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FInn Rescue 12

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Everything posted by FInn Rescue 12

  1. Wow Chicago's South side is of the hook how many shootings in a weekend and 36 homicides. You can do a mod alone,on just the south side. Create a map of square blocks of with square buildings and just mayhem. Drive by shooting multiple victims fires etc. Have all the units responded from of the map.
  2. How about a large bar fight with multiple people and injuries, stemming from guns and knifes. An officers calling O.T.= (officer in trouble) Foot chases this time instead of drug dealers a man with a gun etc. The ground work is already laid out (Mission Night Raid) Change the maps to resemble a bar scene" stripe of bars or night clubs". The mission would consist of officers respond to a call for (police detail officers) in trouble OT. Units would have to get to the officers secure the scene for EMS before their life time runs out . Control the crowd and take care of any injuries from the fight. Yes of course catch the bad guys in a foot chase. Mean while officers pursuing the suspects have to use deadly force a block away. Now we have to control that scene with a detectives response and Patrol supervisors and evidence collection. Wait I did not leave out fire there was a cat trapped in the tree lol! No further down the block a car crashes into a store with injuries and a fire breaks out. The same save the people put the fire out.
  3. Wow I like the Hospital and map work you did. The re-skins also look great. Keep up the good work.
  4. Wow!!! itchboy, 2 years of hard work dose pay off they look great. I am looking forward to adding them to the EM4 Mod files thanks.
  5. Yes I am also having a problem with the install. i down load it with Win Rar zip file but some reason the file will not work. Any help would be great Windows 7.
  6. Looking good as usual Goog and CFD. For those of you out there it was amazing that that Goog even had time to post because Candida is a Huge Hockey nation. I can see why the RMCP model by Itchboy and EA came out wicked pissah LOL!
  7. Nice work Peter just looking at the video it looks good. I like the interface ABC Ambulance before cruiser LOL!!! The light set up and radiation on the emergency units look great. l have not had a chance to down load this release yet but I will soon thanks.
  8. Hi is any chance you will be working on a crime tape model or skin. I Think it would be a great addition to this this mod.
  9. Yes you should have a few people conduct the Beta test with mod experience. Just from seeing the awesome light work it is safe to say it will not work on your average computer with intel. You most defiantly need a good graphics card and system with at lest 4 or more gigs of ram. A script person is always a plus so they can identify problems with the game. Problem solving is a big part of it, like Rafael said anyone could test a beta version but you need people who can solve the problems. I tried to be a beta tester but was not very good at it. I was able to identify some problems but not fix them.
  10. I don't want to start going into my registry keys and looking for it, i could end up messing the registry up. I still have old computer. If can't locate the disk I might have to go that rout there are not many EM4 games for sale?. The good new is I can still play EM4 just not use the editor thanks for your help.
  11. Hello I am at that point where I have transferred files to dell external hard drive and tried to put in the NewComputer Windows 7, Dell XPS 420 64 bit Q9400, 8Gigs of ram video card GTS 450. I put the files in programs 86 folder to no avail. I would have done a clean install but I have missed placed my Em4 and EM3 Disc. The funny think is I am able to play this from the external drive Both EM4 and Em3. Is any think I might have missed thanks.
  12. This post is older one but I am at that point where I have transferred files to dell external hard drive and tried to put in the New Computer Windows 7, Dell XPS 420 64 bit Q9400, 8Gigs of ram video card GTS 450. I put the files in programs 86 folder to no avail. I would have done a clean install but I have missed placed my Em4 and EM3 Disc. The funny think is I am able to play this from the external drive Both EM4 and Em3. Is any think I might have missed thanks.
  13. send me a PM later I am bit busy right now with recent events.
  14. Yet I have more bad news for Boston. My brother officer, Boston Police Officer Dennis Simmond past away April 10, 2014 while attending training at Boston Police Academy ,due to in line of duty injury from the Boston Bombing, Back in April of last year after the Boston Marathon Bombing, Office Dennis Simmond was part of the chase involving Boston bombing suspects in Water town where he received his life threaten injury that was a resulted in the death of Officer Simmond. Officer Dennis Simmond was a police officer in the Manhattan district of Boston B-3 where he proudly served and later in his career moved on to the Anti crime unit making the streets of Boston safe and working with troubled youths. Officer Simmond will be missed by his co workers family and friends. Police Officer Dennis Simmons my you rest in peace and my time heal the family's and friends and co works harts.
  15. Not yet! What you think, do like them?
  16. Yes if Boston had EMS in the BFD stations I would left there instead of moving them to another spot. EMS is based out of the small sub stations or adjacent various BPD stations.
  17. Ravenna, Ohio Submod-WIP Hi have a had a chance to look at that mod in progress?
  18. I finished the charger AND Tahoe re-skin and lights here few pictures.
  19. Look what i dd NH all Blue lights,on the re-skin the colors might be off a little tough to match. I am thinking about working on the charge and Tahoe stay tuned.
  20. Nice job on the Mod I been playing here and there. Load times is reasonable. No CTD's great job on the map, it looks a lot of work. tho I would like to see a little radiation for the units. I might add some for my mod. Over all great job thanks.
  21. Yes the ladder truck in the main fire station will not return. I could not figure out how to change it from the original tiller script sorry.
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