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Status Updates posted by Texas_DPS

  1. stupid computer virus ate my computer and I lost evrything.....have to start all over with all my stuff

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. MikeyPI


      Yep Nod is one of the friendlier AV's and it does tend to do it's job pretty well so I agree with Xplorer on that one, your drive might be formatted in such a way that only certain setups can read it.. I made that mistake before cost me everything on it.

    3. Xplorer4x4


      Tricksta, Spybot was a great software back in the day, but get with the times. :P No one recommends spybot anymore. Malwarebytes has pretty much taken its place.

    4. MikeyPI


      If one wants to be sure, use em both, better safe than sorry in cases where you're pretty sure you picked something up.... The whole key lies in DPS being able to access the drive without reformatting it though, best of luck on that front=/

  2. Texas_DPS is looking for a million dollars that i dropped out of my pocked the other day, lol

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. erfd


      lol, I found it for you, but I cnt give it back with out your SS number and bank account pin :P Just kidding

    3. Texas_DPS


      you can just call me at the FBI, lol....just ask for the dude who lost the money, lol, jk

    4. gizmo719


      my buddys dad just sold his temp agency, and i got to hold 2 checks that totaled 1.4 mill. OMG happiest moment of my life

  3. thinking about moding the original freeplay map of LA Mod, what do you people out there think?

    1. RedHawk504


      Yes im tottaly watched out on this original map :) if u need any help with making buildings pm me i can make some for you in zmod

    2. Texas_DPS


      since you are the only one interested i started but there is a long way to go, ill post a main thread in a few days with pictures and updates

    3. Ray the Wise

      Ray the Wise

      Add my house on the map. Don't forget the bear traps.

  4. I might release my OMO mod in sections so I can have more time to work on other stuff inside the mod, ill see

  5. im not negitive, i try to brighten everybodys day

  6. most of my computer problems have been from microsoft, they no longer support windows vista sp2 updates, fags


    1. Texas_DPS


      i think ill quit for a few days

  8. DGL must be a bot, 10 posts about it, crazy man, lol

  9. Ale is the man or WOman. which ever fits the bill. thanks Ale

    1. Freakinmusket


      Hey bro, don't know if you have gotten any of my PM's but I have some good modern LACoFD Models if you want to use them in your mod.Hit me up with a PM if your interested.

  10. this almost looks like the wanted pages in a newspaper

  11. Hello Hoppah, hows it going?

  12. ttonyy, what do you mean???

  13. happy birthday to all those who are just a little bit older today, best wishes

  14. so there i was, bored out of my mind, open EM-Planet and laugh out loud @MikeyPI...nice

  15. Happy 235th Birthday US Marines

  16. Happy B-day MikesPhotos and Happy New Year to all

  17. working on a new map

  18. I have a somewhat functional third firestation. just need to ice down some things.

  19. there for a while i thought this was the i need **** section or the mod recruiting area, lol

  20. I hate the LAToFireStation script, its a pain in the patotie, lol

  21. i still hate the LAToFS script, but i understand it more. and you cant split it into 3, but you can put 3 sections in 1 script.

  22. Just when you think you have a script all figured out, YOU DONT. stupid scripts, they are killin me

  23. holding off my LA Mod 2.0.2 Original Map Overhaul until I can get a new pc

  24. Happy Birthday, best wishes, and a Happy New Year

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