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Posts posted by rafaelmfernandez

  1. Looks good! Did you succesfully manage to install the Tower at a window of an open structure? (to reach floors) That's basically the only issue left for the tower ladder ánd the tiller. How does the script deal with the limited water?

    Nope no idea lol, I want to add a couple of restrictions and other push actions.

    1. Be able to right click a building to install.

    2. In multiplayer there is a weird issue if you install it while there are guys inside of it, it disappears so I wanna add a restriction for that.

    3. I want to have a push action So that the engine is on when you install and uninstall it.

    And if the bucket is up remove the ability to uninstall the tower ladder.

    Most complicated of all the tower ladder requires a line from a hydrant so when it's installed in order to get water flowing you need to have a water supply but I want to add a restriction that if you have a line connected to the rig then you cannot uninstall and install or else the rig gets stuck on the floating hose lll.

    Other than that script works great :)

  2. Brooklyn Borough of Fire Modification




    Address: 899 Macon St Bet. Lewis and Marcus Garvey Box 2102


    15:35hrs Multiple Callers report thick black smoke from a 3rd Floor Window, other Caller report his apartment is on fire.



    15:39hrs - Bat. 37 - 10-75 - Fire in the 3rd floor of a 20x60 attached 4 story PD. E214 Placing down Manifold DWH



    15:42 - Bat.37 All Hands going to work - Fire in the walls on the 3rd Floor - 1L/S/O Searches are negative - DWH



    15:55 - Div. 15 - Main Body of fire knocked down, Trucks checking for extensions. PWH




    16:00 - Div. 15 - Under Control




    Duration of incident: 25 Minutes

    Initial Units: E222 E214 L111 B037 RS02

    10-75 Units: L123 L102 MERV 2 E235 (Didn't Arrive)

    A/H Units: S252 D015




    L/S/O - Lines Stretched and in Operation

    A/H - All Hands

    PD - Private Dwelling

    DWH - Doubtful will Hold

    PWH - Probably will Hold

  3. I will from now on be debuting the mod with photos of fire scenes, such as the following:




    Address: 899 Macon St Bet. Lewis and Marcus Garvey Box 2102


    15:35hrs Multiple Callers report thick black smoke from a 3rd Floor Window, other Caller report his apartment is on fire.



    15:39hrs - Bat. 37 - 10-75 - Fire in the 3rd floor of a 20x60 attached 4 story PD. E214 Placing down Manifold DWH



    15:42 - Bat.37 All Hands going to work - Fire in the walls on the 3rd Floor - 1L/S/O Searches are negative - DWH



    15:55 - Div. 15 - Main Body of fire knocked down, Trucks checking for extensions. PWH




    16:00 - Div. 15 - Under Control




    Duration of incident: 25 Minutes

    Initial Units: E222 E214 L111 B037 RS02

    10-75 Units: L123 L102 MERV 2 E235 (Didn't Arrive)

    A/H Units: S252 D015




    L/S/O - Lines Stretched and in Operation

    A/H - All Hands

    PD - Private Dwelling

    DWH - Doubtful will Hold

    PWH - Probably will Hold

  4. The positioning code works fine with the Rescue Crane, so I'm not sure how it would mess up here.




    Completely untested and winging it, but here's a script. Prototype constants changed a bit, so double-check wild guesses.

