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Everything posted by MikeyPI

  1. Most older games use the desktop's default refresh rate instead of their own independent one, then again most "older" games also have the option of hardware and software modes built into them as well, with most of these newer games they tend to go one of two routes: a. they have a "configuration" app that will change the settings according to what you tell it to (the prefered option). B. they automatically go with a limited selection of settings you can choose between, which is popular for a multitude of reasons, in this case I have a feeling it was to help save money and the fact this game was designed more or less as an out of the box game type, so in trying to meet most people's needs they did not think about the unique cases like yours and mine. Sorry we could'nt help.
  2. I cannot find any controller for the refresh rate in the configuration files, which probrably means it is coded to use a default program rate rather than the desktop rate that is common on many other games out there :1046275873_shakehead:
  3. It should be fairly obvious by hoppah's statement below the update: I have planned some other things I want to make later: - A black FBI SUV. MikeyPI has allowed me to use his '07 Tahoe. - The FBI Command Vehicle will heal persons who are inside the vehicle. - The FBI Command Vehicle will be able to buy FBI agents. - A new sniper rifle command for the FBI agents. It will look like this. I hope everyone like the new additions. Hoppah I'd say you're in for a bit of a wait, the tahoe is white, it has to be turned into an FBI Truck, right now it is an unmarked unit, yes, but there is crap all over it that has to go in order to make it the FBI's, so that'll take a margin of time to change over. Then you have two totally unique scripts that have to be made and checked, that'll be some time in of it's self to make them work let alone perfectly. And the sniper command which is an evolved version of the original, so again more time... Patience is a virtue, learn to embrace it.
  4. I have to give my credits as well, thanks to MikesPhotos for giving me extremely good pictures of the LA MCV so that I could accurately model the vehicle to the one in Los Angeles instead of Washington, D.C. Also, be forwarned, the FBI LA MCV tends to get into fights around corners if two big vehicles meet, the thing is a cool toy but it is huge :1046275873_shakehead:
  5. EDITED: I have attempted the very same task myself and have ran into problems as well, perhaps there is a way to make this work but I do not see a viable one at this time. The game probrably does not like reversed ladders like the ones shown in the pictures, perhaps there is a way around it but I could not find one.
  6. This topic was created to help filter questions regarding equiptment and tactics used by all the emergency agencies away from modding topics and into a unified field where all manner of questions can be asked and hopefully answered by others who know alot more than I do about the different tools used in the trade. Feel free to use this topic to ask about the purpose of a vehicle regardless of region, the uses of equiptment, and the purpose of personnel. Hopefully others will have a good idea of what they do and what they are called.
  7. while realistic to have tankers rolling around, it is just not required in the game considering that the water tenders all have an infinite supply line and never need to be hooked to any hydrants. That is an issue in the game they choose to do, probrably to avoid the headache of not having access to water in some situations.. So I would not expect that item to be created since it's purpose is not required in the game.
  8. Penn State Univ, Erie PA Cop car, pretty easy to tell due to the fact it's a honda SUV as a cop car.
  9. The old LAPD CRASH cars used to have steady burns if I am not mistaken, but the steady burns just turn on when the emergency lights go on as mike said, just like any other aux light you can cut them off with the flip of a switch. In the end the best cars for being discreet are the narco cars for example which tend to be "borrowed" from the impound lot, cars that either the owner will never claim or cars that have been siezed for one reason or another. Pretty much everywhere in the US practices this kind of behavior since it gives them a car that does not look like a cop car that will allow them to hide pretty well. Some cases they use their civilian cars but that is not as common for insurance issues and things of that nature, besides you would not want to be detected as a cop and have the criminals you just chased down knowing your civil car. Mike is correct that most of those vehicles do not carry auxilliary lighting, it is fairly hard to do a drug deal on the corner if you have a christmas tree of a car, chances are your mark will notice the lights.
  10. I am too lazy to open the script or the editor at the moment so I am working off of memory, if you mark the light as a "special" light it should light them up. I am not 100% sure at this moment but I am pretty sure that should work with that script if it is the same as the standard flood script. Floodlight on enables special lights=true or something of the sort... Like I said I am working off my memory, so hopefully it'll work.
  11. 911:FR IS capable of running on Vista, I run it under Compatibility mode: Aministrator permissions (this allows it to tamper with files as needed that would be otherwise unavailable to it)... I have to further look at your logfile before I will know whether or not that is the only potential issue.
  12. It is a varient of the Blackhawk Equipped to address fire related issues (though I believe during it's off season it is used for SAR and Medivac usage).. I am not sure but I believe that it is swapped over to pull other duties when it is not needed in fire suppression. The Blackhawk has many varients, some of which are just nicknames granted by their owners, the ones I am aware of and 100% certain exist from the varient list are: Blackhawk Pavehawk Seahawk Jayhawk Firehawk (civilian varient for fire suppression/multirole) EDIT: Sorry MikesPhotos, I guess we posted at the same time, but we both have the same answer... I responded while you were posting apparently:(
  13. Check the masking of the object, chances are you have it painted to turn it into a transparent vehicle, I do not know for sure but that would be my guess is that you did that. If you use I believe it is total BLACK alpha channel it will make the model appear transparent.
