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Everything posted by Quincy

  1. Updating the website.

  2. That basketball game was great!

  3. Since last summer I have had the urge to rappel of something.

  4. Turning my external hardrive into a multitool

  5. Making an MCJROTC Android app. Hopefully ill be successful.

  6. Going to Update the Gloucester MCJROTC Website then taking a nice nap.

  7. Leadership is about taking responsibility, not making excuses. - Mitt Romney

  8. Most likely going to do rifle PT tomorrow....

  9. Out of all the possible things to get maimed by in cabinetmaking i slice open my hand with a ruler.....

  10. Just shot a 237 :D Now time to eat some hamburger helper. ITS DELICIOUS!

  11. Just did color-guard, and now just sitting around in my pj's wondering what to do and then realizing that ill be back at that crap hole again in less than 12 hours...

  12. Surprised my arm isn't bruised from going up to Port Arms multiple times.

  13. Trying to do the English assignment yet there are so many distractions.....

  14. If you can't get someone out of your head, then maybe they are meant to be there.

  15. I want a Honey Badger as a pet. Where do i find one? And can one be tamed?

  16. I think my rifle is permanently frozen after the 5 Co2 cylinders i were testing each unexpectedly expelled its contents everywhere when i put them in the rifle.

  17. Newest member of the PT Team.

  18. Is it bad that when my dad tells me he saw a huge military cargo jet do the fly-over for the Pats that i both knew what base it was out of and what type of plane it was, without even seeing a picture of the plane?

  19. Last night blew, i feel like someone is stabbing me in the stomach.

  20. List of things i need to learn.1. 3d-modeling 2. C++ scripting3. Better texturing.

  21. Could you possibly make some videos that correspond to the .pdf's? It just help when it comes to some of this stuff.
  22. I'll try and model chop the paramedics and the stretcher together and see how it looks.
  23. Valentine's day is coming! post this as your status and see what numbers people inbox you1 - Second chance

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