    //******************************************************************************************// #Version 1.4#//// 		Includes: All TowerLadder Commands////	- LadderInstall//	- LadderUninstall////		Script by Hoppah Edited by Raf//		//		Usage of this script in other mods is NOT allowed without permission of Rafael////******************************************************************************************const char CMD_SPECIALLIGHTS_ON[]		= "LadderInstall";const char CMD_SPECIALLIGHTS_OFF[]		= "LadderUninstall";const char CMD_MCU_DEINSTALL[]			= "VcmdMCUDeinstall";const char PROTO_LADDER_12[] 			= "mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/02 LA Fire Department/fdny_ladder_12.e4p";const char PROTO_LADDER_35[] 			= "mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/02 LA Fire Department/fdny_ladder_35.e4p";const char PROTO_LADDER_12_REVERSED[] 	= "mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/02 LA Fire Department/fdny_ladder_12_reversed.e4p";const char PROTO_LADDER_35_REVERSED[] 	= "mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/02 LA Fire Department/fdny_ladder_35_reversed.e4p";const char DUMMY_LIGHTS[] 				= "DummyLights";const char DUMMY_PATROL[] 				= "DummyPatrol";const char VO_FS01[]					= "fs1";const char VO_FS02[]					= "fs2";const char DUMMY_DISABLE[] 				= "DummyDisableSiren";const char DUMMY_HASSIREN[] 			= "DummyHasSiren";const char CMD_AUTOSIREN_OFF[]			= "VcmdAutoSirenOff";int DummyGroup = 27;object LadderInstall : CommandScript{ 	LadderInstall() 	{ 		SetIcon("install"); 		SetCursor("install"); 		SetGroupID(DummyGroup); 		SetGroupLeader(true); 		SetRestrictions(RESTRICT_SELFEXECUTE);		SetPriority(100); 	}  	bool CheckPossible(GameObject *Caller) 	{ 		if (!Caller->IsValid()) 			return false;  		if (Caller->GetType() == ACTOR_VEHICLE) 		{			Vehicle v(Caller);			if (v.IsCollidingWithVirtualObject(VO_FS01) || v.IsCollidingWithVirtualObject(VO_FS02))				return false; 			return true; 		}  		return false; 	}  	bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID) 	{ 		if (!Caller->IsValid() || !Target->IsValid() || Target->GetID() != Caller->GetID()) 			return false;  		if (Caller->GetType() == ACTOR_VEHICLE) 		{ 			return true; 		}  		return true; 	} 	void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID) 	{ 		Vehicle v(Caller);		if (childID == 0)		{			if (StrCompare(v.GetPrototypeFileName(), PROTO_LADDER_12) == 0)				Vehicle m = Game::CreateVehicle(PROTO_LADDER_12_REVERSED, "12r");			else if (StrCompare(v.GetPrototypeFileName(), PROTO_LADDER_35) == 0)				Vehicle m = Game::CreateVehicle(PROTO_LADDER_35_REVERSED, "35r");			Vector Pos = v.GetPosition();			float r[9];			float childr[9];			v.GetRotation(r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3], r[4], r[5], r[6], r[7], r[8]);			m.SetUserData(v.GetID());			m.SetPlayerMP(v.GetPlayerMP());           	m.SetPosition(Pos);			Math::EulerToMatrix(180.0f, 0.f, 0.f, childr);			Math::MultiplyMatrices(childr, r);			m.SetRotation(childr[0], childr[1], childr[2], childr[3], childr[4], childr[5], childr[6], childr[7], childr[8]);            m.UpdatePlacement();			m.PushActionInstall(ACTION_NEWLIST, Target);			PersonList passengers = v.GetPassengers();			for(int i = 0; i < passengers.GetNumPersons(); i++)			{				v.RemovePassenger(&passengers.GetPerson(i));				m.AddPassenger(&passengers.GetPerson(i));			}			if (!v.IsBlueLightEnabled())				m.EnableBlueLights(false);			if (v.HasCommand(CMD_AUTOSIREN_OFF))				m.AssignCommand(CMD_AUTOSIREN_OFF);			else				m.AssignCommand(CMD_AUTOSIREN_ON);			m.RemoveCommand(CMD_WARNINGLIGHTS_ON);			m.AssignCommand(CMD_WARNINGLIGHTS_OFF);			m.EnableBlinker(BLT_BOTH);			if (v.IsSelected())				m.Select();			v.PushActionDeleteOwner(ACTION_NEWLIST);			m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "LadderInstall", Caller, 1, false);		}		if (childID == 1)		{			v.SetCommandable(true);		} 	}	};object LadderUninstall : CommandScript{ 	LadderUninstall() 	{ 		SetIcon("deinstall");		SetCursor("deinstall"); 		SetGroupID(DummyGroup); 		SetGroupLeader(true); 		SetRestrictions(RESTRICT_SELFEXECUTE);		SetPriority(100); 	}  	bool CheckPossible(GameObject *Caller) 	{ 		if (!Caller->IsValid()) 			return false;  		if (Caller->GetType() == ACTOR_VEHICLE) 		{ 			return true; 		}  		return false; 	}  	bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID) 	{ 		if (!Caller->IsValid() || !Target->IsValid() || Target->GetID() != Caller->GetID()) 			return false;  		if (Caller->GetType() == ACTOR_VEHICLE) 		{ 			return true; 		}  		return true; 	} 	void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID) 	{ 		Vehicle v(Caller);		if (childID == 0)		{			v.RemoveCommand(CMD_SPECIALLIGHTS_OFF);			v.AssignCommand(CMD_SPECIALLIGHTS_ON); 			v.SetCommandable(false);			v.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 2.5f);						v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "LadderUninstall", Caller, 1, false);		}		if (childID == 1)		{			if (StrCompare(v.GetPrototypeFileName(), PROTO_LADDER_12_REVERSED) == 0)				Vehicle m = Game::CreateVehicle(PROTO_LADDER_12, "unnamed");			else if (StrCompare(v.GetPrototypeFileName(), PROTO_LADDER_35_REVERSED) == 0)				Vehicle m = Game::CreateVehicle(PROTO_LADDER_35, "unnamed");			Vector Pos = v.GetPosition();			float r[9];			float childr[9];			v.GetRotation(r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3], r[4], r[5], r[6], r[7], r[8]);			m.SetUserData(v.GetID());			m.SetPlayerMP(v.GetPlayerMP());           	m.SetPosition(Pos);			Math::EulerToMatrix(180.0f, 0.f, 0.f, childr);			Math::MultiplyMatrices(childr, r);			m.SetRotation(childr[0], childr[1], childr[2], childr[3], childr[4], childr[5], childr[6], childr[7], childr[8]);            m.UpdatePlacement();			PersonList passengers = v.GetPassengers();			for(int i = 0; i < passengers.GetNumPersons(); i++)			{				v.RemovePassenger(&passengers.GetPerson(i));				m.AddPassenger(&passengers.GetPerson(i));			}			if (!v.IsBlueLightEnabled())				m.EnableBlueLights(false);			if (v.HasCommand(CMD_AUTOSIREN_OFF))				m.AssignCommand(CMD_AUTOSIREN_OFF);			else				m.AssignCommand(CMD_AUTOSIREN_ON);			m.RemoveCommand(CMD_WARNINGLIGHTS_ON);			m.AssignCommand(CMD_WARNINGLIGHTS_OFF);			m.EnableBlinker(false);			if (v.IsSelected())				m.Select();			v.PushActionDeleteOwner(ACTION_NEWLIST);		} 	}	};

