civil, which your comments have done... Should it go into that again then I'll just shut it and toss the warns around. Everyone here knows how to be civil and keep discussions along appropriate lines.

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