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Everything posted by MikeyPI

  1. Learn to ask a real question with some sort of interpretable purpose to it, or you are wasting people's time asking things like this... Since there is no topic which you wish to know about, or any purpose of it.
  2. That is on the base floor texture not in the editor....
  3. The addition of the Mod buildings into the Multiplayer is most likey an idea that would cause an already buggy online experience to become frustratingly worse, there are so many things that would have to work that probrably would not aside from the synchronizing of the gameplay between the computers. Aside from that, think about the simple fact of how do you control which player has control over the fire department, the helicopter on the helipad at the hospital, etc.? When you start thinking about the idea more and more you start to see how fast the idea looses it's luster due to the problems it poses without even considering the possibility of it working and how difficult it may be. The US Secret Service was requested previously and was declined for the simple reason that they would serve no purpose to this mod other than being toys for you to look at, they would not add to the gameplay or bring anything unique to it. My understanding is that there is no desire to pursue a mission at this time related to the President, any other politician, or any other duty that would require the SS to be constructed.... Then you have the fact that an FBI 2007 Tahoe was just added into the mod and that vehicle has a new sniper rifle that is unique not just in appearance but also in abilities, you should be able to see the Secret Service really does not add much to this mod. Perhaps if this mod were the Federal mod or a mod based in Washington, D.C. it would be a practical request but this is the LA Mod and I do not believe there is much need for the Secret Service without a mission that would need them which I do not believe there will be one. You can always try the same request over at the Federal Mod, since he is doing Federal Agencies he may find a use for the Secret Service truck in his mod somewhere..
  4. Modding is broken do own into a few categories, some of which are not too hard to do on your own, my suggestion is to try to do what you can FIRST before you ask someone else to do all the work for you.... Most modders have other things they would prefer to do that they've opted for their own reasons to pursue.. Modding Categories: Scripting (very hard) 3D Models (intermediate) depending on complexity UV Mapping (intermediate) again depending on model complexity Textures (easy/intermediate) depending on how realistic you want them to be building prototypes (easy) just a matter of putting everything in, not too difficult Start experimenting and see if you can do anything yourself because most people do not want to put in a ton of effort with someone who doesnt seem like they are willing to try anything themselves. Modding isnt programming, scripting is the closest to programming, thus why it is the hardest of the items I listed.
  5. Please do not ask when an update is comming out, it is against the terms of use of this forum, and rather annoying too. Please also edit your posts in the future, I do not like having to merge people's posts.
  6. That size fills the map completely, if you do not use that size it will just fill the map with your smaller one over and over untill the full size is filled, then I guess you could use restrictions on how much of the map you could navigate... I don't know though.
  7. Does it really matter at this point? Cars out of their home jurisdiction will not change their light setups, trust me on that one, which does happen alot with federal agencies... "Hang on while I change my lights so I can go into that county or state" Not going to work, in the end this is the most useless discussion so why not find something more practical to discuss? Something that perhaps is relevant?
  8. I am getting tired of this so I will state my peace on this one last time then I am done... I suggested he put in grille lights, either a visor light or a dash mounted light and some sort of lighting system on the rear hatch area, he wanted a discreet vehicle and did not wish to put lights in the back end or on the top inside, so he omitted them. Yes, some will have lights in the rear side windows, but not all of them by any stretch of the word. The FBI vehicles vary horribly from reigion to reigion, there is not a standard requirement like other agencies for them which makes it hard to match a car to a place... Some of the FBI vehicles and other Federal vehicles have only Forward warning and Rear warning, I have seen some with just grille lights and flashing taillights/ reverse lights, then I have seen others with the system you describe. Since I did not care to ask who owned it or operated the suv, I cannot say who actually owned the one with more lights on it. Unfortunately, I doubt anyone can tell him what the FBI in LA has in it's lighting systems so I told him a general description from my area which there are plenty of federal agencies around and most of them are not loaded with lights like normal police unmarked vehicles... But to put a nail in this one, Hoppah did not want a ton of lights on it, so he choose to go with the grille lights and I would hope something with the taillights and/or reverse lights since he did not wish to have a light in the rear window somewhere, probrably because of the fact the hatch opens upward. I would have liked to have seen some light on the visor, wig-wag headlights along with the grille lights on the front, and some sort of aux light in the rear window but it is his mod and he did not want all those lights.
  9. I have seen their new color scheme, it looks similar to the patrol cars now which I was told that is what they were going for (thnx mikesphotos for showing me their repaint). Unfortunately, unlesss the helo is redone into the AS birdie I do not see the real need to reskin it and with the work needed to remodel the bird's rotor assembly I do not know if it is worth pursuing, yes the TV helo is pretty similar but in the end it can be better... For a limited replacement anyone could easilly throw the helo model from the TV chopper into the police prototype and have the same result as what you want hoppah to do. Not a bad idea but like I said rotors are alot of work, hoppah can testify to that.
