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Everything posted by WildcatsMike

  1. Interesting Idea. I've never seen a standalone soundtrack on this site. That being said, there are a few mods (Manhattan, LA 4x4, etc.) that change the soundtracks, but a standalone soundtrack is interesting. Looking forward to checking this out.
  2. Other than the Lifeguard submod for the LA mod, I don't think I've seen any Lifeguards. Interesting! Unfortunately, I have no experience, so I won't be of much use. Good luck! EDIT: And the Portuguese mod. They have a lifeguard too.
  3. Wrong game. Check out this topic for help. http://forum.emergency-planet.com/topic/14387-modinstallerexe-will-not-work-911-first-responders-from-amazon/
  4. Hey guys, What kind of rigs do you have? I'm curious to see how many people can run EM5 at max and how many can't run it at all. I need a new graphics card myself, but I should be good then! PC Specs: CPU: AMD FX 4300 quad-core 3.80 ghz GPU: Nvidia GeForce GT 610 Gigabyte GeForce GTX 760 2 GB RAM: 8 gb DDR3 Harddrive: 1 TB
  5. I tend to be better at 1st person shooters, so I think I might not get destroyed on GTA: Online now! ^_^
  6. Wee woo. Wee woo. Wee woo.

  7. Version 1.0


    This mini-mod replaces the British dispatcher from the Freeplay portion of the game with the LCPD dispatcher (A.K.A 'Control') from GTA: IV. Features + Replaces audio of dispatcher in all 46 freeplay events. + Replaces video of dispatcher with the LCPD/FDLC logo. ------ Created using Audio files from the LCPD:FR modification for Grand Theft Auto: IV. Installation instructions are in the 'About.txt' file. ***BE SURE TO FOLLOW NUMBER 4!*** I hope you guys enjoy! -FDNY Battalion 2.
  8. Amazing job so far! (Also, music choice for Pt. 3 is 10/10, would dance again.)
  9. Fix is out. Unless I have a major reason to do so, this will probably be the final release.
  10. Ok, I released a version. However, the images are off center. This is because converting from a .mp4 file to a .mpg file increased the resolution. I can't change it back because when I open them with movie maker, I can only save it as a .mp4 And hence the cycle begins. .-. I'll work on fixing it on Tuesday, because i'm busy the rest of the week.
  11. Hmm... I'm in a little pickle here. :L I converted all of them to .mpg files, but when I converted them, the size increased. When I try to fix it in movie maker, I can only save as an .mp4 file.. To google! *Sigh*
  12. http://forum.emergency-planet.com/files/file/544-los-angeles-mod-v21-unpacked-textures/ L.A mod 2.1 unpacked textures.
  13. Thank you, I appreciate it. On a separate note, I should be able to release it today. All I have to do is test and upload.
  14. Oh wow, I missed that somehow? My bad. The one I am making varies from yours a little bit. Example: Food poisoning on yours is 'Medical Emergency'. On my version, it's 'Report of T.B, Noose respond'. I don't want to plagiarize, so if you don't want me do release it, then I won't.
  15. My brain is fried. Then again, that's not much different than anytime else. ;-;

  16. Maybe, but I need a new card anyway, so this motivates me.
  17. THE GTA: IV DISPATCH MOD Hey guys, and I'd like to present to you the Grand Theft Auto: IV Dispatch mod for Emergency 4. This is a little mini-mod that I had the urge to make while I was bored. It features... Audio from the GTA: IV Police 'Control' radio in freeplay. (Replaces the supervisor)The LCPD/FDLC logo to replace the British Dispatcher in Freeplay events. Estimated Release: October 31st, 2014 October 29th, 2014. NOTE: Red FDLC background is a fire call, white FDLC background is a medical call. (If it is flashing both, then it has confirmed reports of both by Dispatch.) Gameplay Video: Download (1.0): http://www.mediafire.com/download/z34ki31u64d3fqd/GTA+IV+Dispatch+mod.rar Any questions/comments, feel free to let me know! - FDNY Battalion 2.
  18. The first time I loaded the mod, I freaked out because of the box alarm. Love this mod, and it's probably one of the hardest mods I've played. (Montana mod fires give me trouble >_<)
  19. On second thought, i'm gonna wait for EM5.

  20. My Ndivia GeForce GT 610 isn't gonna do it, will it? =( Oh well. I needed an upgrade anyway, to match the 8gb of Ram and AMD Fx 4300.
  21. Alrighty, I think i'm gonna ATTEMPT to put out a Cincinnati mod. Will not create topic until some progress is made. :D

  22. Ok, so... A couple of things to note: You aren't going to get much (if any) help at all if you don't have experience or have nothing to show.I suggest planning out the units/map BEFORE you announce the mod and ask for help.Present your first post better if you are serious about making this mod happen.I'd love to see this mod happen, but most mods that say "I need help with almost everything" don't end up happening. Good luck with the mod though, just my tips.
  23. Thinking of throwing out a small mod before EM5 comes out..

  24. I think I broke it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aajZR5sFHwk
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