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Everything posted by Ami89E1234

  1. So I'd be Faceman Peck, right?
  2. Eeew, thin crust pizza. Weird, I'm from NYC but I don't like thin-crust pizzas that much. Oh wait, because deep-dish (or at least medium-dish i.e. Domino's, Papa John's, etc.) is way better We have Imo's here. Unfortunately.
  3. How about Mr. EFR? Hey, you can be our mascot
  4. Getting an HTC Tilt 2 from AT&T REALLY soon. Was originally planning on getting the Touch Pro 2 (same phone) from T-Mobile since that's what we already have, but I learned that AT&T is the best mobile service provider and I concur: prices are FAR better than anything else and it has better service, etc. I'm happy now. What I've figured: - Phone w/online discount: $199.99 - Nation Unlimited Plan: $69.99/month - One time activation: $36 - DataPro 2 GB for Smartphone with Tethering: $45/month - Wireless Phone Insurance: $4.99/month - Early Nights and Weekends (optional): $8.99/month Total: $355.97 Total+: $364.96 Current balance - July 23, 2010: $325 Monthly Price - - Nation Unlimited Plan: $69.99 - DataPro 2 GB for Smartphone with Tethering: $45 - Wireless Phone Insurance: $4.99 - Early Nights and Weekends (optional): $8.99 Total: $119.98 Total+: $128.97
  5. Lol I don't care wtf your name is, your username is Gerard so I'm gonna call you that.
  6. I'm getting a Vuvuzela LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL Europe will be completely extinct by 2050 and everyone there will be a Muslim. And, thank God, Spain will die first. Their fertility rate is 1.1. The MINIMUM required to sustain a society is 2.11. We MUST declare anti-Jihad. Preferably BEFORE 40% of the Russian army is Muslim.
  7. LOL Gerard I have the same set (w/ the Paint factory or whatever. Does yours converts into the fire station, too?) Also lols @ the traffic stop. I have so many Matchbox cars and stuff for them them would literally take up the entire floor of my room if I were to display them to take a picture
  8. LOL I love Super Troopers. Like, one of my Top 10 favorite movies, which also include Full Metal Jacket, Galaxy Quest, Princess Bride (classic), anything with Monty Python in it , and Down Periscope. Oh, I'm back, BTW. And I'm sorry to say, non-Lutherans ain't got sh*t on us after experience the NYG (i.e. a HUGE event with 25000 other youths and it was without a doubt, the best and most life-changing thing I've EVER been to. Can't wait till the next one in 3 years. San Antonio 2013, baby!
  9. Very nice pictures. Croatia looks like a very nice country... might have to go their on my High School Graduation Trip Croatia mod, anyone?
  10. Lol until CEDA actually does anything to help, what's their point? All you ever see of them are remnants, many of which try to kill you and eat your brains. How hard can it be to kill zombies? Seriously? If 4 people can kill 1000s of zombies with an hour, then htf can a large government agency not help? Air strike much Oh, and ADEC stands for Actually Defending Every Civilian (it's CEDA backwards).
  11. LOL oops that's right about the maps. Sorry I haven't used it in awhile
  12. CEDA SUCKS!!! This message brought to you in part by ADEC.
  13. Meh I use an EMS Supervisor's car and an engineer's van by the police station to fix anything. Use the bomb robot a TON, though. Since traffic is horrible and the AI is seemingly worse in the LAMod map so I have to use the copter to get suspects sometimes. Use Chief's SUV all the time; at big emergencies, I send him there and then can get new units without ever having to leave the situation unattended. And my police units only use the loop by the police station. Once in a blue yonder one or two'll wander out but that's rare.
  14. 1. Dunno, I never really figured out what the Dialog Editor does either, but I don't really think it's used/needed that much. 2. Save the map as a .tga in the Maps folder, then rename it to an .eft and go to Maps - Load Texture - Import. I can't remember if that's the right process to getting the BRAND new texture in, but just for a default texture, the second part is right. 3. When an object is selected, press Properties in the bottom left hand corner and the add whatever of the "Fires" you'd like (through the Fire select on the bottom slightly to the right of the middle of the UI). Fire Objects can also be used to help influence the spread of the fire. 4. Not sure what you mean - do you mean like the patrol script? If so, you'd have to make Paths for the units to follow then edit the patrol script. 5. Add a spawn point (through the Map Properties) for the type RW where you want. 6. With cutscenes. You have to set camera 'locations' and then use a mission script to make them work. 7. Again, with mission scripts to make the objects (that you put in, set up, and name) fall. 8. By making Paths and Streets. Add Spawn Points to the map and add cars/people to them and tell them what Path to follow. Through the Path options menu you can set speed, what type of path (forward, loop, ping-pong, etc.) 9. Name the car what you want (unless you're doing it for Freeplay, because then the names/process are/is more specific) something like accident_01. Then name the person (who should be lying next to the car)you want inside like paccident_01. I don't remember if it's the name alone or you have to use the car's properties to select what person to be in the car (I believe the latter in non-Freeplay situations) but make sure the vehicle you use is a Wreck_sliceable or it won't work.
  15. Yes, it's mission 20. So unlimited money, and you have to sneak up behind every alien and kill them one by one with a chainsaw before they got to their ship The tank mission is the Coup d'etat.
  16. I use the helicopter all the time since there's only like 1 patrol path for police so they're all on the wrong side of the city Personally, I don't not use any features. Traffic vests I just have my guys change into when on traffic duty, and off when they're not. Cones I rarely use, same with flares but (in multiplayer especially) I use 4 flares to make a helicopter landing 'pad' as well as other functions. Mainly I don't use all of the units lol. Until there's a mission involving Mexicans Border Patrol is kind of useless Also don't like the fact Hoppah expects us to deal with a several hundred acre forest fire with a tiny, inadequate budget, while protecting EVERY house AND the base, evacuating the town, and arresting the guy within only like 20 minutes. Very realistic there
  17. Lol Scottish guys are all women
  18. *Sigh* They actually started the Ryugy?ng Hotel in 1987 for World Festival of Youth and Students in 1989 but they never completed it, and then work was stopped in 1992 because of the economy. 2 years ago, they started working on it again. But yes, in part, like most buildings in Communism, it is a tool of propaganda as well.
  19. Lol nice model. Just out of curiosity, do you still have that M2A2 model?
  20. You know, he's right. How do you expect anyone to help (though I doubt they would anyway) if no one can even understand what you're saying. I find it quite shocking that America is the most populous 'English speaking' country in the world but I've seen many people in other countries who don't even have English as a primary language who're better at it than a lot of Americans (and British people, for that matter). BTW what the hell is a "BUNISSIES"? It's spelled 'business', Hog.
  21. Quite the contrary. NK is broken up into 14 'Zones' or provinces, depending on which one they are. Specially governed zones, like the one where they are experimenting with Capitalism and foreign/free-market enterprises, are unique from the others. Besides that, even though it is loathe to admit it, China today is one of the most Capitalist countries in the world.
  22. Anyone want to play? I prefer playing with only 2-3 people. Use LAMod 2.0.2 with AUS and these sirens (just extract them, and move all of files that start with Siren to the LAMod - Audio - FX - Sirens folder and when it displays a message select 'replace all'. Add me on Skype so mics are a possibility (quality is better than TS). Search for Cheeky Monkay.
  23. STOP!!! You violated the law. Pay the court a fine or serve your sentence, your stolen goods are now forfeit.
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