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Everything posted by rettungstier

  1. are the v3o' in there at least? or do they have any other directory in the mod where they put them -> find the v3o's and you'll find the skins (eventually as *.dds)
  2. if that's the "equipment name" for the mic, i guess so! there's probably an animation for the person holding it correctly too!
  3. yes you can! it's all in the properties/traits dialogue where you can also adjust on which path people are gonna move or in which vehicle they are trapped in at accidents. but remember: you can add bottles, weapons, mics etc to people in the editor and save it on the map, but if you want it to be removed again (let's say for a mission) you would need to script that! of course you can just select "none" as equipment again in the editor if still working in there
  4. place your person on the map, open it's properties from the task bar and select "edit traits" there you can find the mic and select it as equipment. might also be possible to add it in with a script and remove aswell. greetz
  5. Dyson is right if you're talking about map(texture) sizes. 8192x8192 is the biggest possible you can get -> freeplay size if you want to reduce the "playble" size of a bigger map (like freeplay) it is possible to just edit the cam boundaries in the editor to "size it down" or you could expand a smaller texture by adding new parts to it but only to the maximum size mentioned above!
  6. are there actually any of my lights left in the mod? :'( put so much effort in getting em all done (i know cfd is doing awesom lighting jobs by the way )
  7. hey there! you picked the hardest thing to learn in emergency modding since it's just programming ^^ scripters are very rare and so are tutorials on that. another problem is that most of the stuff you can find is in german. but i'd suggest to download simple and basic scripts and study them! there's also some tips and tricks on the forums on how to edit existing scripts (like adding/changing vehicles in LA mod). if you have any programming skills it should help too! someone correct me if i'm wrong but i think it's programmed with C++
  8. @ met police as i said before, these pics should give you an impression of how it could/will look. first, all the technical stuff of the map has to be done. so final results may - as always - vary but it will definitely look something like this! greetz
  9. guess what i just thought about while i started working on "the actual map" i'll see what i can do
  10. awesome update! i like that new tender/pumper! did you exchange the cabin of LA mod foam tender with the casual engine cabin or is it a new model? oh and a little texture advice... resize the skin file to at least a resolution of 2048x2048. this way you can add muuuuuch more detail and get a cleaner job on edges etc
  11. i think he celebrates the announcement of the map screenshots oh yeah, by the way, i'm on it! just some minor fixes on the map texture
  12. well as far as i can tell this is a mod package for standard em4 right? that would make it kinda difficult because you'd have to set all the paths, virtual objects and object names right for L.A. mod. there are a lot of scripts in L.A. mod referring to certain places and objects on the map and you would need them to make it work properly. not impossible but definitely lots of work! what you could do is to edit your current L.A. mod map without changing all the necessary stuff (things with object names, VO's etc.). but don't forget to make some backups
  13. do you mean the expanded freeplay pack from the download base?
  14. alright you guys, got 4 of my 5 exams done (still gotta do biomedical chemistry) and i got my semester break for summer now... soooo, i can promise you some progress on the map texture and i'll be able to show it off soon! so stay tuned greetz rett
  15. thank god i got a mac anyway! to get btt: i'm working on the map texture as often as it's possible for me these days (got my first exams next week ). so if we're all lucky i might be able to show you guys some progress soon!
  16. these events are generated randomly, which means you can't control where they happen, just how often. you put people inside buildings by removing the ceilings from open houses in the editor (taskbar-> hide/show roof) and just place them in there. if they are effected by certain events can not be controlled without script-related work. same thing as for the medical events. they just "happen", besides that you can make certain objects burn with a script of course. but as soon as you place objects that can burn on the map (houses, trees, etc.) a fire will randomly appear. the fire-frequency can be edited in the fp_params files too! greetz
  17. hey there! time for modding is rare for me today but i'll sure be able to make another tutorial or two within the next weeks/months! rapidshare deleted all my files and i gotta check if i got some backup on the traffic lights tutorial. as soon as i get it i'll reupload the file on to the forums database! greetz
  18. maybe you guys used the wrong resolution. again, the file has to be in tga format, 72dpi resolution, not compressed and saved with 24bit. the size has to be a multiple of 512 dots for each length (freeplay map size is 8192x8192 dots, other possible combinations: 1024x2048, 2048x2048, 4096x2048, etc.) then it should do, if any of those things ain't fulfilled it will crash.
  19. @ cletus i have no scripting skills, but ain't there a bracket (<- right english word?) too much in the last line after the LASD06 VO thing ?!
  20. was just kiddin'. i bet you do i got this kept in the darkest corner of some secret hd that's hiding in a secret vault. and i'm the only person with the right key, combination and fingerprints to get access
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