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Everything posted by rettungstier

  1. problem one: if you export to v3o, always do that twice in a row! otherwise it will occur that zmodeler just creates an "empty" file. if you export again and overwrite the empty file it will work! you can see that if you open the folder where you save it to and check the file size, it will be 0kb's (empty) after the first export and will gain size (file with data in it) after the second export. problem two: if you add parts/new meshes to a vehicle via zmodeler, let's say a lightbar, they will not automatically be "a part" of the original vehicle structure! every seperate "model" will has it's own texture(s). but several do not necessarily have the same... lok don't know how else to say this anyway, the key is to actually link those two modelfiles by making it ONE. if i'm not completely mistaken you do that in "object mode", select the first model. then "modify" -> "attach" -> and select the other model to which it should be attached. then you should have one model to which all previously used textures should be assigned! BUT, just as a tipp... i would recommend to add lightbars, push bars, antennas etc as childs to the vehicle model with the editor, makes stuff a lot easier imho hope i could help greetz rett
  2. you're welcome even if they are not transfered with the prototype, you can easily add them afterwards via the commands option. i usually write down all the original commands (and their order) on a piece of paper or somet and add them in manually! greetz
  3. step by step let's say you're copying a police vehicle from another modification to yours copying files: proto... - go to the mod folder from where you want to get the stuff from -> prototypes - search, select and copy the prototype file you want (it includes all the lights, physics etc.) - go to your mod folder -> prototypes -> etc. - paste the prototype file where you want it, depending on your personal folder structure (like: My Mod/prototypes/vehicles/My Mod Police Department/patrolcar01) - if you want, rename the prototype file model... - go to the original mod folder -> models - search, select and copy the v3o and texture file(s) that belong to the prototype you just copied - go to your mod folder -> models - paste the v3o and texture files in a folder of your choice (like: My Mod/models/vehicles/My Mod Police Department/patrolcar01) - if you want, rename the model and texture files, but be aware! they all need to be "unlocked" so that you can edit the v3o's and relink them to the texture files! if you don't know how to do that, ask again work in the editor: - load up the em4 editor and select/load your modification - press F1 to open the "scene" window if not open yet - go to the vehicles tab - klick on "new" on the right side -> this will create another sub-folder like Police, Ambulance, etc. - type in a name for that folder like "My Mod Police" and klick ok - the new folder should be created but with no entry - yet - now there should be another "new" button on the right side, klick it and a new window will appear - search the directory of the prototype file you copied to your mod, should be My Mod/prototypes/vehicles/My Mod Police Department/patrolcar01 or where ever you put it ^^ - select the prototype (should be somet like "somefilename.e4p") and klick ok - now the actual prototype window should appear - at the top you can edit the name with which it will be displayed in the editor's vehicle list - there is a line that says "model file" with a "browse" or "edit" button on the right, select that. - a new window appears (similar to the one before where you selected the prototype) - search and select the modelfile (v3o) from the vehicle, should be in My Mod/modelss/vehicles/My Mod Police Department/patrolcar01 - klick ok to accept your changes -> back in the prototype window klick ok again - the new vehicle should appear in the newly created vehicle list now - select it and place it on the map and it should have the original lights but NO doors or wheels yet i would suggest NOT to copy the prototype files from wheels and doors too, but to make new ones once you got the basic vehicle body in there. they usually don't include any special information so you can make em up new, otherwise it could cause too much chaos in your folders and names and it might be hard to find em again. yeah, guess that's it greetz rett
  4. yup! stan is right! it's the freeplaybase.xml file in the specs folder! you can open it with a text program and swap the lines with the prototype folders there was another xml file in the specs folder where you find the prototype references in but it just can't remember it's name atm :-(
  5. well, if you would copy the prototype and make the person "controlable" by adding commands to it i think it should work. but maybe you would need a script that creates a new "hold camera" command. else he is holding the camera just as long as you don't send him anywhere cause then the animation would be changed to "run", etc..
  6. no no, he was holding it in hands with the correct animation of course! since it was a civil person i didn't have any controls over him in the game so where should i have gotten a camera from!?
  7. oh i tried it with a random civil person AND with the actual pre-skinned camera guy. he is in persons/civil/, name is something with "press"
  8. nice marketing strategies here, of course everybody loves bacon sandwiches ^^ but honestly, what exactly are you doing? or how would that work in general? greetz
  9. that's odd, damn i switched the vehicle type from POLICE_STW to POLICE_MTW and will try that in a few minutes. maybe that'll work... i'll keep you updated
  10. all scripts are original LA mod scripts! i only edited the LASiren.script and added my car proto there. but that should not effect any equipment stuff. do you know how to basically add LA mod specific/or other new equipment to a new vehicle????? and i do not mean equipment already in standard em4 like shears, flashbang etc.
