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Everything posted by aitor

  1. For these all who play Bad Company 2 in Harcore...don't f***ing cross in front of tank when is in movement!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RedHawk504


      its did you do that. =)

    3. aitor


      No, I killed one guy with that way, so I get kicked, I had 3 team killing...

    4. aitor


      One I was in a Humvee and a cretin with a tank pushed me, so I killed one guy, second shooting with the chopper, the guy runned into where my bullets where exploding and last the idiot that crossed in front my tank...

  2. For things like this was the other NY mod topic closed, every every every time asking for the same, release date. They've said two post above that could be this fall or even in winter so please, stop asking. Is really annoying to hear the same every moment.
  3. Graffitis on them? I've never seen a fire truck painted with graffitis, I don't understand why they haven't washed the trucks... Anyways I guess the reason of the graffities is the vandalism.
  4. That's from Brooklyn, the mod is based in Manhattan...
  5. These sounds great, can't wait to see the elevated rail, but I think it has to be in the up part of the map, about the up half part of central park and near/in Harlem for realism.
  6. These updates looks sweet!!! You're doing a great job
  7. Sounds really good but If you have started doing it in LA Noire I guess is only for consoles? LA Noire is releasing in November 11th for PC, maybe doing a mod for it would be easier...
  8. Lucky you, my pc almost can't handle gta IV low detailed... but I hope it can run ny mod!
  9. Yeah, that Brush guard is really ugly, I think a Chevy pierce would be better, something like these: http://www.flickr.com/photos/odhfs/4818855935/
  10. aitor

    Madrid Mod

    Wow!!! nice map guys In the first version, will be in map all the emergency bases?
  11. Sounds good, will the city be ambiented somewhere in special, east, west or middle? I guess in the Maryland zone by the picture...
  12. aitor

    Map Edits

    Wtc area, so it's based on New York or so?
  13. aaahw, I haven't got SWAT 4
  14. Then call it BlackPower!!!
  15. I respect your decision but anyways give it a try
  16. Anyone that has gtapolicemods account can help me? PM please, I need help =(

    1. griffy


      what do you need i got an account + i donated

    2. griffy


      PM me what you need help with

  17. I'm wondering if the LAFD uses F350/F250 ambulances, anyone knows?
  18. So will these be in this comming version or in future versions?
  19. Maybe that's because if there is any attack the emergency services can be ready for respond, but anyways yes, I found a bit disrespectful considering that more than 400 or about it ( I think, I'm not sure) firefighters died.
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