  10. Thankye, Ideally the truck would have had more lights, particularly to the rear there would've been something more back there but given the truck is a hatchback and in this game the windows are solid it kind of made it tough to really want a light on the backside, so Hoppah did not want one there and I agreed that it probrably would not affect the vehicle too bad... Unfortunate as it is, the liftgate model that seems to only be available for 2007 on is not very friendly to aux lights in this game. Hopefully Hoppah took my advice and made the backside have something going on in the taillights and/or reverse lights just to give it something back there. Love the toy in black though :1046276313_Up_to_something:
  11. The logo isnt backwards, when hoppah took the screen shot the computer image reflected off a mirror and accidentally got mirrored so it's an illusion that it's incorrect, honest... :1046276313_Up_to_something: I accidentally mirrored the nose for whatever reason, and unfortuantely I did not give him the repaired version, so blame it on me.
  12. I felt that I was fairly clear as to which Detatchment I was speaking of in my original post but to me it is water under the bridge, I know the USSS is into other things which would require discretion but I was speaking of the Security Details alone, perhaps I should have been more clear in my statement. Since the pictures were from the presidential detail I figured you would assume that is what I was talking about. Anywho,
  13. Ehhem, Ok buddy the FBI is where the truck is being created for which is not easy to find a single unified setup for... If you read the mod's topic regarding updates to it you would have seen this fact, not to mention that I believe it is mentioned here somewhere as well that the FBI truck is being created. The Secret Service Motorcade Detail IS about show, look at the vehicles used in the fleet, most of which are not on your photography sites anywhere and they are pretty much christmas trees... I know exactly what the US Secret Service is into and had you read the bottom of my reply you would have seen MOTORCADE DUTY. As a matter of fact I do mind you asking me if I am a member of a law enforcement, even though I am in the field you really have no need to know now do you?
  14. The new Secret Service vs. the FBI are not very comprable at all, the Secret Service as you can tell love the christmas tree effect on their vehicles since they are all about show it makes sense... Chances are the FBI SUV in the game will have a relatively simple lighting pattern since the FBI is not known for going bezerk on their unmarked units like some other agencies. The DHS truck really isnt of much help since as you can tell from the picture it is a very discreet truck designed to somewhat blend. In all honesty the US Secret Service Presidential Motorcade Division is not the ideal "example" of federal lighting since they are in no way going for discretion in their activities when they are doing their motorcade duties.
  15. I lean towards what hoppah said that it will make the gameplay too frustrating to have to worry about a water level while dealing with a fire in the game even if it were possible to do so. I do not believe it is possible to limit the water flow of the ground vehicles anyway, I believe they hard-coded there to be no limit in the quantity of water they can use.... Placing a water tanker next to a fire engine while perhaps possible is yet another example of making the game more frustrating, after all how do you declare a tanker "close" enough for it to be used and how do you define how many vehicles may be supplied by a tanker.... There are just too many places where questions arise that have no real purpose other than to clutter up the map with more vehicles that in the end honestly a tanker won't be used for anything of use.
  16. Yes, they typically have carrying holsters for the things.. If you look at a taser it has a design that is very similar to a pistol, this was done on purpose so that it would be easy for law enforcement to pick up and use effectively.... So it makes sense they'd also make a carrying holster for it that is easilly handled and acessed so that the thing can be used when it must be. After all, what good is a tool if you cannot get to it when you need it?
  17. In short, yes they use the Taser for certain suspects... Most of america law enforcement has started to attempt to purchase them for their "less than lethal" advertised result.
  18. It is a Russian made truck, the name I know it as is 3 letters.
  19. Technically according to american laws regarding copying disks it is illegal, but considering you already owned a copy and you are distributing said copy I see no issues. IF you are american it is illegal to copy things which you own, even if for a personal backup, rediculous to me but none the less a license restriction. Instead most companies offer replacement disks for a minimal fee, typically 5-10 bucks for the cost of a new disk and shipping..
  20. Read the TOS Prior to posting: Notation of the TOS of Forums: "Some subjects are not allowed here, here is the list of forbidden subjects. This list shows you the forbidden subjects, but the forbidden subjects are not limited to the list, all law forbidden things will not be tolerated." - When will your mod release? => modders don't work with release dates - I want to be beta tester => modders chose them themselves
  21. Country, Police Agency, and the truck's name since it is an easy truck...
  22. Royal Dutch Shell Corporation, you need to come up with somethin better than the stupid shell emblem. The Saudis have the Crown Victorias for the same reason so many other Middle Eastern Nations have our cars, they get them from us for one reason or another... I could've sworn the saudis had a different color scheme, not exactly the same as that one.... The middle eastern nations sit on oil, they do not have the wonderous refineries that the west does so they are'nt exactly making out like bandits on fuel since they have to import most of their fuel. I do not follow LNG so you're on your own for which production field it is.
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