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Everything posted by Quincy

  1. Im so pissed about megaupload being shutdown. I had so many files backed up on there and they WERE LEGAL FILES!

    1. FDNYpower


      your not the only one

    2. griffy


      we are pretty much all pissed about it

  2. I recently downloaded a model of a Stryker Stretcher from emergency-forum.de but i was wondering how do i make the EMT's and paramedics from LA mod use it? I know where to place the .v3o's its just when i replace the stretcher model the paramedics and emt's still have the default la mod stretcher if anyone has an idea how please post below. Thanks, QuincyC
  3. It's rude to ask for updates, they aren't required to give them.
  4. All nice and shaved for tomorrow.

  5. I hope this horrible feeling will go away soon...

  6. The FBI has already started shutting down websites even though they are hosting in foreign countries and the SOPA and PIPA bills haven't passed yet......

    1. Newfoundking


      They've been doing that for years... And years. Lots of torrent sites in american allies will be shut down in partnership with the FBI. That's been happening since 2000. It has nothing to do with SOPA and PIPA

  7. Do you happen to know if you can change the power of the deck guns?
  8. I like how everyone is crazy about S.O.P.A. even though it has already been through congress and it was rejected.

  9. 100 on my ROTC mid-term :D

  10. The best essays are always the ones you write in 20 minutes the night before its due.

  11. Its official the front sight post of an M16 is a bitch to take on and off, especially when you drop one of the pins.....

  12. Tebow doesn't like to throw the ball, does he?

    1. Todd15


      For a rookie he made it to the playoffs:) Technically it was his first full season so give the guy some props man!

  13. So many cadets from other schools called me Staff Sergeant today, it was creepy....

  14. My 3 standing targets from today equal 179 :D

  15. Shot a 75 in offhand today :D

  16. Roadkill with a MAV!

    1. cops


      That's cool :D

      But it sucks when you get killed by it :@

      Do you have PS3?

  17. The DPW really knows how to cause havoc.

  18. Playing Minecraft with Kenny Wheeler and Bo Bedrosian. IP is if you would like to join.

  19. Just in! Formatting your computers C drive will fix all of your computers errors!

  20. Im going to see if i can volunteer at the New England Aquarium

  21. My 2 packages from bestbuy came :D

    1. griffy


      ohh yea sounds like a computer with a big ass screen

  22. Thinking about something.....

  23. 2012 is on its way!

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