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Everything posted by BeastyBill88

  1. First off... Where are you getting that I'm a police officer? I'm not a police officer never have been because of my health. Secondly, your right what I posted on Facebook was out of order from me, I admit I f****d up. I had only heard one side of the story and I jumped to conclusions. I just want to apologize for not thinking before commenting on the matter, but also for offending yourself, Mikey and others for what I said. Your right I don't know what its like as to be completely honest I'm not sure I'm smart enough to do 3d modelling. Also my intentions (when I said this started when your mods came out) wasn't meant to point the finger at you more at the people not crediting, stealing etc. But it's not just me that was slagging you off, look at all the other comments. I admit I shouldn't have posted what I did but I'm not the only one to blame. My last point, you've lost all respect for me? Ok that's fine, because I'm not gonna go begging on my knees for your forgiveness, I'm just apologizing for what I did because it was wrong for saying what I did.
  2. Because the community is mostly made up of kids you get all of these behaviour problems. Like you said criminals and police, well the way it is now most people don't have respect for one another and kick off when they get put them in line. They will side with people they like because they want their stuff, but then hate people trying to stop them. Its not any of the mod/admin teams fault they have a job to do. Its not the original content creators fault as they have the rights to be credited it for making it or if they choose to to remove their content for others to use. The problem is with the community itself, if it was a more mature community most of this wouldn't happen, getting rid of a few bad apples who think its alright to steal and break the rules because they think they don't apply to them might help the situation. I think coming down hard on this will make the community better and in turn given credits were due will become second nature to modders, yeah people are going to kick off about it at first, its like telling a kid its time for bed they will eventually settle down and go to sleep. But no matter how you crack down on it here, it only takes 1 person to steal it and it ends up everywhere else on the internet. Sorry if this didn't make alot of sense I haven't long woken up for my night shift lol.
  3. I see so there will be different modules we can use then? Looks fantastic mate, can't wait to see how TACRfan lights it.
  4. Mother of god... Can we use the forklift as a deployable unit like the bulldozer? Maybe we could use it to lift objects off injured people Can't wait for the release, I think this will get me back in the mood to play EM4 again.
  5. That is understandable though as soon as you release something on the internet for the public, everyone has it and starts tearing it apart but then if its not released it "hurts" the people who were looking forward to playing it. Its a no win situation. You release stuff and your creations gets copied/stolen etc, if you don't release it you get lots of disappointed people. At the end of the day, it is up to yourselves as the content creators whether you wish to release your mods. You put the time and effort into it, but then only to have it ripped off you and someone is claiming its theirs. Not sure if that made much sense... I've been up since 5am lol.
  6. I would say vehicle images like the London mod. Because it helps those of us who use Intel cards because for some reason the 3D render of the model is just a white box on the vehicle selection screen.
  7. There are many reasons as to why people start and then stop mods. It could be because of time constraints with work or personal life or school, it would be that they lost interest or simply didn't have the skills/confidence to produce a full mod. People don't get paid to make mods, its a hobby or something they do if they have spare time. Also have you tried making a mod for EM4? Do you know how long it takes to make one? Using the Fairhaven City mod I was working on (edit of Bama's Montana mod v1.2) as an example, when I started it I was unemployed so I had all the time in the world to do it, but I started a new job where I was working full time on shift patterns and I didn't have the time to finish it. But I can understand your frustration though, especially when you have been waiting a while to play said mod and it gets abandoned and never finished. I can name a few but I won't lol. Just keep in mind that people do have lives outside of this game/forum, real life comes 1st before a mod.
  8. Hmm I looked at the video again to see how the satellite is, but with it actually placed behind the lightbar it wouldn't really take alot of radiation away in my opinion. But either way it looks great
  9. The lighting looks great! Just one thing that was bugging me... Shouldn't the radiation for the lightbar be in line with it instead of towards the front of the vehicle?
  10. True I mean it was a quick edit as I had not long been home from my night shift. I actually found a PDF file in the London mod which lists the names of all the different modders who contributed to it. Which is helpful. But I do understand that credit should be given where its due. Especially if its not your original work, I know that I wouldn't like it if someone claimed my work to be their own. Like you said hopefully adding the correct credits will come as second nature to new mods.
  11. Thank you for your answer, I showcased vehicles/personnel/map edits in the London mod edit I have been working on. But I had also shown gameplay of the edits too. So I have gone through the posts with videos/pictures and updated them with the credits for the mod creators. If it needs more credits let me know who and I can add them as I don't really know what things belong to different modders.
  12. The mod is being extracted into the main mods folder. I Have been using/installing/editing mods for a good 5-6 years... I'm not that stupid thank you... I have tried deleting the original mod first, cleaning the registry, then installing the new version that didn't work. So I tried renaming the mod folder (and the EM4.info file)... Nope still didn't work. This is the 1st time it has happened to me so I don't have a clue what is causing it as I have 2 versions of several mods (Montana, London, LA) and they work perfectly fine.
  13. Does this also apply to Private mod edits? Or is just for mods which are in progress/have been released?
  14. No, it would appear the page has been deleted as the links on Google for the page can't find it on Facebook anymore.
  15. It wouldn't surprise me to be honest after the arugment here: http://forum.emergency-planet.com/topic/20421-la-county-modification-reskin-of-la-mod/ Which is a shame I was looking forward to playing the completed mod.
  16. Very nice, I like how you have done the lights, they look similar to the lights in NFS world I think. Good job
  17. I love the detail you have put into the mod so we will have lots of different command roles to use then by the looks of it, sweet
  18. So its pretty much like ENB but for Emergency 4 shame my laptop would blow up trying to run it though lol.
  19. No problems Ah its on all of them, there is a topic to fix that, its were the lights change to quickly and vehicles can't get through. Have a read through here: http://forum.emergency-planet.com/topic/14511-vehicle-traffic-freezes-in-911fr/?p=198135 MikeyPI has done a little walk through on how to edit the traffic lights. Hope this helps
  20. I had that problem, one of the traffic lights near the bank (north of the main fire station) is named incorrectly. You would need to change it in the editor... Only problem is I can't remember what I had to rename it too.
  21. Its been 3 days since the mod creator last posted. People do have lives outside of this forum.
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