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Everything posted by Ace

  1. I'm not sure if this is the problem, but you have DirectX11 and EM4 requires DirectX9
  2. I ban you for scientifical reasons
  3. (Countryside EMS) Your transporting a patient having a stroke to the hospital. You witness a car run a red light hitting 4 motorists on your way. The people flag you down.
  4. Is there special drivers for firetrucks? A very pro driver that can't fight fires but just drive.
  5. If a robber is cycling away on his bike and your chasing him on foot, are you allowed to tackle him giving the person serious injuiries? Or is it not worth hospitalizing someone over a robbery? I know if it's not a robber, but a murder, you would tackle them...
  6. Your driving a firetruck code to a structure fire when a boy chasing a cat jumps in front of you and the truck hits him.
  7. Downgrading from i5 to amd even though v3 is coming out soon..must play
  8. Ace

    Madrid Mod

    woah I see nice units above
  9. Do you have to once be a constable to become a detective or SWAT member? What happens if there's a bomb threat at dispatch central, police, fire, ems stations all at once? Would the city go into chaos Why do firetrucks always come with ambulances? Because they're trained in first aid and to assist with manpower. Why do firetrucks come with ambulances when police are already on scene with the ambulance? I don't know, police are trained in first aid and can offer manpower too...
  10. Should people dial fire if they see a huge cloud of black smoke? I see many youtube videos of fires and a huge smoke forming and wondered, wouldn't there be so many calls to 911 because people see smoke? most of the time the fire depts already there...
  11. As soon as the original man notices you going after the secondary, he gets up and starts running away
  12. Your wrestling someone twice your size on the ground and he's resisting arrest. Some man with a baseball bat comes and offers help. You tell him to stay back. He starts beating the man your trying to arrest with the bat. Whatyoudo?
  13. does the EMS supervisor have LED lights inside them? :3
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