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Norway Attacks

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All the life in prison is like a death sentence, and I guess they will kill him there, I don't think that the inmates been really "happy" with the happened...

As far as I know their definition of life sentence is about 25-30 years which to me isnt "life" and unfortunately the days of old where prison justice was a common thing, these days you just don't hear about people in prison doing evil things to fellow inmates who've done more sadistic crimes... Such is life unfortunately so he'll probrably get out and be given a second shot to repeat what he did all over again... Gotta love "civilization".

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Here in Norway we got something called "custody sentence". Meaning he will after he has done he's 21-30 years, be placed in front of a judge once again. The judge can then do one of two things, release him or give him 5 more years. After what the police have stated, he will be given 5 more years. Over and over again.

However, the "criminal gangs" here in Norway has put a price on his head. This is done after the killer stated that he was "protected by B-Gjengen", wich was a lie. The gang did not like this at all, saying he were never protected, not even known among the members. They said he has misused the gang's name, and a man such as he, with the backround of what he did will NOT go unpunished. Some of the members also was personally affected by his attacks.

The warden of the prison says that "Ila Landsfengsel" (A prison in Norway) now has an amp mood after the prisoners found out that Anders Behring Breivik sitting on a closed ward / isolate. So it depends, if he will be put among the other prisoners, he will (after what is stated) get alot of attention. Which may end his life in the end. Or he will be isolated for the rest of his life. Personally I hope it will be the last one... why? cuz wounds heal... lonelyness doesn't ^^ and the isolation will most likely do more damage to him than the punches and attacks will.

(B-Gjengen = criminal "gang" in Norway. Which may also be referred to as a "criminal organization/mafia").

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Aren't the punishments same like here in Sweden?

Here you can murder someone and get out very easy, its just to say that you are mentally ill and you get psychological threatment.

Well i hope this man never gets out and rotten in his cell.

Norway and Sweden have allmost the same legal system... After all, they are neigbours, we don't even have to use passports to cross the border xD

But I think the police, politics and court system will use every gap, every glitch, every typo... hell.. everything they can do, to lock this psycho son of a lama up for ever...

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This is what fear driven hate leads to. Fear of other cultures, other people. Did you guys (the Norwegians here) see facebook right after the attack? Before it was known that the guy was Norwegian? Mine started filling with anti-Islamic propaganda and pages. It is THAT fear, THAT hate; taken to an extreme of course, that made this guy do what he did.

I so agree with you 100%

I do love what our Prime Minister said though: "We will retaliate with more democracy." That one statement made me proud to be Norwegian, for the first time in a long time. We will strike back by being more democratic.

That truly is an outstanding statement and a great reason to be proud. Many can learn from that statement.

I take strength in those words, and in the words of Nordahl Grieg, in his poem "Til ungdommen". "Til ungdommen", with English translation.

Once again agreed.

I was on twitter when I first got the news. Norway would be the last place in the world I would expect to see something like this. My prayers and condulances go out to the families and all Norwegians. I remember the hate and anger here when Oklahoma happened. It is hard but like Mr_Kaizer we know the cause of these things and we need to change it. Fear and hate needs to be turned into understanding, education, and peace. Then again easier said then done.

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Its now been 1 month and 2,5 days since the attack... I myself had friends who got hit by debris from the bomb, i lost a fellow instrutor from Red Cross Youth, my girlfriend and her best friend was supposed to be there... I encourage everyone to take care of everyone you know that knew someone involved, give them a hug (if not in real life at least virtual), tell them you care... The only way we can fight this is with love. When im at it i would like to thank everyone from other countries for the support you have given us norwegians, its really really touching. I will also post some pictures from the memorial in my town later.

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