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Everything posted by swatlord

  1. haha, siren6 at 10 secs: I was like "OMFG, I WON THE JACKPOT!!!!!!"
  2. I don't know if anyone knows this, but the white lights only activate when the apparatus is put in drive. When parked, only the red lights flash. Some law or something. The guy that demoed a new engine for us explained it
  3. Let me say this v about that ^
  4. Could care less about real life. It's a game. You want real life, you can and go outside I'm doing this because I think it's cool
  5. No, my finished product will replace the current supervisor with new audio and possibly video. Sorry to be away so long. I've been on active duty and haven't been able to get much free time. Not to mention the internet in my BOQ's is I'm coming off of orders soon and will more than likely pick this back up again. Once again, anyone interested in doing voices, I still need a bunch more people.
  6. Or we could all enjoy the foliage. What? Firefighters like plants too. LOL, How about making it a serenity garden or something
  7. The K9 doesn't work, so I never use it. I don't use the SWR. I usually drop a USCG diver The military. Though I do find the 5 ton's are very capable of loading up with medics during a big event. The helicopters: The lifelight is used SOMETIMES, but other than that, I don't use the birds. Cones, flares, barriers, vests, etc Motorcycle cops: They can't chase anyone down, so they're useless except for traffic control
  8. Ok, seriously, real or not, this is Xpolorer's submod. So, in all fairness, HE can do whatever HE wants to with HIS submod. If he wants to make a 7265 ft long ufo that insta-kills fire with a cannon that shoots a combination of water and overweight marmosets then so be it (I hope you were writing that down Xplorer ). The submod police aren't going to break down his door with a cease-and-desist demand. Not trying to play forum police here, or get anyone riled up, but this is a place for creativity. Let him do what he wants (and you know Xplorer, he'll do what he wants anyway) So how about we take a step back and go back to giving Xplorer constructive comments on his work.
  9. 4000? Do we even have that many users?
  10. Hmm, i see your points. Another option is to make it optional (like the ambulance scripts for your other submod)
  11. Yes, because they're so similar, if you can get into one you can get into the other. You have to be an American citizen to get ANY job in the US (or, if it's not that big a job, a working permit)
  12. Right, but I want to shy away from saying specific places. For ex.: the pipe at the shell station might explode, but you hear someone call for the pipe at wal-mart
  13. I would say if you can't make the quint functional, then just either put the rescue in or leave the current ladder. We're already used to a ladder in that spot and the current ladder is free of bugs
  14. when on the index pages: where the date of the most recent post should be is instead replaced by a bunch of random numbers.
  15. YES! That is more like what I'm looking for. I'll keep in touch with you
  16. THAT is what I'm looking for (except the ones I crossed out. I also want to keep away from street names and business names since the same events can happen in more than one area. I also want to keep away from EXACT units to send since everyone sends different things to different emergencies. What I may do is just have someone simply say something to the effect of "911, what is your emergency?" and that would be it for the operator side. The rest would come from the civy's
  17. Well, I have a couple ideas about that. I could arrange a skype or teamspeak type teleconference and do it that way Or I could have the dispatcher say general things. It all depends on who I can get to do voices
  18. I've seen them do both (in videos) My guess it would either depend on SOP's or the level of laziness they are experiencing
  19. I ban you.... I don't know why, I just do Now don't get up
  20. While that was good, unfortunately it is not what I'm looking for. Instead of hearing a dispatch, you will hear someone that is calling 911 and reporting the emergency. I'm not sure how better to explain this.
  21. The first time i went through, I did the United Provinces. But now, I'm going to try and go through as a good ole American. I usually play on easy though. I'm what you call a "content tourist". I play games for games and not usually because I want a challenge.
  22. GREAT! That's 2 out of I don't know how many. NFK, if you wanna get the word around to the other mods and see if they're interested that'd be great. Now, what I need now is a sample 911 call from each of you. You can call to report whatever, creativity is KEY! You can either post it here or, if you prefer, you can PM my the file.
  23. Hopefully it will turn out to be. I just need the voices. If it's a matter of sounding "stupid" in the game or whatnot, anonymity is guaranteed to anyone who requests it. I just need people willing to lend voices
  24. Were you that D-bag that would put stuff like "hammer time" on the STOP signs?
  25. i'm not a scripter, but wouldn't you be able to compare the tow truck's gohome scripts to an ambulances gohome scripts? The ambulance is really the ony one that keeps it's lights and siren going when ordered home (well, the hospital)
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