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Everything posted by jab16

  1. Damn thats pretty weird and creepy. Here, if you do somthing like that its gonna turn into a shooting quick, people here dont fool around when it comes to protecting themself. Glad to hear she is safe.
  2. How about a MD600N repainted with a border patrol logo, its what the US border patrol uses.
  3. jab-16 @ hotmail .com Easy to remember
  4. LOL be intresting if you didn't have one near you When did I get a dog????? http://www.donself.com/images/confused-baby.bmp
  5. I'm deffinetly going to by that pool Sim lol
  6. Here are some I use: Bell 205A-1 Los Angelos Helicopter( free Download ) has a water bucket and normal verson Bell Textron 430 Multi Skin, includes police, medevac, ect skins as well (free download)
  7. jab16

    Newark Mod

    Hope your ok
  8. I am now part of VATSIM- need to choose a division, i assume i wait for you to create one then???
  9. Like ????? emergency related??
  10. Oh, just curious. Ill keep an eye out for you
  11. Ill do it, Med evac if its ok Id love to get this going, Im ready to play right now
  12. Could someone send me the origional game mod files for 911 FR. The ones that contain the origional units. Somehow The files got lossed on my computer Thanks
  13. I have a old model like that, but it is long lol one of my first ones
  14. Picture of the Ambulance????? In real life??
  15. jab16

    Newark Mod

    Ok so some what of a bad update on my part, I have fractured sternum, so im probably not going to be working on this for a week or 2, sorry guys.
  16. Actually I believe it is possible, but complex. You would need to create a horse model, that is a vehicle type then script it to have the mounted officer annimation. The horse currently in the game dose not function as a vehicle. The closest you can get is giving the horse the send people command lol.
  17. Correct: Also from people I know, most terrists are suspected or based on a web system. This means that no one person knows more then the others, which makes stopping attacks and mettings hard.
  18. Looks good,makes me want to get back to changing things up
  19. Going with what NFK just said, generals need to realize that this is just as much a mental war as it is physical.
  20. You may think so, but notive the flipped car and the smoke they are getting to the call however they can. Thats happend to me before.
  21. DING DING DING, I knew someone would figure it out
  22. I guess it may be useful in a biochemical attack or big fire, but they are kinda slow and don't move that well.
  23. This is extremly true. Being myself, and knowing people in the armed forces as well as working with them I agree with this post. Take for example the special opperations teams opperating in the hindu kush mountain range. When your up there doing recon on movment and you see a man with a wagon full of explosives walking around, can you shoot??? No, anyone know why??? because goverment figures around the world say that, well mabie the guy just wants to walk around at night with expolsives on him. Can you shoot??? No you cant, and if you do shoot extremists will find out and the media will get wind. The media is 10 times worse then you can possibly imagine in that kind of situation. Even if it means that you are going to possibly save the lives of 15 helpless people in a marked hundreds of miles away. @joachimnor: so you are saying that even thought troops cant do anything, and people may die, they still deserve the same rights as everyone else??? think, 27 people from europe died in 9/11 that wern't even american citizans of the 334 people from other countrys besides the intended U.S. do they really deserve the same rights as other people??
  24. jab16

    I need YOU!

    Um, I couldnt make out 10 mod names in that. Try making a list please or press enter after each name.
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