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Commander Rasseru

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Everything posted by Commander Rasseru

  1. Sorry Right now... I can't Model a Ladder Truck with the turnwheel base of the ladder in the near center of the flatbed. It might be easy for some modder to change a current design of a ladder truck to a near center turnbase. An multi-arm system that is a hydraulic platform. Some one just needs to model the arm of it. Might be simple to make and add to a current ladder truck that is made. Plus side for these ladder that they are longer and go higher than a normal ladder truck... I think the EM ladder truck in real life can go 5 floors tall. The multi-arm hydraulic ladder and the near center turnwheel base ladder are design for +8 floors tall... Very useful for people who want to make mods with tall building or wants more reach with the ladder. I would think if you do make a near center turnwheel base ladder. It would maybe have the same coding with some changes... like left is right and right is left...
  2. Much friendly a year ago... Honestly they might be yelling at the noob kids in the US... Like the noob kids we get on the forums... Like the one who can't use the forums and posting in wrong areas of the forums.... etc. I think its because more older people play Emergency Games and that we don't want to play with kids who goof off in games or wants to cheat? Plus alot of Germans are trying to beat each other scores that they want to play with experts on hard mode... Lastly multiplayer isn't design friendly for quick games, meeting people to chat with in a main lobby, and no translater software....
  3. Was you making this mod secretly for how long?
  4. I like to know from a scripter that try to do this with a model before... I don't see why the ladder base can't be move and the ladder will work the same.
  5. Now, I don't know if this is a game limit in scripting for a Ladder Trucks? What about the other designs of Turntable Ladders for the trucks? Right now I only seen a Front Basket Ladder Trucks in game or in mods... Where are the ones that Ladder's base in the near center. Like on a Tower Truck where the basket is in the rear. Or the Hydraulic Platform where the ladder is more like a crane and stacks on it's self. Now are those ladder trucks a problem or no one ever tried?
  6. Thats really great! I'm not sure when we are going to add the Japan Coast Guard? But it will be much later release in the future... lol I almost forgot about them. Because the Tokyo Fire Department has their own Rescue Teams for Air and Sea. I was going to repaint Tec Copter Red for Tokyo Fire Department. Later I am hoping to make new helicopters for all departments. Japan Coast Guard will not be forgoten.
  7. lol Japanese Railroad crossing! I would of forgot about that! Thanks!
  8. I'm always looking for more help... :1046275747_biggthumpup: I maybe can find some thing you can help with?
  9. I know you like that ambulance... You never stop talking about it. Lately I'm working on the normal freeplay map.... Working in changing the streets to Japanese and making the cars driving on the left to right... Also I been thinking about the Station or Stations for the freeplay... I pick 3 areas on the map that I'm planing to replace the building and put a station there. Thats if we can program these stations to work. Also I'm going to live up the coastline for the fire boat and water events. Lastly I'm think in having one forest and turning the othe forest to building and a small park area. I going to try to convert the station models sometime soon. I hope it works.
  10. It not the same... the basket and the crane if different...
  11. Not the Same truck in the picture link... That what I mean...
  12. Your picture is different ladder truck than what your modeling... Doing something different?
  13. Here an Update on what I think about the Current Votes that I can say to be in Tokyo Mod because it used in Japan. Large Staiton Holds 8 Engines and 4 Ambulances : "Might be too many slots and too many Ambulances of a real Station." Holds 6 Engines and 3 Ambulances : "It ok... Can happen." Holds 4 Engines and 2 Ambulances : "More likely I would use this." Small Station Holds 2 Engines and 1 Ambulance : "Will use this size. If 2nd station is needed...?" Holds 1 Engine and 1 Ambulance : "Would be 2nd pick..." Holds Engines only? : "I add this... Because if 2nd station is too near a hospital or some thing?" Parking A Back Door to Front Door Garage : "Large Station Fire could have this." Front Door Garage only : "Small Station might have this. Also if backing up is not a problem." Any kind of garage with extra parking outside. : "Parking for support units at station will be no problem because of small size. But big units might be problem. I'm still be looking for any more votes and will take any new ideas.
  14. Yes and also attack with more power than normal fighting. So the person can get hurt faster...
  15. I glad some people are editing or makiing underground images for freeplay. Any one can edit buildings above... To able to match Underground, Scripts, and Objects above takes real skills. It isn't good till every thing matches. That what I say... Good luck to the ones who are doing that.
  16. From what I see... Its like that for all japanese ambulances have hatchback door in the rear. It maybe because ambulances in past was like that... Don't forget about the sidehatch door ambulances that was use in 40s and 50s. The rear two door design was more of a American design for cargo vans... Its more about Van history than ambulance history. Also the Hatchback came from Europe and made it way to Japan before they became a big car making nation. It could be that Japan use Vans that was design for people than cargo. And other nations use cargo vans as ambulances.
  17. To solve how each department in the world is defferent. The firefighting Action/RPG should be base on no nation. But have settings, careers, and equipment that can fit for any nation. Or setting that can be setup to a nation's design of Fire Department. Honestly if you want to sell this game to some company you will need to make a sample of your game no matter what... A Script of Rules, how the game play is like, pictures or drawings, and Bussiness Plan for the Game... You have to do some pre-work.... Can't give a company an idea by just showing up to an meeting with out any works or samples of your game idea.
  18. This one maybe the easiest? Its so cool with the LED lights. The one on my sig is an older ambulance maybe from late 90s? Its maybe newer back then. Its today replacement looks very hard to model. Ambulance are hard since most that the each side look different. Like the left side has windows with curtains, slide door and the right side has no window and a hump for equipment cover box. The first ambulance that I show is easier because it look the same on both side. Oh that left side has a slide door. But windows all around. All the ambulances rear door pulls up and opens as one door in the rear. I think the door call a hatch back? As seen here... Any Ambulance you pick is good. Just letting you know about the easier new one. Love to see a screenshot of it under the works.
  19. That's neat! Are the Pumper and Ambulance the same model from the TFD website? I know another Ambulance type that could be better?
  20. I really need help in making unit models or this project is going more down hill. Even that I doing map making and repainting skin to some models. The project can't go any where with some unit model. Face it that some people don't care about any mod till a model or the unit are made. So I need any help from any one who think the can model any type of unit. That will help alot and we will be glad if you join the team. Also for those that offer to make buildings... Where you been? You gave up on us? Have you try any thing or you need help? Because we will need your help. Or I might have to do alot of buildings by myself? I hope some people can help. I like this mod to get finish for its first release.
  21. I knew I was right about the copters. Since I have a military hobby... Then the Coast Guard should have Dolphins... In the LA Mod. Right? I hope Hoppah is keeping our idea in mind?
  22. For the last time! You kids! City of L.A. ideas only! Please do your research before posting. If you want ideas that they use in your Nation or any other Nation? Two thing you can do for you ideas. Support a Mod that is making Mod for you nation or city. Or get people to make you own mod of you nation or city. There lots of other Mods that can and will use you idea. L.A. Mod is not the only mod out there. I don't want my ideas on L.A. Mod to go unheard....
  23. They are name different because of designs, equipment, and frames are not the same. Jayhawk, Seahawk, and Pave Hawk are different variants of the Blackhawk. Also they are in different services and they have different mission roles. Also I think the Coast Guard has no CH-53 Sea Stallion. Of what I know...
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