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Status Updates posted by sgtmatt325

  1. Hey guys i want to make a mod for EM3 and i need a scripter and a modeler if you want to help please PM me

    1. Reece.c


      Are you going to list any information for the postions your appealing for? at lease give us a topic?

    2. cops


      why EM3 and not EM4?

    3. Grim_Wizard


      Em3 out did EM4 in almost every aspect other then graphics.

  2. Hey guys if anyone wants to play Lamod or NYmod on EM4 PM me i really need someone to play with or people

  3. Hey if anyone wants to play EM4 La mod on online or the NY mod message me :)

  4. I dont think anyone likes my mod no one comments on it

    1. Zach1019


      I do...maybe more updates! I'd like to see more stuff about it!

    2. sgtmatt325


      K i'll see what i can do

  5. I hate being sick it sucks

    1. Kermit


      What do you have?

      If it is migraine it sucks, if you have to run to the toilet every 5 minutes, it's sucks, but if you are able to game, it doesn't sucks! :)

  6. I have a feeling my mod is not gonna get anywhere

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Zach1019
    3. sgtmatt325


      Im look for an extra skiner to help if you know of anyone who might wanna help

    4. EmC-Unit


      start for something,for me it took 2 years to release fiorst beta mod

  7. I have now made Cribbing, it won't hold the car its just for looks i have taken the Flare and made it a wood beam that looks like a really big peace of cribbing, i will be posting photos of it on the LLV topic

    1. met police999
    2. sgtmatt325


      Yes Cribbing are blocks of wood the fire department puts under the car on a crash scene so it does not move nor hurt anyone that gets around or in the car

  8. i like brownies im random ok

  9. I love it how everytime you post the word Tanker anywhere someone has to correct you and say Tender, like really people they do the same damn job they both haul water and can set up holding tanks. and yes i know most states are attempting to change the Tanker to Tender since the air drop planes are called Air Tankers

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JrFF34


      i dont care what anyone says. We call them Tankers on the East Coast ;)

    3. sgtmatt325


      @JrFF34 Hell yeah brother

    4. Fred03


      I think for to the public at large "tanker" is more easily understood than "tanker" anyway. But yeah I'll admit a sympathy to the "tanker" cause.

  10. I need a little help, I edited the map texture file for MP so how do i import it into the map (yes i know use the terrain editor) i saw a video that you have to save it as a .tga file then inport it but it just crashes my game

    1. sgtmatt325


      When i try to import it

  11. I really wanna get my mod done but i just don't feel like working on it and i have no clue why.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. sgtmatt325


      I just have so much to do and im only one person, im trying to work on skins and lights plus edit the map etc etc

    3. Rlast


      Yeh, don't let the modding life take it out on the real life; if you've got priorities, people will understand! Just take things slowly, do each skin one at a time, and give yourself a break! :)

    4. erfd


      I find it best to work on multiple parts at one time for example; I'll be modeling one fire truck, creating a skin for a ambulance, and UV-Mapping a Police Car. When I get worn out of modeling, I'll roll over to the ambulance, and so on. At least for me this gives me a nice change of scenery which keeps in enjoyable.

  12. I wonder if there is a way to make a traffic act like a OPTICOM by using this tuorial http://forum.emergency-planet.com/index.php?/tutorials/article/45-creating-an-automatic-gate/

    1. sgtmatt325
    2. cops


      go ahead and try ^^

  13. I would love to thank the makers of Google cause photos of emergency units i been looking for i found using Google :D

  14. I'm sad Hoppah didn't update the Water Supply Guide yet :(

    1. cops


      don't complain...

    2. sgtmatt325


      I'm not i'm just saying its called freedom of speech

  15. I'm thinking of making a Volunteer Firefighter type mod

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. sgtmatt325


      First i gotta find some 2 bay fire houses and maybe some vehicle models

    3. Handsup!


      By volunteer, do you mean gameplay wise or Volunteer style skins? If latter, bama is heavily involving Vol FDs, as you know :)

    4. sgtmatt325


      Gameplay, I'm not gonna have it like the Wegberg mod where its all automatic since that won't work for MP so it will all be player control yes i know people will ask "That's not Volunteer type" well it is, I've done it many of times on other mods with my friends.

  16. If anyone can tell me how to add units from one mod to another please mesage me

    1. LoKii


      Hi, I am trying to figure out the exact same thing. If you do get an answer, could you let me know please?

      Cheers :)

  17. If anyone has free time can you send me a link of how to setup traffic lights i can control with a stop vehicles command

  18. If anyone has some free time an can make some skins for me PM me please

    1. sniper3369


      I will make you a deal. If you are willing to learn how to do this yourself I will make you a single skin. While I am doing it I will record it and put it up on youtube so that you can learn for yourself. If this seems reasonable to you PM me with the photo of the vehicle you want. My personal preference is to do police units

  19. If anyone knows the owner of the FD skins in NYC mod 1.01 please PM me

    1. sgtmatt325


      FD people skins i mean

  20. If anyone knows where to get some American fire trucks lemme know, maybe like KME, Sutphen and American LaFrance

  21. If anyone on here is planing to play GTA Online don't waste your time cause its really bugging and its unplayable until Rockstar releases a update to fix it

    1. Marshall8946


      Yeah, I called it. You'd think they would see how much they received in sales to understand the mass quantity of players hoping to be online. I mean, they even waited two weeks after the game was released to enable online..

    2. sgtmatt325


      Rockstar can only test the server so much until they have to release it and like millions of people join and see what bugs happen then repair them

  22. If anyone would like to help out the LLV mod by doing some ground texture, Please feel free to PM me we are in need of someone who can do the job.

  23. Im looking for a 2 bay fire station, if anyone has one please let me know

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. rafaelmfernandez
    3. helljumper51


      I can make a quick one for you. nothing special. I wont texture it, but I will send you the .z3d file so you can skin it

    4. sgtmatt325


      Thanks Helljumper, but only bad thing i don't know how to skin a building

  24. In about a week or 2 i will have Farming sim 2013 CANT WAIT

    1. TheCadetForce


      I've been playing it lately, Great game has some great features

    2. sgtmatt325


      i had to order it from England cause no stores carry it

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