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Everything posted by itchboy

  1. Just like paths. Just be sure to connect them to one another. Try using that map that I sent you.
  2. itchboy

    My BOSTON MOD Edit!

    I guess he still wasn't able to fix that hose connector bug he posted a while ago. We should just wait for him to upload the mod in his own time.
  3. Well...that works too. Setting graphics details to low disables the alpha effect on objects whether it is enabled or not. But I wonder if The Loot is willing to sacrifice bloom effects, water shader effects and smooth shadows just for one glitchy firetruck despite the fact he has a frickin' GTX 780.
  4. Unfortunately...no. https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Documentation/FAQ/Macros/Can_I_use_my_Microsoft_Office_macros%3F https://forum.openoffice.org/en/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=61569#p272568 Fortunately there is a tool for that. BUT it is in German. http://www.emergency-forum.de/index.php?page=DatabaseItem&id=1927
  5. Give it to me...Or shoud I give you my textures?
  6. I'll wait when those mods are completed then I'll be sure to ask them. Anyway, I am planning the first addon for the mod. Vans. So far, have done the Ford E Series. Chevrolet Express next on the list. Right now, I have regular and extended E series vans in cargo and passenger sets. Will be making a cargo van similar to this:
  7. Paint.net? Try setting transparency to 100%. If this doesnt work, try saving it in DXT3 or DXT5 and see if it comes out fine.
  8. Thats probably it. DDS files have certain transparency settings that are different from PNG. The game reads these formats differently. Try going back to DXT1 DDS in your converter from PNG.
  9. Well....since there are already existing object sets, then maybe having to do them may not be so necessary. I will at least try to do what is still missing though.
  10. Well...I sorta want to do road signs and garbage cans. Pretty easy to do compared to buildings.
  11. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I guess the signs and mailboxes are the easiest to do. The buildings...not so much, but there is a first time for everything.
  12. New Ford E350 Ambulance available

  13. As Hoppah said, it would be very time consuming for me to have to update cars every time something new comes out. So I wont be considering it too much. Regarding his idea of an objects pack, that would be difficult as I dont really know what objects would be considered "American". Same goes for buildings. Anyway, I've done an ambulance version of the E350: http://forum.emergency-planet.com/files/file/572-ford-e350-ambulance/ The link for the Civil Cars Mod is up again at the download page. http://forum.emergency-planet.com/files/file/571-american-civil-car-replacement-pack/
  14. Well...this technically was it http://forum.emergency-planet.com/files/file/572-ford-e350-ambulance/
  15. Version 1.4.1


    Ambulance pack. New and improved. Get it now! Credit me for the E350 and E450 models and the ambulance boxes. Credit EA for the Chevrolet Express model and Ubisoft for the Dodge Ram, Ford F350 model and pair rear wheels.
  16. Nahhh..the CCC is a very massive project. Don't want to go up against that. Also, there aren't many european car models that aren't already in that mod. I would rather leave it up to them to update their things as I dont have much knowledge of euro cars. Im going to release the ambulance as a separate thing. I also plan on doing a moving truck version.
  17. Better pictures. Available in regular and extended versions. Should I consider making an ambulance version?
  18. Yes. There isnt a model of the new one apart from Nnico's model. UPDATE: DONE!!
  19. In that case, someone has to model and animate new gates OR you would have to find a gate model that opens like that.
  20. Are you going to be doing any scratch firetrucks or are you gonna use from other mods?
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