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Everything posted by Hoppah

  1. Just when people were starting to think there was no hope left for the Los Angeles Mod, I happely present the newest addition! MikeyPI has built a AS350 Eurocopter Ecureuil and it will come in three versions: a LAPD, LASD and CHP version! The AS350 Eurocopter Ecureuil is also known as AStar in the US. Screenshots: LAPD: Source: Flickr LASD: Source: Flickr CHP: Source: Flickr The screenshots were made in the Emergency 4 editor and do not present actual game functions or gameplay. The older LAPD helicopter will be replaced. The helicopter is on scale and has completely new animations made by me. The CHP and LASD versions might be added to the Additional Units Submod instead of the main mod to to preserve the mod from having helicopters which are the same purpose. To save bandwidth, the helicopters will be released as an update to the mod. So instead of a 'Los Angeles Mod v2.1' it will come with patch/update 2.0.2 for Los Angeles Mod v2.0. Model & textures by MikeyPI Animations by Hoppah Photography by MikesPhotos
  2. Degrees as in angle, Celsius, Fahrenheit or Kelvin? A comination maybe?
  3. I might add one when they are in use by the LAFD and MikesPhotos made a walkaround of one of them.
  4. Judging is easy, isn't it? It's simple, it was a very bad assessment of the pilots, but things like that always happen during war. In a very short timeframe you need to make a decision if you're going to react or not. That's what every soldier in the world needs to do during war. When you see someone holding 'something', it might be a weapon threatening the lifes of you or other people. As a soldier, it's IMPOSSIBLE to wait until you are 100% sure what they were holding. And guess what, things like this probably happen every day. Unfortunately, war is never good. You know nothing about pressure, stress and responsibility during wartimes. edit: Tomahawks shooting down aircraft?
  5. I think it's clear what the title says. Asking for a release date is NOT ALLOWED and will result in a 2 day ban.
  6. I can't give permission for ideas. They don't contain things I don't want to see, but you have to create something first before I can give permission to release it. Didn't I give you permission for the US Army medic a long time ago? Anyway, you got permission to release your US Army submod. Make sure to add a proper readme and other documentation. Oh and make sure to add a screenshot of the mod to the first post of this topic.
  7. Out of an average of 50 users that are online on this forum at any given moment you really think there is at least 1 who reads this topic at the time you posted it?
  8. It is the 'Realistic Mod' as described in the first post that soulbody wants to release?
  9. Huh? That lightbar is already in the main mod.
  10. The helmet itself is also different in real life.
  11. The Federal Signal Arjent lightbar is LED too? The LAPD Patrol Car already has it. http://www.fedsig.com/products/images/main/583006AppCombo.jpg
  12. If you can send me what you have made so far I will see what I can do.
  13. I am willing to finish the cab as soon I have time. The cabin will be added to a new version of the Additional Units Submod.
  14. Ok, I took a look at the topic and you got permission to release it.
  15. I was basically referring to the push bumper only. Push bumpers are designed to protect the car or act as a battering ram, not to put as many lights as possible in it. It's just redundent and it's unnecessary expensive. One simple 'push' and these lights are damaged. The car looks nice, but it's going to be too expensive. It will never be as popular as the Crown Victoria.
  16. Congratulations to your new son, Francis. Since we all have a free speech of mind, I do have to say that I agree to Bart and I'm probably not the only one who agrees with him. I wonder if Francis -15 years old- is actually capable of raising a kid. Whetether it's normal in your country or not in my opinion it was just plain stupid to get a kid at that age. I really hope your parents give their full support, but keep in mind that a baby needs his real parents too if he wants to grow up normally. These were my 2 cents, I hope your kid is healthy and grows up normally.
  17. Blinky light brigade got paid for this? That car would actually look good as a christmas tree. J*sus.
  18. I am almost certain I asked you to get my permission again when you want to release a submod with other major changes. This is not just an upgrade to the 'US Army & Freeplay Limousine' submod. This submod doesn't even contain these limousines at all. So Francis and Newfoundking are right. You obviously thought you could release anything you want once you have permission for something simple, you're wrong..
  19. Thanks for the information. What mod? Link?
  20. The error describes your problem? Do not save the file in a temporary folder. So you have to save the file somewhere else on your HDD.
  21. The switch might work, although it needs to be tested to be certain. Remove the 'Dive' command from the diver, so it runs like every fire fighter does for default. Then create a simple command 'Prepare to dive' which does this: - Adds 'Dive' command - Removes 'Prepare to dive' command - Adds 'Clear dive state' command The last one reverts it all back to default state. Edit: Make sure to add something to script that prevents the 'Clear dive state' command from being executed while the diver is in the water.
  22. Just click ok and you can continue installing the mod.
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