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Commander Rasseru

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Everything posted by Commander Rasseru

  1. Yet, it's not the same style light bar... I seen on many units.
  2. Any way... Its cool! Some of those I didn't knew they made them LED. But yet... I have not seen many LED lights on some units. Also I don't know If the government buys from those companies?
  3. Do some of the silly basic things like reset and reload... I had that problem before.
  4. Look on your list of models you going to make.... No M113 Ambulance? Why not?
  5. I wonder that size code been hack before? There must be a line of code that limits the size... Hmmm?
  6. But are the ones in Iraq... Tan sand or desert pink?
  7. I first saw you did a model in sketch. Did that transfer well to Zmod? And you using another Modeling program? Aren't some Army Fire Trucks at bases look like normal Civil Fire Trucks?
  8. I would create a whole new tool and use the old fire extinguisher model as a testbed. Then find out about shoot rate for the fire extinguisher. Must be seen shooting a mist then off. How fast should it put out a fire? From the picture above.... 1 to 3... 3 sec burst for that size of fire to be out. One problem it should not able to do is put out a house fires. I will make all other equipment useless... and too easy for people to cheat. If it can put out every type of fire. I think the shots can have is 6 to 10. Most other data is upabove also.
  9. Yes, Agree... Thanks for putting it in more details... I didn't know how to put it in many words? I wish for the more than one water cannon also. And the transport of fire crew and launching small craft from a bigger ship. Also every one wish for a helicopter diver. Last I heard that coding seem hard for that. But My dream is too see an almost whole water map with one ship as the HQ or a dock. Where you could launch water craft and helicopters to save people's lives at sea or on a coast line. It would be great as a mission or an freeplay. It will add a cool new thing for coast guard or rescue service.
  10. For the Mods that are on Huge river or by the Sea... There is a lack of Sea based missions. I think we should make a few Sea mods and missions to add to gameplay in EM4. Or other Mods that can add a sea type mission. I like to see an ship rescue or a ship fire... Where you might have to go inside the ship or tow it to safely. In other words.... Some "Search & Rescue" type things. I would use stuff in our Tokyo Mod. If I could know how to script it?
  11. Since the Berlin Mod has a Tram... Not knowing if it works on the streets or not? Should us modders make other forms of transport? So that it can be used for Missions or freeplay? We need new ideas to add in our Mods. I would leap on any project to make these Elevated Rail and Light Rail Mod. I can do some of the image work for these mods.
  12. Anyone still like to try to help make this equipment? I heard the many Departments in Germany and UK use this equipment too. I would like to have this equipment for Tokyo Mod's Fire motorbikes.
  13. I wonder this map will cause any lag? Looks like more objects are on this map?
  14. Friendly tip in making buildings. Add a thickness to walls and floors. Makes it look more real. Also I would add another wing to the Hospital. The skp file to V3O is a trickly trip. A few only know how to do it. I couldn't find any one to really help me on that.
  15. I know it seems like alot of models to make... We aren't going to make them all at once and in first release maybe not have all models. If there ever any free models we can be freely used. That would cut the workload down. What will help us now? Is the staff we need to make the Mod. I limited in my skills to finish the Mod alone.
  16. Lets get back on topic... Still working on skins and hoping they will work? When we get model of unit. They are looking really nice. With the logos and Japanese text on the units. Wonder how I will do the Unit number on the roof? It depends... Maybe random numbers? Next fun thing and will be easy that I can do is making Japanese Road Signs and Billboards. I'll post pictures of that when it finish. I got some funny ones.
  17. We will know the "Future of Police Cars" till we see a Department buy a fleet of an model... Not just one car.
  18. I use Photoshop CS2... You can use any art program to make ground textures. Any thing with layers is the best to have. You can try? Might be harder without layers.
  19. Why you put so much detail inside the car?
  20. I haven't seen one of those in the Midwest at all. Also those are not needed in all in Japan. Alot of roads and streets are worked on at night or non-rush hours. Plus Japanese who are driving are very strict in following the Road Laws. Yet some do break laws... But its not as bad in the U.S. That could be why that truck has one...? Any road construction in Japan is clearly aware to the drivers and singals are placed.
  21. I think Japan's Police had this idea way before NYPD... Maybe not first on patrol cars... But other traffic units used them like vans.
  22. Hey Mike! If you want an older Toyota Crowns in the Mod? You can take the time to Model one and we will add it in the Mod. I can give you a website that has some the older ones and you can pick which one you like us to have? Because I bet even in Tokyo their are still some older Patrol Cars around. Yet the older Crowns are not that old? Its up to you. If you want...? It helps us in work load too.
  23. This is the newer Toyota Crown Patrol Car. This is the older Toyota Crown Patrol Car. Old Patrol Cars are less seen now days in major cities. Does this help?
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