    Ok Ill let you know dude :), you have teamspeak?

  5. The LACrane script for the Heavy Rescue Crane does not have issues with rotation, so taking a look at it should help.

    Vector Pos = v.GetPosition();float r[9];float childr[9];v.GetRotation(r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3], r[4], r[5], r[6], r[7], r[8]);Vehicle m = Game::CreateVehicle(OBJ_CRANE_REVERSED, NAME_CRANE_REVERSED);m.SetUserData(v.GetID());m.SetPlayerMP(v.GetPlayerMP());m.SetPosition(Pos);Math::EulerToMatrix(180.0f, 0.f, 0.f, childr);Math::MultiplyMatrices(childr, r);m.SetRotation(childr[0], childr[1], childr[2], childr[3], childr[4], childr[5], childr[6], childr[7], childr[8]);m.UpdatePlacement();

    Would you mind putting those lines into the script and reporsting it? That's where it gets me, I don't know exactly how to fit in other lines that well, I'm learning lol

  6. Hoppah, please check your PM from me, I have also started this thread if you wouldn't mind an input.


    Mariuswww has managed to get tankers to work in his mod Stillwater, connecting the tanker to engines and ladders for water supply, Now I would just like to figure out if we can make Engines act as tankers as well so Hydrant>Engine>Engine or Hydrant>Engine>Tower Ladder now that Tower Ladders will hopefully be coming through. Be great if Mr. H stopped by sometime! Were @

  7. This requires you to model a Tower Ladder (Normal Version) and then a Tower Ladder that has its jacks down and ready to go.


    Now this script works pretty well but there are a couple of bugs I have to work on to make it perfect.