  14. I do not quite know what you mean by Mid-Mount Aerial Trucks, but IF the vehicle has a standard type ladder I do not believe it plays any role as long as the fire fighter can reach the basket to get up in the air. A multi-arm system is currently an issue nobody can solve(probrably impossible). The game's engine is designed for ladders to rotate and extend on the same axis. By this I mean the ladder has a single rotation point, from there the ladder turns and elevates, then the segments will extend outward as needed. I am unaware of a solution that will allow you to change this measure other than a hard-scripted event (which would limit the truck dramatically to only doing one movement alone when it deploys). If it is a standard straight line ladder, regardless to how it is mounted it should still be capable of functioning regardless of placement on the vehicle as long as the firemen can reach the basket. IF the basket is out of reach they can't enter it to use it, making it do nothing at all. For the very same reason a functional Cherry Picker is not likely to work properly unless it is a scripted static object.
  15. For those of you who have had issues with 911:FR related to the Screen Resolution in any way including failure to load, hopefully this section will help you out: 1).Screen Flashes and crashes to desktop is most likely caused by either incompatible drivers/video card or possibly the following issue: Your screen Resolution is higher than what your video card supports (or monitor). The way to solve this if you do not wish to uninstall/delete the files and reinstall is fairly easy if you follow the directions below. Open em4.cfg in Notepad (ensure that the document is not read-only at this time and that the user profile you are in can modify it). <var name="r_xres" value="----" /> <var name="r_yres" value="---" /> the "----" is the resolution you have selected, you can manually enter in any value you want, but it is recommended that you choose either what your current screen resolution is, or below it. For EX: X:800 Y:600 as a safe number. Should you choose to change it to a custom value, you may want to make your CFG. File a "Read-Only" Document, this is done by right clicking on the document and selecting properties and clicking read-only. If you want to make your game run in windowed mode, change this value: <var name="r_fullscreen" value="1" /> 1=True 0=False My screen runs in an unusual resolution so I had to manually type in my screen resolution in order for it to fill my widescreen monitor properly. I hope this helps any of you who either made the mistake of choosing a screen res too high for your hardware, or those of you with issues related to the screen not being filled completely.
  16. It was a joke, I brought the bayonette, he brought the knife... I was simpifying the comment down, apparently I should've clarified, anywho time for the picture to come along.. Just alil post-April fun for everyone as everyone expects it on the first of the month:) If you looked closer you would have noticed the writing below the image and the count.... Voodoo was right on the mark with that one, there were other cues it was a joke but apparently they went by missed by everyone. take care
  17. By attatching said knife to a firearm... old trick but still useful today.
  18. "la mod news: the LA mod has been suspended due to the creator being shot in a knife fight" Realtime News for ya.
  19. He works hard to keep the realism in the mod, but remember he does have the help of mike to get him info on what is currently in use in LA, that helps alot with realism but his knowledge to begin with is pretty high up there. Pretty much LA and NYC are the only places where you can find decent pictures of most of their apparatus' in use.
  20. MikeyPI


    Other than some quirks with the system the program does stabilize connection issues fairly well and make it pretty easy to use to play together online overall, I dislike some of the things it does but overall it definately improves the performance of the mp function.
  21. I just run games as the administrator across the board on all games to ensure that there is no issue resulting from that end, so take that advice, what is your CPU speed clocked at? you have listed the model but the speed would be of help too... like 1.5GHZ 2.0GHZ etc....
  22. The Directional Aux Bars are not necessarilly required to get the same effect you could use a script without the lights and retain authenticity if you wanted them to clear vehicles off their backs...(I know nadda bout LAFD equiptment). I have myself looked up water tankers, they sadly do not seem to have many of em around these days, most of them are on older chassis, the helicopters and planes seem to be the prefered method of dealing with remote fire suppression... But Mike is from the area and can easilly find newer ones if they are in service there.
  23. Okay, Vehicle speed is dictated by the vehicle, meaning if a car is set to only go 60... it's prototype will do only 60 if it is set to 120 it will do 120... making cars go faster because a road is clear to my knowledge is not possible. Multiple airplanes is not permitted due to hard-coding to my knowledge there is no workaround to this issue, the game was designed to permit but one plane at a time. Freeplay events are coded into the game, perhaps you could make new ones but I am not even sure as to where you would add these events... but I am sure it would take a great deal of time.... The criminals cannot make the car go faster than it is supposed to in it's file, the car's speed is dictated by that so unless you want ALL cars of that prototype to speed like that, I do not know if you can make it go faster. Criminals in 4 apparently are coded to run a certain distance only, unlike before where they tried to get away, perhaps this is possible to work at but I do not believe so. Alot changed between 3 and 4 some for the good, some for the bad, some things that might have worked in 3 won't work in 4.... sucks but it is what it is. Hoopah can speak for or against what I mentioned as he'd know better, and he can tell you about the rest because I do not know if it is possible to script them to do the other things you want.
  24. Codecs are essentially files that allow you to read certain formats, typically video formats.... Can't remember where they are stored.
  25. You will probrably want to at least try to work on modding on your own to start, most people who frequent here are from the Western countries, so they have not seen most of the vehicles you would be asking them to build and most of the modelers and scripters are predisposed right now in other mods, be their own or other people. So my suggestion is to at least try to start off on your own to hopefully spark interest by some modeler who might have the free time to lend a hand. Right now it seems more or less like you're selling a concept but no real direction yet, that will be a tough sell to gather people to help you out. Perhaps if you try your best to start off on your own, there are plenty of methods to make a model, you just have to shop around and find one you can understand. Z-Modeler tends to be favored for it's easy user-interface. take care, best of luck.
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