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SubMod: Tony's Lights, v1.8.6 and overview with all prototypes OUT NOW!

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well I made a few minor changes, and I will upload the protoype rar now I can't make any promises that this is going to work 100%, if not, just inform me right away... However, I think I got most of it ready, I made some changes to the FBI SUV that aren't in this fold er I don't think, give me a little while to upload it, because it isn't on this computer

Should be the same procedure as before


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well I made a few minor changes, and I will upload the protoype rar now I can't make any promises that this is going to work 100%, if not, just inform me right away... However, I think I got most of it ready, I made some changes to the FBI SUV that aren't in this fold er I don't think, give me a little while to upload it, because it isn't on this computer

Should be the same procedure as before

USAR Squad is missing the Return to Firehall command.

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Please forgive the double post, but I can't edit the title, as this isn't my topic :P

I have just finished checking the new protoytypes, the problem was, I uploaded the wrong RAR, I still had the ones from 1.6 on my disk, because I am a packrat, so I kept them there, and I uploaded the wrong one without realizing, and I remnamed it to that instead of prototypes... Well I just tested this one for about an hour or so... Hope you enjoy the lights for 1.7!

This include updates for the emergency units that were in the other versions, Tony has told me he wishes to do the newer vehicles, such as the LASD Prison van... etc. I will start now on the ones that were not done in other version such as the LASD Hummer, and a couple of the police and/or fire... I am not sure what is and what isn't done in the TEC or EMS, Its hard to tell for TEC but I will check later on and make sure that TEC and EMS are completely upto date along with FIRE and POLICE


I present to thee (look down about 4 lines) \/


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Hi everyone ! there's the link of the new light i made for the LA MOD version! these light looks like the ** Real life ** I modified almost all light !

Ex : rotate light for LASD LAAP Firetruck etc .. new strobe and led light ! In my download file in Filefront you can find the sirens I use in the game and a new sound that replace the fire alarm and the train gate!

So enjoy yourself with the new Package!


Emplacement ---> C:\Program Files\sixteen tons entertainment\Emergency 4\Mods\Los Angeles Mod v1.6 Replace the old prototypes file by this one . Enjoy

I made a video of a big fire contamination the video is very large because of the time of the video ... aproximative 20 min *Less or more * so if you have a slow internet conexion it's not a good thing to download exept if you're patient ! :1046275747_biggthumpup:

Link : http://files.filefront.com/LAMODFIRECONTAM...;/fileinfo.html

Link2: http://files.filefront.com/Bigfirerar/;117...;/fileinfo.html

Be careful large file!

Enjoy video !

How much LOOOONGER until 1.7 lights pack!

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Please forgive the double post, but I can't edit the title, as this isn't my topic :P

I have just finished checking the new protoytypes, the problem was, I uploaded the wrong RAR, I still had the ones from 1.6 on my disk, because I am a packrat, so I kept them there, and I uploaded the wrong one without realizing, and I remnamed it to that instead of prototypes... Well I just tested this one for about an hour or so... Hope you enjoy the lights for 1.7!

This include updates for the emergency units that were in the other versions, Tony has told me he wishes to do the newer vehicles, such as the LASD Prison van... etc. I will start now on the ones that were not done in other version such as the LASD Hummer, and a couple of the police and/or fire... I am not sure what is and what isn't done in the TEC or EMS, Its hard to tell for TEC but I will check later on and make sure that TEC and EMS are completely upto date along with FIRE and POLICE


I present to thee (look down about 4 lines) \/

How do I install for 1.7 on 911 FR with LA mod and New map mod 1.1

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FDNYRes1cue If you see on the first page of the topic you'll see it ! ... exeptionally he only put the Vehicule file .. so you go in prototypes and change the vehicule file...


Use the search bar !

Thanks newfoundking ! I hope everything works for the light I don't download it because I have an internet shit where i live now so i'll download it later if someone can confirm that all is good .. or something to change i can do it! Cya

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Hey Tony, as far as I know, it works good(no bug reports) I'm starting to do some more cars such as the LASD SAR Hummer and such, you know the ones that aren't used very much? :P

Well I'm glad you guys like it, and I hope to be doing this for a long time

Just an FYI, the more lights you have, the slower our games are, and if your adding lights to vehicles which we won't be using anyways, could you refrain from doing that? Also, on the Batallion Chief truck, and I think the Heavy Equipment truck, there are way to many lights. You can't even tell that they're moving from high up. If you could like, take some off. And the BLS ambulance lights are very unrealistic. They actually turn instead of blink. Just some critiques and sorry if I was a bit harsh.


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