    //******************************************************************************************// #Version 0.1a# BROOKLYN MODIFICATION TOWER LADDER SCRIPT//// 		Includes: All TowerLadder Commands////	- LadderInstall//	- LadderUninstall////		Script by Rafael Based off of Hoppah's Crane and Tow Script//		//		Usage of this script in other mods is NOT allowed without CREDITS to Rafael & Hoppah////******************************************************************************************const char CMD_TOWERINSTALL[]		= "LadderInstall";const char CMD_TOWERDEINSTALL[]		= "LadderUninstall";const char CMD_MCU_DEINSTALL[]			= "VcmdMCUDeinstall";const char CMD_AUTOSIREN_OFF[] 			= "VcmdAutoSirenOff";const char CMD_AUTOSIREN_ON[] 			= "VcmdAutoSirenOn";const char PROTO_TOWER_LADDER[] 		= "mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/02 LA Fire Department/fdny_ladder_12.e4p";const char PROTO_TOWER_LADDER2] 		= "mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/02 LA Fire Department/fdny_ladder_35.e4p";const char PROTO_TOWER_LADDERDEP[] 	= "mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/02 LA Fire Department/usfs_enginerev2.e4p";const char PROTO_TOWER_LADDER2DEP[] 	= "mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/02 LA Fire Department/usfs_enginerev.e4p";const char DUMMY_LIGHTS[] 				= "DummyLights";const char DUMMY_PATROL[] 				= "DummyPatrol";const char VO_FS01[]					= "fs1";const char VO_FS02[]					= "fs2";const char DUMMY_DISABLE[] 				= "DummyDisableSiren";const char DUMMY_HASSIREN[] 			= "DummyHasSiren";const char CMD_AUTOSIREN_OFF[]			= "VcmdAutoSirenOff";int DummyGroup = 27;object LadderInstall : CommandScript{ 	LadderInstall() 	{ 		SetIcon("install"); 		SetCursor("install"); 		SetGroupID(DummyGroup); 		SetGroupLeader(true); 		SetRestrictions(RESTRICT_SELFEXECUTE);		SetPriority(100); 	}  	bool CheckPossible(GameObject *Caller) 	{ 		if (!Caller->IsValid()) 			return false;  		if (Caller->GetType() == ACTOR_VEHICLE) 		{			Vehicle v(Caller);			if (v.IsCollidingWithVirtualObject(VO_FS01) || v.IsCollidingWithVirtualObject(VO_FS02))				return false; 			return true; 		}  		return false; 	}  	bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID) 	{ 		if (!Caller->IsValid() || !Target->IsValid() || Target->GetID() != Caller->GetID()) 			return false;  		if (Caller->GetType() == ACTOR_VEHICLE) 		{ 			return true; 		}  		return true; 	} 	void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID) 	{ 		Vehicle v(Caller);      	if (childID == 0)		{			Vector Pos = v.GetPosition();				float r[9];				float childr[9];			v.GetRotation(r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3], r[4], r[5], r[6], r[7], r[8]);			Vehicle m = Game::CreateVehicle(PROTO_TOWER_LADDERDEP, "unnamed");			m.SetUserData(v.GetID());			m.SetPlayerMP(v.GetPlayerMP());           		m.SetPosition(Pos);			Math::EulerToMatrix(180.0f, 0.f, 0.f, childr);			Math::MultiplyMatrices(childr, r);			m.SetRotation(childr[0], childr[1], childr[2], childr[3], childr[4], childr[5], childr[6], childr[7], childr[8]);           		m.UpdatePlacement();			PersonList passengers = v.GetPassengers();			for(int i = 0; i < passengers.GetNumPersons(); i++)			{				v.RemovePassenger(&passengers.GetPerson(i));				m.AddPassenger(&passengers.GetPerson(i));			}			if (!v.IsBlueLightEnabled())				m.EnableBlueLights(false);			if (v.HasCommand(CMD_AUTOSIREN_OFF))				m.AssignCommand(CMD_AUTOSIREN_OFF);			else				m.AssignCommand(CMD_AUTOSIREN_ON);			v.RemoveCommand(CMD_TOWERINSTALL);			v.AssignCommand(CMD_TOWERDEINSTALL);			v.SetCommandable(false);			v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "LadderInstall", Caller, 1, false);			v.PushActionDeleteOwner(ACTION_NEWLIST);		}		if (childID == 1)		{			v.SetCommandable(true);		} 	}	};object LadderUninstall : CommandScript{ 	LadderUninstall() 	{ 		SetIcon("deinstall");		SetCursor("deinstall"); 		SetGroupID(DummyGroup); 		SetGroupLeader(true); 		SetRestrictions(RESTRICT_SELFEXECUTE);		SetPriority(100); 	}  	bool CheckPossible(GameObject *Caller) 	{ 		if (!Caller->IsValid()) 			return false;  		if (Caller->GetType() == ACTOR_VEHICLE) 		{ 			return true; 		}  		return false; 	}  	bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID) 	{ 		if (!Caller->IsValid() || !Target->IsValid() || Target->GetID() != Caller->GetID()) 			return false;  		if (Caller->GetType() == ACTOR_VEHICLE) 		{ 			return true; 		}  		return true; 	} 	void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID) 	{ 			Vehicle v(Caller);      	if (childID == 0)		{			Vector Pos = v.GetPosition();				float r[9];				float childr[9];			v.GetRotation(r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3], r[4], r[5], r[6], r[7], r[8]);			Vehicle m = Game::CreateVehicle(PROTO_TOWER_LADDER, "unnamed");			m.SetUserData(v.GetID());			m.SetPlayerMP(v.GetPlayerMP());           		m.SetPosition(Pos);			Math::EulerToMatrix(180.0f, 0.f, 0.f, childr);			Math::MultiplyMatrices(childr, r);			m.SetRotation(childr[0], childr[1], childr[2], childr[3], childr[4], childr[5], childr[6], childr[7], childr[8]);            		m.UpdatePlacement();			PersonList passengers = v.GetPassengers();			for(int i = 0; i < passengers.GetNumPersons(); i++)			{				v.RemovePassenger(&passengers.GetPerson(i));				m.AddPassenger(&passengers.GetPerson(i));			}			if (!v.IsBlueLightEnabled())				m.EnableBlueLights(false);			if (v.HasCommand(CMD_AUTOSIREN_OFF))				m.AssignCommand(CMD_AUTOSIREN_OFF);			else				m.AssignCommand(CMD_AUTOSIREN_ON);			v.RemoveCommand(CMD_TOWERINSTALL);			v.AssignCommand(CMD_TOWERDEINSTALL);			v.SetCommandable(false);			v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "LadderInstall", Caller, 1, false);			v.PushActionDeleteOwner(ACTION_NEWLIST);		}		if (childID == 1)		{			v.SetCommandable(true);		} 	}	};
  8. I meant no offense, friend. I understand how much work you guys had done for the Manhattan Modification. I should've worded my context better to sound less deamining, but i used you guys as a example because you guys are very popular and most of our fans also have your mod, so i needed to compare this to 'case b' kind of deal in the terms of performance.

