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Posts posted by itchboy

  1. On 10/23/2020 at 8:16 PM, folcer1993 said:

    I am playing this game for many years in my own computer. I wanted to install it on my business PC. But game is smooth unles i click on any LA Mod unit, it lowers the FPS recognizably. I wonder if there is any solution for that?

    ( Even my own pc at home, it starts fps drops from one point if i play too much or spawn much units )

    Based on reports from the German forums, this tends to happen on AMD GPU's unfortunately. It also happens to some mobile GPU users, integrated GPU users and reportedly even some high end NVIDIA cards.

    Once this post is bumped, I hope it encourages other AMD users to chime in if this problem does happen to them or not.

  2. 23 minutes ago, acin00 said:

    Mod is amazing and attention to details is crazy.

    I noticed that front right-corner blinker on SWAT Heavy Rescue Truck isn't working.

    Also there's missing dot after "D" in BLS Ambulance roof #848, on rear left doors. "L.A.F.D", i bet it's not intended. SWAT Rescue 3 (water cannon) doesn't have dot aswell ("L.A.P.D", both sides I believe).

    Engineers Van should have ability to turn on front lighbar and rear traffic advisor simultanously imho. Maybe Coroner's Van aswell. Right now turning on traffic advisor causes shutting off 4/5 of the lights, quite odd looking.

    The Heavy Rescue truck does have that issue and I'll take care of it next time.

    Ambulance 848 is quite the mindfuck. I actually had the period after the D, but after review of reference photos, they didn't have it.unnamed.jpg.8c8e3cd144857b42bec9372755734f8f.jpg

    The big V100 does have a mistake on the lettering which I will fix soon.

    The other traffic advisor equipped vehicles run on the same "override" script that turns off the lights of units when you turn directionals on. If you feel that the current setup doesn't look right, then I'll add some exceptions in the scripts.

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  3. 19 minutes ago, Tamir said:

    If I got a save that has 20+ mins, when I put the bugfixes in, can I continue with that save or need to make a new game?


    also (this is me just asking you don't have to do it if you can't/don't want to) will you be able to update here or on the actual downloadable page for each version what you added/fixed, just so it will be easy to know whats new and what not


    I don't know about savegame stability. It would be cool if you could try and confirm for us.

    I think I will add a changelog to the updates from now on, so that you can be guided. I figured a post would be enough but you are correct that I should do better with regards to documentation.

  4. 6 hours ago, LT_Shadow said:

    For the heli it's both I think. One thing that I know for sure is the AI gets stuck and is uncontrollable (helicopter works fine at least but the paramedic with a stretcher doesn't work)


    The tiller isn't available in the menu during the campaign mission Summit bombing. It works fine in free mode. I haven't tested it in any other mission yet.


    I've uploaded the heli fix, but I haven't worked on the missions being fixed quite yet.

    Try out the heli fix at least so you guys can confirm if things are working.

    In the meantime I am making dev modern 2016-2021 assets for the modding community.

  5. On 2/12/2021 at 10:02 AM, Mikey_CDN said:

    Yes, it happened to me before and after I installed the patch that fixes the traffic light bug.

    I have now found the bug and will be fixing it and uploading shortly.

    In the meantime, I have a whole bunch of old style police assets that are not for this mod or even for LA. If anybody wants these assets to start their own 90s mods, they can PM me.

    Click on the "reveal hidden contents" to see the units.



    Another big update is that I've made another 2 classic cars. One is LAPD, the other is LASD.


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  6. Here's a WIP of the rollback truck cab, the International S1800

    This cab is/was used by a lot of agencies and I will be uploading many of the older commercial cabs as separate dev assets in the future for others needing them.


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  7. Uploaded here for anybody who needs it

    Here are another three POV's that are preliminary. The ELS has not been set up on them which I will be sending to hqueen again.

    I will be doing more of the user suggestions as I am able to make the vehicles. Some of them don't exist in Em4 yet (Journey, dually F350, Subaru, CRV) so these will take time unfortunately.1389830796_Em4Deluxe2021-02-1218-36-46-39.thumb.png.78f9fdfd755fdcdc503d28a6954b54f4.png

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  8. I think a lot of you have been wanting this in Em4 for a while.

    Here she is, as a POV based on 2 suggestions I received.

    This will be coming out first as a dev asset, ASAP.

    I look forward to all the police departments in all the Em4 mods that will have this bad boy, finally.

    Special thanks to Yankee43 for providing his original edits to the model. All I did was finish what he left off.


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  9. 6 hours ago, Mikey_CDN said:

    I've encountered a bug where if you send an air ambulance to the hospital with a patient, you get a script error and subsequent crashimage.png.d907869303c442edf7c34642f0f1eb53.png

    Did you install the submod patches and bugfixes?

    1 hour ago, Tamir said:

    I don't know if this a bug or you made it that way but you can't get the LAX fire engine water supply from hydrant I didn't test relay from engine to engine tho.

    No this isn't intentional. I'll get to fixing this in a bit.

  10. 12 hours ago, BrooklynDispatcher said:

    Similar to how it is done in City of Angels, would a dispatch center with pre-filled "run cards" (as we call it in real life) be possible? For example.. you click on the dispatcher ped to open up the menu, and it has "FIRE ALARM", "RESIDENTIAL FIRE", "COMMERCIAL FIRE", and so on in the button menu. From there, if you were to click "FIRE ALARM", it would tone out the volunteers, and it requests X apparatus. In real life at my firehouse our run card for any fire alarm (residential or commercial) is an Engine Company, Truck Company, and a chief. Normally the assignment would be held to the engine if the truck co. isn't needed but that is how it works for us.

