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Everything posted by Corsair

  1. Will you be using the impala or the crown vic in this version or adding both. Will some cars have the "interior lighting" just like the impala with the lightbar has?
  2. From here? Because here they dont sell it
  3. Where did you download the game from?
  4. Since you guys are using the same cars from MikeyPI, do you thing the mod that EM4life has made for the lights of the cars will work?
  5. Is their any way we can make the firetrucks appear at the stations instead of just calling them in?
  6. They look realistic and awesome! Will it be in the LA MOD 3.1.5?
  7. Me too don't worry. I think he will fix them later and I also have missing model files in front of walmart so no worries'
  8. Yeah thats a bug so only when it comes out it will maybe work
  9. Yeah I would like that we just need to make a path for it to patrol. Can anyone teach me how to do a patrol path?
  10. It would be cool to call lock downs to the schools
  11. Thanks for the tip but I used another link and it worked so thanks for the tip anyway.
  12. I think RestingVermin would like that! I'll ask him tomorrow and thanks for the offer
  13. That would be nice and it would look realistic with the highway
  14. Nice to hear that. So you guys are also going to use the script to spawn different vehicles?
  15. I don't know if this mod is coming out on Friday (May 15, 2015) and if it is then I am really excited. I like the call out where it says that they res' a stolen car or amok driver but I don't like when it ends as soon as police officers get to his car. I want it to be more realistically so they chase him and when the car stops, the cops pull out their guns and get him out of their vehicle and I also want to add a suggestion. PaganiZonda760 you should just turn up the probability of this callout somewhat because I turned it up and looked more realistically but this is my opinion and a suggestion.
  16. Just out of curiosity, do you guys think you might use some of MikeyPI stuff that he made in New York V1.0.1?
  17. Emergency 4 is my Life!!

  18. You can post them here so people who get the same bugs as you, will not report them because you already did.
  19. Can anyone help me because I still can't see the ambulance.
  20. You didn't get everyone mate. If it is by the gas station then remember that the house still has people in the back still protesting
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