    If it's any consolation, personally deep down you guys are very good compared to us, so it's all apples and oranges really. We both have great models, so it's not really a pissing contest here.

    Good luck with the Brooklyn Modifcation, it looks interesting.

    No worries, I understand. That map looks crazy good, do you guys plan on doing a normal map as well or just snow?

  9. Most of you are wondering why this modification has taken over a few years to work on, and is still in production. We have a very small team that is dedicated to the modification. It composes of C.F.D ( Lights, and general public relations,) Goog1967 ( The mastermind behind the modification, the main team leader and modeler, COPS ( Assistant Modeler),Rettungstier ( Map maker and adviser), and Mr.Mitch ( Graphic designs). We also have a team of volunteer that responds to general inquiries about the mod.

    All of us have very busy lives, One of us is becoming a Doctor, the other has kids to look over, and few of us are schooling/working. As much as we enjoy working on the modification, we are not getting paid to do this. The quality we aim for, the highest we can offer, takes time, more than it has taken the Manhattan Modification, or the LA Modification.

    We have a map made, but still needs final touching. We are barely out of it's diapers for scripting ( although we do have a few new script additions ) and 60% of the fleet still needs lighting ( Fire, EMS and Police units) . It is a time consuming process, especially accurate lighting and modeling based on it's real life counterparts. We are constantly updating models to meet it's modern specifications. We are seeing new additions to the RCMP fleet in real life, along with other apparatuses, and we'd like to incorporate those new additions on our models.

    The engine 2 we recently shown has over 300 lights. This includes polys, and coronas. The Heavy Rescue has over 250 lights and still counting. More than you would see in the Manhattan Modification, or other modifications.

    It is understandable that after all these years, no signs are shown of release. Do not fear, we will release this mod, we promise. We don't know when, but we know that it has a high chance of getting done this year, if all goes well ...

    Should this modification come out, it is expected to attract new players to the game -- hopefully. After all, who would not want to play a modification that has real world light patterns, models, sirens taken place in a map setting of Surrey, British Columbia.

    I appreciate your patience, and your ever welcoming support. It keeps the fire lit.

    If you have not joined our Facebook group yet, you should, it will help keep you tuned to date about our progress.


    Thank you for your understanding.

    P.S here is the map layout : http://img46.imageshack.us/img46/3439/slx.png

    Mod is looking great really is, I have nothing but good things to say about it, but PLEASE stop referring your mod to ours. We both put countless hours of work and quality (same or even more) into our mods but you don't see us going around saying our mod has more blah than the RCMP mod and is taking longer to make than the RCMP Mod etc. We have 4 years (FOUR YEARS) of work under our belt and we have delivered and obviously gotten better over time. We just have different ways of managing our times. Also a friendly recommendation, start gathering testers with low spec PCs because it's gonna come back to bite you in the ass when you find out a lot may not be able to run it! Especially the HQ lights. Other than that looks great :) I don't want you to take this post offensively but just understand that one thing you should NEVER do as a modder is compare your mods to other mods. I counted at least twice that you compared your mod to ours saying yours had more to deliver (which it may) but don't go out promoting your mod off of that statement. Me and Dyson are a 2 Man team along with Mariuswww since v3 throughout the 4 years of the Manhattan Mod so we would appreciate it if you and your "small team" of 5 people didn't blame your slow development on being busy (which is completely fine) AND trying to get better quality than our mod. Please and thank you.


    - Rafael Fernandez, you know who I am ;) 

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