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Posts posted by bma

  1. On the Facebook page of the mod you asked, if anybody has an idea how you can make it easier to rescue people. What do you think about a triage system like in the Winterberg mod? Slightly injured people get a green card in their hand when a paramedic examines them. Fairly serious casualties get a yellow card and critical casualties get a red card. It would be easier to decide which person has to be transported to hospital first.


    Yay! I really like the look of this; it is really coming together. [slightly off - topic] is that event hospital tent for helping peter been put on hold or is it coming in an update, once again sorry for be slightly off topic :)

    Helping Peter is on hold :)



    On the Facebook page of the mod you asked, if anybody has an idea how you can make it easier to rescue people. What do you think about a triage system like in the Winterberg mod? Slightly injured people get a green card in their hand when a paramedic examines them. Fairly serious casualties get a yellow card and critical casualties get a red card. It would be easier to decide which person has to be transported to hospital first.

    I have seen it on the facebook group and I am currently thinking about how to make it and if it would make sence to make :)
  2. What do you think about a "frisk script" for police and secruity? A distributor (I don't know if this is the right word) would be great too. And a  Spineboard for EMS could be a nice thing. But I really don't know if they are used in Denmark so much. :laugh:


    The spineboard script is created by me and its made for Copenhagen mod, so don't worry it will be added. 


    I thought about making a frisk script but decided it would be too boring if you had to use half of the time trying to search passengers to let them threw security. 

    That being said I really like the idea of being able to frisk random people, so that might be added ;)

  3. Yesterday evening we decided to create our own Facebook page for the Modification. 

    Hopes are to get closer to the fans of the modification and listen to the Fans ideas. Any inputs are more than welcome, so give us a like and send us a message :) 


    Most updates will still come here on Emergency-Planet but some videos, pictures and information will only be revealed on the facebook page :)


    So tune in and give us a like!



  4. sorry if this thread is miss placed.

    I was wondering if anyone could explain to me how to have superstructure added to vehicles in the editor appear in game. As I have it now, added superstructure only appears in the editor and disappears once in the actual game.

    Thanks in advance

    That is because only certain cars can have certain objects, so only the tlf can have the cannon, the gtf can have the connections and the dlk can have the ladder. And then it has to be named correctly

    If you want to add something else i will surgest using childs

  5. Still working on the callouts. 

    All on map vehicles, fire department and medical service can be called out. What i need now is the Police and TEC and then its time to move on to the events, so they have something to respond to.




    I would have shown a picture of the code, but i thought that people would like this a bit more :D

    The call out script alone is 7.000 lines of code at the moment.. This is gonna be a heavy bastard ;)

  6. Okay, i'm confused.

    Will there be bomb-threats/ suspicious packages and hijacked planes?

    And if, will there still be no kind of special police (or jaegers) or bomb squad, and the ordinary police and airport security will handle these incidents? :huh:

    There wont be hijackings, it will be minor events like passengers causing trouble or somebody acting suspiciously, so you will be fine just with the normal police and security :)

  7. Will the orange 'Airport' lights be controllable separate to the normal blues? Also, is the VW Van for Security (can't remember the model!) like a Supervisor or just another vehicle? Really looking forward to this, it looks really high quality!

    The OC-D

    Thank you :)

    All of the security is normal cars, no supervisor

    The yellow light activates seperatly from the blue, but it should always be turned on when driving inside the airport

    So i havent decided if i should add a button to turn it on/off or just make it automatic when the cars are in the airport area:)

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