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Commander Rasseru

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Everything posted by Commander Rasseru

  1. My point was that the Coast Guard shouldn't be the only rescue unit in the Mod. Also if the Coast Guard is on a rescue in the city or on the coast of the city? Do they ever use the HH-60 "JayHawk"? The HH-60s are mostly launch for Long Range Sea missons right? Are the HH-65C "Dolphin" use more around the city and coast lines more often? If so a HH-65C "Dolphin" should be add to the Mod and another common rescue copter. Even if its LA Fire or LASD.
  2. I was thinking.... Don't think that the Coast Guard don't do many in city rescues. I think the LASD do most of the Air Rescue in the city of LA. That why I think there should be have a LASD Air Rescue Copter.
  3. Is the guy? Who post his forum still around? Cause who will even lead this mod?
  4. Thats a good idea if people can work as a team and share as a group.
  5. You can't host... your on a ADSl Network. Best use a free online server. read other topics about this.
  6. I glad to see some people think that a K9 would work for EM4. I don't know you got the idea from me or not... But its nice some one is trying hard than being lazy.
  7. I make my own maps... Hours in photoshop. The texture pack only helps some times.
  8. Who a fans of EM3? Well I bring out something from the game. The Model of the EM3 Fire Boat. The EM4's Fire boat looks too western... So I'm repainting the EM3 Fire boat to Tokyo Fire Boat colors and add some japanese text. If coding works out right? Maybe a Driver launch from boat or another boat water gun. I'm almost done in coloring and Ami going to post it in the mod to see if any colors need fix. Then we will post a picture here. Another thing that I seen use by the TFD. Is the Older fire ladder that is used EM 3 and 4... But we will change to a newer Japanese one. Older Engines for the Mod will be add on later if the TFD still used it in service.
  9. Can the Dispatcher's Model can be change easily? Or is it like some kind of video file? Because if its a model the plays with voice? I want to change the model of character to look different... but with the same program movement it use. If it's not a video type file.... It reminds me of Civ 4 leader models and I know people can model new leader's in that game.
  10. Pm me about it. I have many pictures of Japanese buildings and know where to find some.
  11. The Small Streets Map's Ground texture is 80% Done. I'm starting the testing on it also.... to see if the normal EM units will crash into the walls. lol When some of the Fire Engine models are finish? I will test them to see if they would work best? Because some the Japanese Fire Engines are made for small street or alleys. Here are some pictures to give you a idea how small. Well may not look that bad? on a two line road... You must look at the room you have to work with if you can't stand in the grass areas. Even harder if the signs and light poles are in the way also. Here is a Engine in a alley side street. Housing and Walls would be this close in Japan. I'll program the roads in to see the EM unit can drive this at all? would be hard.
  12. Nice Thanks! I like to see more of those... Closer videos and Picture of them using it. Also more data if can be found?
  13. I think it because the handle could hurt the user or hurt a person thats trap in some thing and can't be seen. It does give alot of force to knock a person to the ground.
  14. Hoppah! Why?! I know your making the next update with new stuff! But? Are you making it harder for the other mods to have some fame too? I do say its great work... But every update it seems like its own game it self. 16 tons or some one should hire you to make your own game. I feel sorry for American Mods right now... To match to your game's level. Luckly I still feel safe in what I can add for our mod. I bet will be fun to play.... I hope the Newbies don't use the new FF/EMT or FF/Paramedic as Firemen... There should be a limit like one per Engine or them costing more. Honestly it takes out the fun who playing as the Medic Department. Because the other player heal people and you just have to transport.. I would like to heal also... Good work on this update.
  15. Well I'm counting 6 countries now who has it. I like to know if they all look the same or what?
  16. This is a Impluse Gun / Extinguisher Gun / Mist Gun I seen this use by the Japanese Fire Department, Singapore Civil Defence Force, and the German SEK. This Impluse Gun shoots 370 p.s.i of water at a speed of 354 mph? Because it says "570 meters per hour (about 520 f.p.s)" on the http://www.firekraftusa.com/ website. They are trying to sell them in the USA. I like to see if some of us can try to mod this for the game as a Fire Extinguisher? Its also used as a Anti-Personnel and Breaching tool to knock out or make the person fall to the ground. But seem a little harder mod? There might be other departments that use this Impluse Gun. So I won't count out this is a rare tool as a Extinguisher and such. Use as a fire tool in game? I say it should have 3 time more power that a game Fire Extinguisher? But I don't know what Energy power for the Normal Extinguisher. On the website above and I like to find more websites with this Info also. That a Car fire can be put out in 45 seconds with only 12 litters of water. That really cool huh? Also with this Extinguisher... It don't stream the water out at a fire. But in bursts. Could the game let it fire in a burst then wait 3 secs till it can brust again? This video show one. http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseacti...videoid=9715055 http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseacti...videoid=9715157 I know bigger systems do stream the water out. I'm not a scripter... But I like someone to take a look at this and let me know if it could work?. I don't care if it would take a long time to script it. Becasue it would be worth it. Also I'm looking for more websites with info on this thing. If you can find some thing? Let me know please. I like to use this for the Tokyo Mod. There one on his motorbike....
  17. or west yakuza vs east yukuza? lol oh damn, i thought of another funny mission idea a couple days ago but now i cant remember >_< I'll say maybe... Because some people want to keep it real... Lets give the people real and then maybe the fantasy. With the maps.... The roads are easy... The extra stuff takes longer. The Models of the units should be on top the list... Some people want to see the units first. If you seen my videos I posted at http://forum.emergency-planet.com/index.ph...=2287&st=20 I know its cool to have some things like unmarked police cars, yakuza, SAT, robots, and etc... The Mod can't start being like other mods with their cool things. Also they have all the basic things finish. We don't yet. After the basic things are done. Then we can add the cool stuff. Becasue I want to have the cool Fire Department robots and Fire & Police Motorcycles. I have to wait also.
  18. Better off seeing if you can be a State Diver Team... If you live a area where a Diver team is not needed. Some times the State will do it for locals... But if you live in New York City? Then you might able to find a job there. You can see you can help your buddies the Coast Guard.
  19. Well it seems high because the News maybe reports on it a lot... But a lot of crimes seems to end up going to be suicide. Changing on what new crimes will be added or how offen a crime will happen will be add later in the mod.
  20. I bet you would have to apply to the FBI Training School. Then you have to do the basic training like every FBI agent. Then they will subclass you to different training classes like being a driver... You can't go in right as a driver without FBI training or law enforcement training.
  21. Sorry, there are very few or no Mitsubishi police car or unmarked. I haven't seen one... I maybe saw a Mitsubishi Police Van...? They do use Skyline. but, maybe not the same sport model... Unmarkeds are mostly common looking... But few are more sporty.
  22. After uploading your TGA file of map to editor then it will convert to .Eft file...
  23. Yes, they do. Their are like 3 Units. Traffic, Criminal Investigation, and Organized Crime will mostly have unmark cars. Types they use are most High-end Japanese Car Models. Sport Luxury or just Luxury and a few normal brand models. Mostly not the same model as normal squad cars. They want them to look common. Its really hard to spot a unmarked in Japan. Most of them don't have huge antennas. But small thick black ones like a car phone antenna. They are mostly in 3 colors too. White, Black, and Silver. All light bars are hidden or is easy to throw a red light on the roof. You wouldn't know the car is unmarked. Because it looks so normal and you would maybe just have to look into a window to see the high-tech computer or radio system. We will maybe have a unmarked car unit in the mod. But not sure when.
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