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Everything posted by aitor

  1. Ok, here goes some: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_xQ2LVZLmC6s/Rl2OUyoYxkI/AAAAAAAAAUY/NXCdUQKR5cU/s400/NY_Steam.JPG http://gothamist.com/attachments/jen/2007_07_steampipe2.jpg http://images.travelpod.com/tw_slides/ta00/c0d/3b8/sewer-steam-new-york-city.jpg http://excitingny.com/wtc/2000-ny-sewersteam.jpg http://www.flickr.com/photos/paulannett/137836601/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/oam/436685083/ http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1091/909569422_c35bfd04fc.jpg If you need any other type of picture just ask.
  2. OK, try doing your own mod, with new scripts, maps and so, and then call the other person work trash. We will be waiting for the result. EM4 angry gaming team: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idiot
  3. Like I said before the steam pipes and the steam emerging from the sewers
  4. When Aitor set the foot somewhere, the earth shakes.
  5. I was just giving a compliment, I do three of these every morning when I wake up
  6. I think you should just add tech instead of any company's name and add vehicles like DOT, Con Ed, maybe MTA tech units or NYPD tows.
  7. I like how is painted the second one.
  8. What the... That's... that's...that's awesome!!!!
  9. Wow, that's amazing, I have to change the game's camera configuration to can see these all details
  10. Ah, ok, I thought you mean another thing...
  11. Sounds good but, wouldn't the traffic going to be stationary? BTW, happy birthay
  12. A bit sadic, right? Some day ago I was walking down street and by casuality, I heard two guys talk; one was telling to the other, really seriously, that the Third World War is feeding and would be soon... Maybe another clue about the world's end or maybe another conspiracy theory fan? just had to see his look...
  13. Do you know if the LAFD has f350 ambulances?

  14. If he has a good chair and a table where to put feets... not so bad!
  15. He's a fascist, a fanatic, that's all, I don't think that in the fairies and elf land are influences to do it to these innocent people... Maybe that game can provoke that people gets marginated or behave like a....a....a strange person, and maybe yes, can influence the behavior, but I don't think, like I've said before, that can influence in make a person into a fascist. They said that his parents, of the political party against attempted, separated and that influenced him. But I've also heard that one guy who played wow, took a katana and killed his parents, and like Voodoo has said, Farmville also caused its victims...
  16. But there is not traffic... Where are the taxis? that's not New York!
  17. Looks really great guys, happy aniversary BTW, that new building looks really good, you should make another version of it with that tipical brown color of the buildings of new york.
  18. If we start so... probably many criminal plays many games and we don't say that are a crap or maniac games, even we play them. I have friends that plays wow and they won't take a gun and do a massacre...
  19. I hate it, I hate when people speaks about it, that, unfortunately, I know too many people that plays it and what is worse, thinks, seems the thinks and behaves like if they were are in the country of the elfs and fairies and discuss about the life of a character of the game, get a life wow players!!!! I'm really agree with you Chrisblaalid, wow is a piece of shit!
  20. I want to be driving a black 67 Chevy Impala at 200mph surrounded of hot girls, and when the world ends I'll be pressing the red button that will detonate the world, YOU ARE UNDER MY POWER JUA JUA JUA JUA!!!!! PS.: A simulation of how will I be when I decide to destroy de world: http://t2.gstatic.co...1TNAUGyxHK5YbbV
  21. aitor


    Most of politics are an assh**es liars and greedy that almost never fulfill their promeses and the only that wants is taking the power to get more money, and those who don't care about the citizens...
  22. Looks really good but my computer runs it too slow for playing online...
  23. Police officer mission http://www.youtube.c...h?v=RE5SKVFnzXk I miss going out the car... BTW, do you know how to post media now? I don't find the button when I'm writing the post.... Edit.: look at this one in the minute 1:06 : And this another video I've found, nice fire truck http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EX5iIwLqW6U
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