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Posts posted by erfd

  1. https://www.google.com/search?q=roseville+mn+fire+station&tbm=isch&ei=yVi1U7zmPIOyyATzsYHQDA#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=6_f9YJjpGF6XIM%253A%3B3DEClz6iEs_zyM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.wenck.com%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2013%252F12%252FMG_0246.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.bossardt.com%252Fprojects%252F%3B800%3B551



    3D Rendering




    Picture of our station.

  2. 14 apparatus? Wow! I should clarify that my experiences are limited to American Urban fire departments (NYFD, BFD, LAFD etc) and rural volunteer departments covering moderate size area with small populations.

    Ya, only a few are staffed at a time however (Typically two EMS SUVs and a Engine Company), others are specialty units such as Rescues, Ladders, Foam Trailers, and Boat/Water Rescue trucks, and engines for call-back for bigger calls. The population of the city during the day exceeds 100,000 in about 14 square miles and about 30,000 overnight.

  3. The fire service around the world varies so much its really hard to get a straight answer for something like this.


    In my area (North Metro of Minnesota), my POC/Volunteer Fire Dept has two stations with 8 at one station and 5 at the other. At my staffed station in the metro we have one station with 14 apparatus. Both areas are about the same size in area, just different in population.

  4. No such luck. I was able to download the updater, but got an error: German "rsync.exe konnte nichtgefunden werdenprogramm wird beendet"

                                                                                                                             English "rsync.exe could not be found program automatically quits."


     In the mean time I recommend downloading version 8.9 from the Winterberg Mod website. It installs like normal mods and has very similar game play.

  5. I found the best way to learn was to have the program open and doing what the tutorial says. After that, I always had the tutorial up while starting my own projects just to make sure I wasn't making mistakes.


    I forgot to mention you can use zmodeler2 free as long as you want, the only thing you cant do is export files out. Its nice to use and learn before you spend money on it.

  6. http://forum.emergency-planet.com/tutorials/article/11-emergency-4-basic-modding-info/





    I've attached some great tutorials (Above) by Hoppah on how to get started. Below are good places to look or ask for help.






    I use zmodeler2 for making models and uv mapping. It costs only $22 now.   http://www.zmodeler2.com/


    I started off using Gimp for making skins/ reskins. It works fine and does the job. I finally got photoshop and love it, but isn't cost effective for casual modding, nor is it needed. You may need to download a DDS plugin to view/edit .dds files.


    Modding isn't a fast or easy process to learn and takes hundreds of hours to figure out and be successful. I started off with no experience and couldn't even model a square when I started, but now I have a mod in full swing and making good progress. 

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