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Commander Rasseru

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Everything posted by Commander Rasseru

  1. Thanks, but I have many website for reference photos. Plus I have real photos by me. If you think you found a website I don't know? Just PM me the link. Nice you want to help. I really need someone in our team to be a little bigger to help in the mod. We will have those police cars.
  2. I will think so. Because Riot Police are not trained as much in firearms. Firearms reports are very low in Japan. But still many other crimes would call the Riot Police or SAT to respond.
  3. Their are two different divisions. Riot Police Are officers who uses riot gear and do not carry any firearms. Special Assault Team They are like Swat or GSG 9... But more of a military counterpart. National Police Agency have them based at major Airports in Japan.
  4. Koban are known as small substation or Police Box.
  5. Name of this project is: Tokyo Mod 東京MOD Last Updated: 02/04/10 2010/02/04 Description: New Models New Skins New Sirens New Mission Maps Freeplay Map Edits New Fire Station New Police Starion Kobans Fire Substations New commands New Music New Buildings English translation & Japanese translation About Tokyo: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tokyo_Metropolis Fire: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tokyo_Fire_Department Police: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tokyo_police The Mod Team So far. Commander Rasseru = Leader, Skining, Maps, Sounds, Voice, and Researcher (Current working on Sirens and billboards images.) TeamNamami = Lead Researcher and Support --- (Currently looking into seeing a department review parade) lordbeno = 3D Modeling --- (Current working on another project.) Also help from members of First Responders Mod Team. We are looking for more teammates... Just PM Rasseru. Supported Project Help from: Chidea, em4fun, Martjin (extra help on many things and will be credited) The First Update will have a lot of changes. Later Updates more units, missions, etc... Starting Progress: Making New models for: Ambulance = 0ne basic model finish. Mobile Hospital Rescue Dogs Vehicle Equipment Vehicle Pumper = Cab Model is finish. Ladder Truck Water Tender ABC-Decontamination Vehicle *New* Airport Crasher Patrol Car Troop Carrier Prison Transporter = Model is almost ready for image skinning. Amoured Car Riot Control Unit Helicopters Progress Reskining Tech Units *New* EM3 Fire Boat Map Making Progress New maps are being made. Movie Map : 60% Finish Beach Map : 70% Finish Edit Freeplay Map : 60% Finish Deluxe Freeplay Map: 20% *New* Airport Map : Starting *New* Tokyo Bay Map : Starting Some Screenshots of Progress Skins Hino Ranger's Cab 3D models Hino Ranger's Cab Ambulance Maps Fire Station Small Koban Sounds Reworking new sounds. The past link is gone. Sound that are finish: Police and Ambulance sirens. More Models and Designs on the way. Hopefully a unit model will be finish soon.
  6. I seen this problem been chated before about the shadows in the models. You should search for it to see how to fix it. Still look great...
  7. The point is to sell the idea of mod and it's area....not how to make it.
  8. Its not really a mod till I see more of his own work. All it looks like is editor changes.
  9. Sorry, you need to find some one else who knows it better than I.
  10. I try sketch a few times... I still suck in making cars... But my buildings are so cool!
  11. Here we are at page 4.... Any one has any more good ideas? Place in the World: Japan Where in Japan: Osaka Time of place : Today World Style: Japanese and Modern Great area! The City of Kobe is near by the had a Earthquake in 1995. Bless those who are alive. Kyoto the old capital of Japan... Alot of old buildings and lot of nature in that city. Osaka is the 2nd biggest city in Japan. Is inside a bay area with many big and small rivers in the city. It has alot of canals too. Good for water missions. Also all the Density of a huge city is great and aslo the departments cover alot of land area.
  12. Honestly some people who really can't wait till the next release? Need to find another EM mod to play and support for too. You can't just play one mod all the time.
  13. What I was told from others... UV Mapping the skin images to the model in Google Sketch Up... wouldn't work very well. They had to take it to another program after converting it into V3O file.
  14. Just a small mistake....UVmapping is call skining... :/
  15. The SPK file hase to be cornert to a V3O file think.... Your 3D model. UV mapping is the skin. of your model and would be DDS when save. To put it in Mod you need to used editor.
  16. Also some for cities... The Rule is that... The police put too many miles on the car. So they get new ones than driving them even more with more miles on them. What ever is the limit is set by the police. Now many people think that the old crown vic at the fire stations gets are less used because they don't patrol around like the police one. So that no one think the fire don't need them because the don't patrol or high speed chases.
  17. That means you not wanting to try or don't want to work on it? Some of you other scripters can make the script. Yes, it will take time. But worth it at the end when its finish. Hoppah maybe use your script if it works well. I wouldn't give up a idea if no one even try to make the script in full. Their are hardly any easy script to make. Now than ever the new script is going to be harder because the mod been around a long time. Easy is almost gone...
  18. Yes... But you would need to convert the file to another file.
  19. I think you would have to speak a little german... and commands by grids... Plus software would have to understand your voice...
  20. That why things like that would work with Asian Nations. Also yes, some asian that do use UK stuff. I know that Hong Kong use Dennis' Fire Engines. People are making British Mods could help. If Beijing has those engines? Or help any other mod. We can get alot of new Asian Mods around here.
  21. Also if there people making Asian mods we can easy trade and share unit models. I wouldn't like have to make every single truck, car, and engine. I know alot of other asian nations use Japanese Car and truck models. It could cut down the workload in model making in half.
  22. Any 3D Model program can work. As long you can create .V3O file with the program. Most people on this site use Zmodeler as their Model maker... www.zmodeler2.com/ If the program seem too hard? Search the net for some thing that easy for. Some one can help you convert the files if its different?
  23. 3 days time? that really depends and some times it takes longer... Its not like magic. It will work... You just need to take some time to make it work. Don't rush and look for people who can give any help... But some of us are doing our own mods too or work. So we might not have time.
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