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Status Updates posted by aitor

  1. Again in home, sweet home :)

  2. Am I the only one that has problems to connect emergeny planet?

  3. Anyone could tell me the link for the page that has models for download for em4?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. luc1300


      look an the irish town mod topic, in emergency 4 mods, someone gave me the link in this post

    3. Reece.c
    4. aitor


      Well, thanks to both :)

  4. Anyone that has gtapolicemods account can help me? PM please, I need help =(

    1. griffy


      what do you need i got an account + i donated

    2. griffy


      PM me what you need help with

  5. Bf3 logic is pointless... so a small ass pistol makes more hurt than a m240 lmg that some abrams tanks carry?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. aitor


      I play in hardcore in bf3 but Arma 2 is too harcore to me. Arma2 also doesn't run at 100% in my PC, at least the demo version had pretty bad textures

    3. Ghost Graphic Designs

      Ghost Graphic Designs

      Yea, they did that on purpose. The "regular" version has the HQ version of the textures. :)

    4. met police999

      met police999

      i love BF3 prefer it to COD

  6. Can photoshop open .xcf (gimp) files?

    1. Newfoundking


      Yes... All programs can open all files. The question you want to know is will it read the file... No it won't, however gimp can save PSD which will fix your problem

    2. aitor


      I'd swear that it can, long time since I lost photoshop, I'd wanted to edit some .xcf files keeping the layers in photoshop...Anyway, thanks for your help.

  7. Do I buy Mafia 2 or I buy LA Noire? Dificult question...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. aitor


      Mafia 2 - 15€ LA Noire 30€ But I can wait a month and buy LA Noire...

    3. griffy


      get mafia noire is horrible

    4. TheMexicanParatha


      They're both good games...

  8. Do you know if the LAFD has f350 ambulances?

  9. F*ck battlefield, my full m4 magazine on his back and of two shoots he kills me... f*ck it!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. cops


      hahahaha I know what you mean :P

    3. Semper Fidelis

      Semper Fidelis

      I really really understand you man.That's why I swear for my PC everyday

    4. Semper Fidelis
  10. For these all who play Bad Company 2 in Harcore...don't f***ing cross in front of tank when is in movement!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RedHawk504


      its did you do that. =)

    3. aitor


      No, I killed one guy with that way, so I get kicked, I had 3 team killing...

    4. aitor


      One I was in a Humvee and a cretin with a tank pushed me, so I killed one guy, second shooting with the chopper, the guy runned into where my bullets where exploding and last the idiot that crossed in front my tank...

  11. Four spam under me...

    1. Voodoo_Operator


      Not anymore.

      But yeah, this is driving me nuts.

    2. aitor


      Thank you, they're really annoying.

  12. haha, just received my totally updated computer, almost everything new and still keeping the old files! I'll be able to play bf3, and gta iv with high graphics =)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. aitor


      ...and also I'll start at working again ;)

    3. cops


      Take your time, if you want to game well game!! :D

      modding is just for the fun :)

    4. aitor


      Bf3 takes long time to install, I don't have anything better to do ;)

  13. Has anyone been able to enter Gtapolicemods in the last two days? I want to download some mods but the page seems to be down...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. griffy


      i wish they would learn to tell us before they shut it off

    3. Ale



      Maybe it is because the website didn't had enough money to mantain the website. As far as I know the donations of June where just a few.

    4. aitor


      Today either it doesn't work and I need to download the Taxi Bug Fix!!!!

  14. Here goes a noob question: the windows notepad is a text editor, right?

  15. Hey, anyone could tell me how to post images in the small squares that enlarges when you click on them?

    1. L.C. Long

      L.C. Long

      You would have to ask a moderator or admin or someone who puts about 20 pics on 1 post!! Hi, and how are you by the way?

  16. Holly sh@t!!!! The in front of my house building has almost f*cking burned 1 hour ago!!! The balcony was on fire!!!

    1. aitor


      A f*cking flare...A ladder has come to putt of the fire. Tomorrow I will try uploading a video...

  17. How do I do for Bad Company 2 been always in with the most inepts in the world...

    1. aitor


      In 100 combats 65 I'm in the worst team, I don't know why! :(

    2. L.C. Long

      L.C. Long

      Sorry, but I haven't a single clue what you are talking about !!

  18. I hate artillery attacks in World in Conflict!!! Is all the time doing casualties among my infantry soldiers, It had to be an easy and clean mission =(

    1. aitor


      I've lost half of my disponible soldiers, I have had recourse to the airborne. Failed versus bots mission =(

  19. I hate maths, are getting me crazy, I'm gonna shoot myself!!!!

    1. salvador.c


      my too I have Math exame in 2 days!

    2. aitor


      And me, and if I fail that exam (and other exam of another hard subject) I could repeat level, so I'm really screwed. This year we have had really bad luck with the teachers...

  20. I have bought the new Medal of Honor!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TacticalRooster22


      It's out already? Whoa! I want to get it for 360

    3. bazz


      PLayed today and all i can say is that it's a great game :D

    4. aitor


      I have fixed the computer problems and today I will install it :D

  21. I have no sleep and tomorrow I have to get up early, f*ck, I don't want to go to school tomorrow, I want to stay all the morning lying somewhere, listening to good music and thinking about things...

    1. cops


      hahahaha, I just wast my time on school till 16:30 >_<

    2. aitor


      I leave the school at 14:30, and I start at 8:00, past year entered at 9:00 and leave at 17:00, but this year most days are even more boring :/

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