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Posts posted by RestingVermin

  1. Okay Guys. I have taken a short vacation so no updates for a few days but there are some replys.


    Bugi: Yeah I will be working more soon on that. Thanks for your opinion!


    ThatOnelowan: I dont see the the interceptors thats why I did a skin for a other one.


    Itchboy: The skin will be updated on the units. I forgot to write that the lightbar whas going to be added later on. I had a thought a few days ago to add some of bamas stuff on the PD if I coud get permission but I don't know what happened to that idea. But now I will add some of his stuff if I get permission. I agree 100% to everything you said  and I will work more when I get back home. And I will have new models on one (if not 2) fire station(s) and a new hospital building. That will be made by THVFD that is very kind of doing that.


    Mikey: As I said in to the comment to Itchboy, I forgot to say that the lightbar will be added later on. Thank you for the information though! :)


    Newfoundking: Thanks for more information! The nubers and text will be added in the next update I will post.


    rcpd: It will be added later on! :)



    Now after reading all these comments. I feel like I have rushed this mod too much. And something I want to point out is that I dont have all the time in the world to work on this mod. I still have school and it's much I need to train on for many tests. Next time you see an update there will be more work being done on the units.

    Thank you for all your opinions and comments! :)

  2. I will continue this mod in the future!


    Thank You for all your support and kind words after this time!





    Good news!


    Tot07 and maybe some other people will still work on the mod! Now Tot07 will  be the leader while I'm gone! soo all updates will come from him when he have some!

    We are open to anyone thta wants to help out! But you need to know how to mod!

    You just need to know how to skin, model etc.

    Please pm me or tot07 if you want to join!




    Good News Nr.2!


    Thanks to corsair he will help making this mod! He will help getting new lights and skins! So a HUGE thank you to him! So I guess I'm back on track again! :D 

  3. I'm afraid i've got some bad news!


    The current state of this mod is not good from my side. I'm not feeling on working on this mod anymore. I dont have the excitement to work on it! I got help doing the police skins. I'm not feeling it. :/ Any suggestions or questions or anything like that just PM me! 

    I'm not sure if I want to continue but I'll see. If anyone want's to continue this mod with me then PM me.

    There will most likely not coming any updates from my side for a uknown time. 

    Sorry guys!

  4. UPDATE!


    Well I have not posted here in a few days. I'm working on ambulances and some more fire engines so there will be coming an update in a few days or sooner! 

    But here is a closer look at the Collapse Rescue (With wheels  ;)) And a sneak peak for the ambulances!  (They are not done)


    Me and tot07 have a problem with the map. If there is someone that is good with virtual objects and other stuff, please PM me! We really need help to get this new map working! 






  5. Hello Guys! You maybe know me as the guy that is making a Denver mod. But if you haven't checked the mod out then check it out here


    But now to what your here for, the clan!

    As you see in the topic title, the name is Emergency First On Scene (EFOS) We are a brand new clan! If you want to join then go here and answer the questions! 


    The clan will get the Denver Mod 5 days before everybody else! 

    The owners are RestingVermin and ProGamer2000.

    Teamspeak IP: eu.gamersvoip.net:10112

  6. OK, seeing as you removed my note on your previous post, I'll post instead so you can't remove it.


    There is no need whatsoever to constantly increase your font size and use red text. Misuse of font sizes is actually mentioned in the ToS, so please keep to using the standard size for the main body of your post.


    Don't really want to have to start warning you...


    Is it Ok with larger ''title''?

  7. Here is my question, since you intend to accept "donations" for this mod, do you intend to share said donations with the modifications/modders in which you've used content from their mods or their efforts?  It seems quite inappropriate to attempt to profit from a modification if you're the only party that will receive any compensation when you've used other's works/efforts for your base, if you have created ground-up new content it's a different story, but when you're using other's works to build off of it seems quite inappropriate in my book to accept "donations" when you did not create the original content being used.

    I just accept donations and when someone gives a donation I will share it with people that I have got models and other stuff from, so it's not only me that is going to have the money.

  8. I think this truck is a heavy duty truck because when you open the cages there's stuff stored inside like the jaws of life, fire hoses, fire extinguisher, etc. So it can be used for car crashes. One question, will the beta be released soon for all of us or will it be a first release?


    I can't say what time it will be released! I do not know how much time i have to work on it beacuse of personal life! 


    The Beta as a said will be released to the clan, Donators and some youtubers! When the full version is ready the donators will be getting it 2 days before anyone else! Then the clan will get their version and then the public will get theirs! :) 

    We have a similar type unit but much older and it's on a ford chassis but ours has scene lighting on all sides it carries extra scba tanks and is used to fill them up at the scene. I saw one pic where the back driver side compartment had two cord reels at the top and the rest was storage for the tanks. If you need more info you could always contact them on here https://m.emergency-planet.com/DENVERFIREDEPARTMENTCO


    Thank you! :)

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