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Everything posted by Xplorer4x4

  1. Well since reskins arent allowed that wont happen, plus PIs are not part of the LAPD,LASD,or CHP. There law enforcement, and some times are retired cops, but there not part of an official police department. To the maker, using European type vehicles probably killed any chance you had of getting this released.
  2. ^It hasnt been made yet. Well not for public release. There still taking orders. I believe there waiting for enough pre orders before rolling out a large production line. I guess its a good way to avoid to much money loss.
  3. The first thing you need to do is STOP, imo. Read all the tutorials you can and read around the forums and learn what is involved. Its not really something you can just jump into. Most of the major mods found here, have taken anywhere from 7 months, to a few year. Hoopah didnt make the LA Mod over night. That has been a ongoing project for years.
  4. Really? In Dallas, being a major city and all, I figured they would have a dedicated swat team and response unit. Of course since we are the largest city between Indianapolis(3 hours),Louisville(about 2.5/3 hours), Nashville(2.5 hours), and St Louis(3 hours), you would think our swat team may be a bit more advanced then what is seems to be. I see similarities but I am pretty sure its an International Bank Car. We have an incident command truck actually but the only time its ever used is during the Fall Festival. Other ten that I have never seen it any where.
  5. hmm that looks like an International. I am suprised we even have a SWAT truck. Every pic I have seen of SWAT they showed up in a crown vic and geared up on scene.
  6. ^wtf, I bet they never run a red light again. I wish we had those here as it would cut back on people running red lights. Our city streets simply arent designed to handle the volume of traffic they receive. Last summer was HORRIBLE. There was road construction on literally every major road leading from east to west, and for the first time in history they actually worked on the expressway 24/7 to get it done. One lane closed in each direction during the day and 2 closed at night. The whole reason they worked on the express way was because they didnt level the pavement right in many places. Not to mention there are traffic lights every few miles so you never get far with out a stop light turning red and pissing you off. To top that semi drivers know my city as stop light city. Seriously..any one from the US with that knows a truck driver, ask them about stop light city. Sorry for the rant but our city gets more fucked up by the day :@
  7. Wow lives in the same city all my life(24 years) you would think by now I would have seen it all. Well I was doing research for my mod, and about to give up as from the looks of it many of our SWAT use Crown Vics identical to those on patrol 24/7. Then i finally found this video. So what kinda of SWAT truck is this shown in the video? http://www.courierpress.com/videos/detail/...nds-peacefully/
  8. Indeed, Paint.net and GIMP are the best free editors, but I must say I love my photoshop. Its never came in so handy as it has now.
  9. Zmodeler 2 and Ultimate Unwrap are the only 2 Aps which out put v3o files. I guess Emergencey fits a pretty nich audience unlike racing games and simulators and so forth. Most questions can be covered here in the forums if you search. Some times you may have to dig a bit but its likley there. Makes you realize how hard hoopah and team has worked on the LA Mod, but if you get really stumped, since you were so helpful on my Dive Rescue topic, feel free to drop a PM my way.
  10. http://www.mediafire.com/?q4lbm83mrng There ya go.
  11. The output file name has to be the same as the object name(and i dont mean the file name). If the file name is caprice but the object name is caprice_car then you should save the file as caprice_car. Stan explained it with pics in one of my own threads as I may have done a shitty job with explaining it.
  12. He was wanting police,fire and medical vehicles. Good work guys!
  13. Because I am curious what map it is as I would like to take a look at it and maybe try it out. Why does it matter?
  14. Rename the dds file to v3o. Then go to unpack and browse to that v3o and unpack it. It gives no confirmation message or anything, it just works. Then rename the file back to dds and it is now unlocked and ready to be painted.
  15. It may have been taken in the editor but that still doesnt explain what map texture is used.
  16. ^he didnt make the map so the editor has nothing to do with it. I think you thought i said incident when I said intersection. I was talking about this pic: http://forum.emergency-planet.com/index.ph...ost&p=76390
  17. Normal map as in the original freeplay map from the game, the original deluxe freeplay, original la mod, or original la mod deluxe(is there such a thing)? I just dont recognize that intersection from any maps I played.
  18. Compare the lines of code.. Original is the code from hoopahs v3o. The modified is from my v3o for Dive Rescue 6. If you still dont understand, not to be mean but maybe some one can explain this differently. You simply change one line of code in the v3o.
  19. I made a copy of the LA Mod and renamed the folder to Evansville Mod. I have added new prototypes,scripts and other stuff to this folder. When i try to load it in EM4 Deluxe it says the mod is corrupt. Any ideas what is causing this or how to fix it?
  20. No thats correct. Look at other unit XML files, the problem, although I havent confirmed it, looks like the units id in the XML is <unit id="DIVE_RESCUE_6"> but the folder was 153diverescue6 when it should be 153diverescue6. Sorry for wasting your time but thanks for trying.
  21. Heres the unit.xml file from the dive rescue ambualnce picture I posted a day or two ago. For now I have just placed it on the map as an object, but it has no units stored in it, nor can anyone enter the unit. The XML resides in Emergency 4 Deluxe\Mods\Evansville Mod\Units\Vehicles\Fire Department\153diverescue6 <unit id="DIVE_RESCUE_6"> <campaign> <missions value="1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 24 25"> <prototype name="mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/02 Ev Fire Department/dive_rescue_6.e4p" /> <price value="600" /> <speed value="120" /> <space value="4" /> <loadspace value="0" /> <personnel> <unit id="FF_DIVER" /> <defaultcount value="2" /> </unit> <unit id="FF_EMT"> <defaultcount value="2" /> </unit> <unit id="FF_EMT_SCBA" /> </personnel> <equipment> <unit id="FIRE EXTINGUISHER" /> </equipment> </missions> </campaign> <freeplay> <missions value="1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 22"> <prototype name="mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/02 Ev Fire Department/dive_rescue_6.e4p" /> <price value="600" /> <speed value="120" /> <space value="4" /> <loadspace value="0" /> <personnel> <unit id="FF_DIVER" /> <defaultcount value="2" /> </unit> <unit id="FF_EMT"> <defaultcount value="2" /> </unit> <unit id="FF_EMT_SCBA" /> </personnel> <equipment> <unit id="FIRE EXTINGUISHER" /> </equipment> </missions> </freeplay> </unit>
  22. Hey jab, on your pic aboce, what map are you using? Is this a custom map your working on?
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