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Everything posted by Fred03

  1. I think that while changing the texture would help a lot if you wanted to edit the model to add some new 3D stuff up there it would look better, anyway just my humble opinion.
  2. No the mod isn't dead... it only hasn't had any activity since December 2011!
  3. The smaller equipment vehicle looks a little 2 white on the top. would it be possible to add some equipment just for show up there? Some ammo boxes, a backboard, litter, portable generator (if ya know what i mean)
  4. Met is next. I flipped a coin, sorry. And yes that was a very difficult image their are very few pictures of Rescue 2 on the internet. However if you google "Grand Canyon National Park Rescue 2" you will find the picture I used.
  5. You both were so close together that I don't really know who got it. It depends on when Stumpje edited his post. And yes you both were basically correct. Agency: National Park Service Purpose: Technical rescue and vehicular extraction Location: Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona, United States Congrats
  6. I'll go. Agency (easy) Purpose (easy) Location (hard)
  7. No. Neither Emergency 2012 or Emergency 2013 are moddable (its kinda a sore subject in these parts) Emergency 5 which is not out yet is supposed to be moddable.
  8. Yeah. Short of the NYPD and CHP, I don't think very many agencies still use bubble light bars. Not that I have anything against them but a traditional rotary or LED light bar might be in order
  9. Looks very nice! Are you planning a whole new release or just a patch/expansion.
  10. Seeing as the creator has not even been on the forum since July...no. This is just another dead topic that someone has mistakinly revived, forget about it and go find a current mod to support.
  11. What is so great about steam? I find it really annoying when I buy a hard copy of a game and I have to go on steam and register it just to play single person games.
  12. What will the EMS items do. Will they just heal, be static, or have you added some major new scripts?
  13. Welcome to the forum K9Alex. Good job on the reskin CFDDIVE11! Glad to see the mod is still progressing.
  14. Yeah we are talking about the same piece of equipment. I just jumped from snow to something else, I was thinking of like the forest fire mission or something. I just jumped topics really, sorry.
  15. I did not mean use the bulldozer for clearing streets, that's absurd. I meant if you make a plow snowbank script or something you could make a mission where their is a landslide and use a bulldozer. Or a script to knock down trees like for a fire break.
  16. Looks like Canada! Great work. If I may make a suggestion. Your mod could use a location where all your pictures are together, a flickr page, facebook page or website. Just something like that. I found this forum after the RCMP mod was already a hundred pages and I would really like to see the completed units and maps, I just don't particularly want to surf through 170+ pages to find them. Just a idea.
  17. The lights are great and the models look awesome too. Keep up the good work, this is looking better and better.
  18. The reskins look very good. Especially the fire trucks.
  19. Strange light bar on the ambulance (the real one)
  20. Thank you all I understand much better now. Anyway I believe it is RedHawk's turn.
  21. You can download it for $3 from Amazon.com it goes by the name 911 First Responders, its just a different name for the same game.
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