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Hey everyone! Long time, no update! So here you go!

I like to see detail in the small places of mods/submods. So I took some time and did some work on road signs. Of course with the awesome help of Ausavin! I recently added some new construction signs and city signs and highway signs. Since in the long future there just may be a map with a highway as an addon. Just maybe. So here are the signs in detail:) Keep in mind, I am not finished with all of them quite yet!

Also, be sure to check out the Facebook page for more photos that wont be displayed on the forums!





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Hello again :)

Okay, so I want your opinion on this. Since mapping is out of the question, but I can still edit the map. I decided to add a more country style part at the bottom of the map. Now keep in mind its not done. Its not done because Im stuck on another idea. Should I leave the forest/country style, or make a more rural style with multiple houses? Ravenna has both, forestry and rural.


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Okay, Ill do country style here with a small beach on the side by the water. Ill be placing guard rails on the side where the city and town meet so it doesnt look bland like that. Ill post new and updated screens soon! Ill also add a small rural area, possibly at the top of the map; Replacing the industry.

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Thank you everyone! Just to be clear, the map is the original map. Im just simply editing it. I did not create the map. Also, a poll has been added to the topic. Keep a watch out, the questions will change over time when the votes get high enough. For example, if many people vote 'more vehicles-civil' Ill break down and change to 'more vehicles-civil-trucks'-'more vehicles-civil-cars' and so on. The same rule applies for the rest.

Marshalls babble:

As you all know, I like my realism. But I also like to spice things up with some fictional things. The Ravenna submod has been made to have its realism. But it has also been made to add its fictional side. I.e., some vehicles that are in the submod are not actual vehicles the emergency services use. Although, rest assured that the important things have been added into the submod. Like having the correct skins on the vehicles that we do have. Some skins had to be made up because Ravenna simply does not use them. But the actual game would be much more difficult to play and less fun if those vehicles were cut out. As much as I wish I could make an exact replica of Ravenna, my limitations forbid that. But in the process of trying, I have learned a lot and met some awesome people who have helped in contributing to pursue this submod. So with them, we have added the extra things to the submod that Ravenna goes without. Keeping the game fun to play, and keeping you lost in the game.

Thank you to anyone who actually will read that whole thing.

But heres some more on the release:

As you already know, I am using models from other creators as on the front page I say I do not create my own models, I only reskin them. It has come to my attention that we are nearing the finishing of the Ravenna submod. But as we come close to the end, we still can not release. I am in the process of removing the models I am unable to use and adding ones I can use. Although this take a lot of the wait off, there still is a big significance of time this will take. Having the support of the people on this forum and other off the forums, keeps the motivation of myself and the people working with me up. We do appreciate the support a lot. I will keep everyone updated on the big things and important things that happen in the submod. Although, I will not show everything. Some things will be kept secret.

More into the game:

  • The game features the original map with many edits. You will be limited in your resources that will be available to you. Medical and police will be limited in what you can have. Most units are on the map as is. So only a select few will be able to be called from off map.
  • The fire department is unlimited in the resources you will be able to use. Although, there is the possibility of losing the option to call the same units that are already on the map. I have in plan(possibly) only the ability to call mutual aid fire departments and not any more Ravenna fire units. As for medical, you will not be permitted to call for the same ambulances that are already placed on the map.
  • Also, some new scripts have been added(not mine). Like the ability to open some equipment doors and leave them open until you close them. Along with cruise control and a tazer script.
  • Also, ausavin took the time to change the read out display that scrolls across at the top of your screen. Instead of saying lapd or lafd, it has been edited to Ravenna's units.
  • You'll also notice that there is some construction on the map, well Ravenna is always under construction so that is your reason.
  • The lighting has not been done exactly to the real lighting on the actual emergency vehicles. Although most lighting has been made closely to the same, but with edits.

If anyone has any question on what is in the submod and what we are offering, please let me know! Ill be happy to answer any questions!

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I like that you try to make everything so real! The idea of the mutual aid is fantastic! In the freeplay will there be smaller stuff? Like I mean how often is there a gas explosion? Medical calls in house, etc.

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Gas explosions are rare and sometimes little. There are a lot of medical calls though. In Ravenna, the citys ambulance is almost always out of station on calls. You'll have some random fire calls, the little events like viscous dogs and earthquakes have been disabled. You'll rarely get homicides or shootings. You will get some stolen vehicles and traffic accidents pretty often considering there are a lot in Ravenna. Hostage situations are also kinda rare but not too rare. That pretty much sums it up! I hope that's what you were looking for.

For everyone else:

Ill be house sitting -not my house- so I wont have my actual computer do my work for a week. Although, I just got a laptop so hopefully I can get home and get my stuff set up on this laptop and do some little work while Im away.

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