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Everything posted by SleepyLizard

  1. you need to go into the cars properties, then edit traits (maybe, i cant remember off the top of my head) then select the option person trapped inside, then add the name of the person in one of the boxes.
  2. go and practise on the freeplay map or something. thats what i did!
  3. Did u do the usual, run as admin etc? when starting up the game?
  4. Ow dam, so thats what i was doing wrong! i wondered what was going on! Ok station 1 and 2 sorted, time to get station 3 working!
  5. Ive havent added in the battalion cheif for Firestation 3 which is ChildID == 9 in ur code, is that what u mean? I have been looking thro yours, i dont know where to look tbh. Ive been concentration on LAToFireStation as the problem is returning to the station, but no luck! Ill keep looking! *EDIT* Sitrep, when i send a unit back to Station 1 or 2, the front doors(if open) close and the rears dont. For station 3, when sent back, nothing, the units then go and park via the open front door and thats it.
  6. Please note, i did this on V1.8 of the La Mod! LAFireStation.script LAToFireStation.script
  7. Ive dug out my old files and attempted to get somewhere. atm i am at the stage where the rear doors dont open, but when the unti gets inside using the front door and parks, the rear doors open. In the Lafiresation.script, i am unsure if lines 98 and 99 are meant to be like that, if u could double check them that would be good! in that quick look thats all i saw, ill ocntinue and have a longer look and compare to mine.
  8. Thanks for finding that FFW and thanks for the translation!!
  9. Deja Vu! http://forum.emergency-planet.com/index.php?/topic/12664-functions-in-em4-with-mods/page__pid__173317#entry173317 I cant help you with ur first problem. Your second porblem i would suggest trying this and see if it works!
  10. 3rd post! and then read the first post to get an english translation and patch downloads!
  11. Been nothing since it was taken down as far as i am aware
  12. Do you mean these map textures in this post??
  13. stop being lazy and do the leg work! read two posts down from the first link i posted! All the information is there, all uve got to do is read it and find out what to do! If u cant see it, search a little harder!
  14. Look throught this topic, or use the search button to search thro that topic!
  15. dont u just run the application/installer and it does it for you???
  16. Yeh a video would be nice to see of your work! Its good to here this mod is being worked on again!
  17. LOL, yeh i had issues like that. 1 issue i had was when a unit returned to the third station, the rear door it was facing wouldnt open up, it was another rear door on one of the other stations! I feel your pain guys! hope you can get it sorted!
  18. May i ask what troubles you guys are having?! When i attempted it, It was the doors that was giving me headaches.
  19. Thank you for all your hard work Hoppah! It was an honour to be able to play the LA mod for Em3 and Em4!!
  20. The thanks button, would be to to thank the user for the post as it was informative, correct or interest. Or even for complements, instead of making a post just to say "good job". But if its possible to get the + and - working, then that would work in the same way. i just suggested a thanks button as i didnt know if you planned to get the + or - working.
  21. Why not add a thanks button?! or activating the post + or - buttons in the bottom corner of each post. I would use them when all i want to say its "good job" but dont know if others will!
  22. Ok, if you want to be all Space and save the Enviroment, then can you tell me how harmful monomethyl hydrazine fuel is and how hard is it to make/store etc?
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