  11. yeah i found those lines too! these commands assign equipment to certain vehicle types. there are always two in a script, one for the GetEquipment and one for the RemoveEquipment command. the problem is, i assigned POLICE_STW to my car via "edit traits" in the editor, so actually it would fulfill all requirements :'(
  12. equipment added via editor: - fire extinguisher - road block - flash grenade checked in unit.xml and they do appear there too. there must be a script that adds the equipment (especially the LA stuff) to a car. but i checked all of them and could not find any entry :'(
  13. hey you guys! got the following problem: i added a new unit to LA mod freeplay. it appears in the menu, can be called, sent home, etc. all commands, doors, etc work fine. i even edited the siren script so i got that working too everything perfect! BUT as soon as i want a police officer (it's a police car btw ) to go and get a traffic cone, flare or change clothes to traffic vest, all those icons are not selectable! in other words: can't get ANY equipment from the car! any ideas what i have to change or what script to edit to get all that LA equipment available on that car??! greetz
  14. that depends... the folder is Emergency/Mods/YourMod/Maps when you're working on your map save it via Map/Save Map and the correct folder should appear (there should be several freeplay and mission map files already). if it ain't the correct folder, search it with the folder menu on the right. if you want to update/replace the freeplay map, select the current "freeplay.e4m" file that is displayed. there might be 2 freeplay files (and 2 for deluxefreeplay too). if that's the case always select and overwrite the top one. aaaand finally... if you want all your work to be saved automatically from time to time you have to activate the "autosave" option in the editors taskbar - standard should be activated. that's about it! oh yeah and freeplay maps MUST be saved as "freeplay.e4m", every other file name is either scripted or hardcoded
  15. these are video files, so seperate audio for that! check out the forums how to replace the supervisor videos, has been asked and done quite a few times oh and make sure that the video has the right format, size and length etc.!
  16. yeah, you could either copy your whole mods folder or just the single modification folders if you don't want to keep all off them. if you are working on a submod - lets say for LA mod - and you've only edited some skins till now it would be enough to just save the models folder. but to make sure you don't forget anything backup your whole mods folder
  17. alright buddy, here we go! i did the following: - got my own modification that's based on LA mod - loaded it up in the editor - loaded up the freeplay map - selected "edit" - "scene" - "persons" - "civil" - selected a random standard civil person and placed it on the map - with the person still selected (green frame) i klicked on "properties" down in the taskbar - klicked on "edit traits" - "equipment" and selected the TVcamera -> klicked ok - still in properties window i searched the "holdcam" animation in the menu on the left - selected the animation and klicked ok (properties window closes) and.... surprise!!! got the guy holding the cam with the right animation. then... - i saved the freeplay map - closed down the editor - loaded up the game with my mod - loaded up the freeplay map and... he's in game too!!!! soooo, the bottom line would be: save all your edited/mod files, de- and reinstall emergency 4 i can't imagine any script error etc if you didn't mess up any of those files till now and would suggest that you got an incorrect installed emergency 4 version. if you reinstall, make sure you made backup copies of all your mod stuff! greetz
  18. got one more idea! did you create a new person prototype for this one or did you just copy an existing one? if it's a completely new prototype... .... select a random civil person and open the "edit" dialogue with the button on the right .... check out which boxes at the bottom are checked (with X or dot) and which are unchecked should be things like "lights", "traits", "general" etc .... check out the traits via "edit traits" -> edit your own prototype by adjusting these selections if that doesn't work i have no f***** idea what you're doin wrong oh and for the original LA mod cameraguy check out the mission map from the mission where he appears! maybe that'll help greetz rett
  19. - running the editor with admin rights - trying to copy the prototype/or create a new one with that person model and try again - editing traits via "edit" dialogue in the "scene"-window so that the person model will have that animation as standard - trying by editing "placement" parameters and "loop" the animation if needed" that's all i can imagine, something might work if you're doing everything else right :/
  20. Edit the model's physics in the editor: F1 (scene) -> objects -> select your barricade -> klick "edit" on the right -> klick "edit physics" -> change the size and position of the physics object (yellow thing) by changing the length/width/etc. parameters shown there. i think that should do greetz
  21. why not getting one of the original bike models from em4 (scene -> objects -> street ... i guess), unlock the file and then add a newly modeled person to it? parts of this new model could be animated, like legs and body. of course that would be lots of work, but definitely possible!
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