    Another example. Residential Structure Fires for us will call for 3 engines, 2 trucks, and a rescue for rapid intervention along with the chief. All other chiefs can respond of course, but they don't get immediately attached in CAD.

    Just a thought. Not sure the complexity of this. Something like it has already been done in West Falls, so just a concept. This is what our small town of 2000 uses. Could fit well

    This was my initial concept but it proved too difficult because of how the volunteer firefighter system was made. Instead I just left it to the player to decide how to dispatch the units.

    7 hours ago, Fred03 said:

    An interesting idea but remember in a lot of rural areas the volunteer base isn't consistent enough to allow for that level of advance planning. We would get toned for a fire, everyone would go to the station and we'd take as many trucks as we guessed we'd need with whatever people we had. When we got a residential structural fire and only 2 people responded we only took one truck and called (prayed) for mutual aid. Then we had the time where we had a 4 acre brush fire burning slowly surrounded by dirt roads already and we had so many people respond we rolled the brush truck and then 2 engines full of people just because we could.

    I have tweaked the volunteer script so you get between two to four personnel in the day time, and at most, six at night.
    The player has the responsibility to dispatch the appropriate number of units per call.

    Here's some updates to playable units. Colors have been done, and I am readying up the resources for liveries.

    Em4Deluxe 2021-02-11 17-26-00-70.png

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  11. On 2/5/2021 at 1:14 PM, cfdsquad3 said:

    Will there still be National Guard units? Cool if there’s not, just curious.

    Probably not due to the amount of work I'm already having to do.

    4 minutes ago, madlysk1 said:

    What part of montana dose the montana mod take place in?

    The southwest, right at the border between Idaho and Montana through Beaverhead County.

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  12. 2 hours ago, SuperStumpje said:

    I double checked it in the editor and I'm not actually losing it. The red lights of the dual colour flasher things on the front quarter panels, as well as the rear one on the left side of the body are set to have a yellow corona. For quick reference, they're lights 13, 18 and 20. The rest is fine.

    This is on the "newer" BLS ambulance right?

    I have it fixed. Will include it in the next set of bugfixes.

  13. 1 hour ago, Kidfireman723 said:

    The Med-flight breaks the game when you send it to the hospital with someone hurt in it


    28 minutes ago, LT_Shadow said:

    In the campaign the tiller isn't available. It's also the only working ladder in the mod. Thus making the mission impossible to beat since you have transport all victims. 

    I've seen that happen to myself as well. Had a person in shock and the paramedic with the stretcher got stuck on the back of the heli

    Do you get a script error with the helicopter or just a stuck AI?

    As for the tiller, what happens with it? Is it unavailable in the menu or does the cab spawn but the trailer doesnt?

  14. 27 minutes ago, SuperStumpje said:

    Found a small error a little while ago already that I fixed on my end but I should probably mention it anyways, the rear turn signals on the foam truck are both assigned to the same blinker setting. I can't remember if it was left or right, but either way when it goes one way it looks like it has its hazard lights on, and the other way it doesn't signal at all. Don't ask me how I noticed, I don't know.

    Something also seems off about the colour of a few of the lights on the BLS ambulance. I haven't looked into it yet but it could be some have an amber corona while the actual light is red?

    Where are you noticing the issue with the amber coronas on teh ambulance? The lightbar? Or the body panel lights?

    I will fix the turn signal on the foam tender. Thanks for bringing that to my attention.

  15. 4 hours ago, BrooklynDispatcher said:

    Can confirm; traffic lights are extremely fast. Cycles last for like half of a second. 


    On 2/7/2021 at 12:40 PM, Mikey_CDN said:

    Exactly, always near the tunnel on the north-east side and south east-sides where vehicles spawn (EDIT: You can see the bug in TheNorthernAlex's recent freeplay video)

    I have uploaded a possible fix for it. Its in the Submod Patches and bugfixes.rar. The light timings on the problematic lights were boosted and I hope it works for you.

    3 hours ago, Giacomo Govoni said:

    I have a question, is it normal that in free to play there is no 1988 Caprice unmarked, 1995 Caprice unmarked, and other patrol cars that are in the editor while not in game? did i have some procedure wrong or should they just be entered ?

    They randomly spawn in by chance. I did not make unit icons and slots for them because it would make the load times worse. Instead, I will make a "change car" script in the future so you can have whatever variant you want in your playthrough.

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  16. 7 hours ago, Fred03 said:

    Do you plan to change the POV lights in question to bring them into "compliance" with Montana's POV light laws?

    Absolutely. Red in front and rear is the minimum requirement and since there was no mention of sirens, I'll assume it means there's no siren privileges. I'll also assume that because of the red being mentioned, other lights like amber and white may flash as well but not blue because that's LEO.

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  17. 3 hours ago, fedb82 said:

    Also, why can I only post with a mod's approval?

    Because in the year 2009, a whole bunch of spambots flooded the site with ads for xanax, gucci bags and porn.

    As a result, all new accounts have to be approved manually for their first post.

    The spam problem continues to this day, I had to remove over 100 spam accounts and they're still coming. They're getting smarter too, and making "human-like" posts on random dead threads but advertising random crap like online casinos and lingerie.

    If people could post immediately, then this site would be infested with posts like this:


    The LA mod is still available here:



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