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Everything posted by jab16

  1. Uh here comes the fourms longest post: This is from the united nations seems to me that terrists are none of the above, unless you can prove me wrong
  2. WOW imagine this in the game, pictures in the posts. Almost EXACT vehicles, but diffrent names like everything else. http://www.gtaforums.com/index.php?showtop...25310&st=20
  3. The FDNY has a EMS caption at some ambulance places where it keeps it ambulances, i think there is one caption for every 6 ambulances in the city.
  4. I see what your talking about, but you got to remember that the prisoners at Gitmo are not POW's but Criminals. Watch the news for month. They are killing, kidnapping, attacking, and hurting aid workers from other countries. They DO NOT care about the convention. I do not know one case in which they brought up the convention for there defense because they cant use it. They Know it, I know it, everyone knows it whether these guys are 30yr olds who decided to blow up a convoy, or someone that helped with the planning of the attacks on 9/11. Like i stated in my post earlier you cant attack a non- military place in a conflict- well I dont think I need to say that place. Terrists are like a Gang, lets take the Italian Mafia for example, (needed a well known group). They attack and murder, kidnap and kill, but at the end of the day they are in Italy. Now look at Osama and his men. They are like a gang of terrorists who run around doind criminal things in other country's hurting people. But they are NOT a military power for a nation. This means that they are not POW's but instead criminals of war who dont deserve the same rights as real POW's that surrender rather then get caught doing something bad. The information that the U.S. is getting may just save the lives of anyone here, mabie even end this all for good.
  5. jab16

    Web Videos

    Lucky she didn't hit the 3rd rail. That made the news for like a week too.
  6. jab16

    Amazing :D

    DAMN!!!!!! I knew I shouldn't have put on Crocs instead of boots, I cut my ankle on them so I had to hobble away to catch my flight back to the US. Well 1 point for Hoppah 0 for me
  7. hmmm no one call LOL for some reason my computer duplicated itself.
  8. These are my boys, Know a guy that works with them amazing stuff and helicopter love the inside, it is a flight nurse's dream in it. its an EC-145
  9. Just got a call about a preson trapped in the cave for my sector, responded. When I found him his leg was cought in a hole, all he had to do was take off his shoe LOL, thought it would have been somthing worse. Just got a call about a preson trapped in the cave for my sector, responded. When I found him his leg was cought in a hole, all he had to do was take off his shoe LOL, thought it would have been somthing worse.
  10. Exactly!!! Lets take a closer look at the convention shall we. Not all violations of the treaty are treated equally. The most serious crimes are termed grave breaches, and provide a legal definition of a war crime. Grave breaches of the Third and Fourth Geneva Conventions include the following acts if committed against a person protected by the convention: willful killing willfully causing great suffering or serious injury to body or health compelling one to serve in the forces of a hostile power taking of hostages extensive destruction and appropriation of property not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly unlawful deportation, transfer, or confinement Oh wait terrists do all those things.
  11. jab16

    Amazing :D

  12. I agree to the greatest extent! I have studied military tactics before, and reguarly talk tactics with a former member of general Pattons staff. Pretty much the war on terrisim is as much of a physical war as it is pyscological. It is like this from what I understand, Osama wants war, he wants to get back at the US. By attacking the US on 9/11 he caused the US harm and we began to fight his terrists. By doing this Osama is getting what he wants, a fight with the US. This is like a game to him, whether win or loose he is getting what he wants, a fight with the US. By putting pressure on him we are infact giving him what he wants, that fight. But at the same time we are occupying him in the middle east and with increased security measures, we are keeping it contained. Think of the cell as a fire. You cover the fire from all directions, then cut off the oxygen supply. Then the oxygen runs out and the fire dies out. We need to contain the fire, or the terrists anc cover them from all sides, keep the fighting in one area. Then we need to cut off the oxygen supply, launch a massive assualt on the area, and kill him. we also need to make sure there is nothing around that fuels the fire, that being the people that supply weapons and money. By getting rid of any fuel around, the fire cant burn on its own and has no where to go. After the fire disappears you would need to clean up, in a tactial case we would need to kill off any remaining major cells left, then return to normal. Hope you all understood all that.
  13. My close family member- part of the USMC served a tour in Iraq, was hit by an IED and receved a purple heart- discharged from the USMC. After he got out he joined blackwater, so he can help vital supplies get to the people that need it doing this for less then normal pay. Everyone needs to remember not to take anything for granted, there are people in the middle of this that are being affected, and our troops are protecting them and preparing there forces to protect.
  14. Ok New One Pasta Or Salad????
  15. Hoppah is indeed correct, once you start working on a mod (or really smart) you will understand that it is hard to make a mod. You cant just buy one like you did emergency 4. You need to create everything over, and no one has a better example of that then hoppah.
  16. I'll probably go with PAPD need to see if i still have my copy of the game though.
  17. Without troops terrists would be able to conduct attacks on the U.S. everything that is going on is not to stop attacks completly but to prevent them from happening. With troops putting pressure on terrists they are not able to carry out attacks like 9/11
  18. Im sorry, but if those people in the military were not there, you would not be sleeping at night.
  19. jab16

    Newark Mod

    On my part Im getting back into it, now that it is winter i have more free time
  20. jab16

    Emergency 5

    No idea but this was kinda pointless.
  21. jab16

    Emergency 5

    http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Let+Me+Google+That+For+You Top One: Type what you want in, then hit search, and get the link at the bottom
  22. jab16

    Emergency 5

    http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Emergency+Planet+Fourm then go to search then type in: Emergency five
  23. Holy SHIT already the next one!!!!! http://www.babelgum.com/4007716/ultrareali...ing-orders.html
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