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Good Ol' USA

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Just showing off some more examples of our messed up society.

Police officer attempts to arrest some guy. Guy breaks away and pulls out a gun firing at officer. Officer goes down being shot in the face (shatters jaw). Suspect flees.

All the while you see people in the background coming in and out of apartments and loading a car, they see this guy run, they see the cop hurt on the ground. They do nothing, no 911 call, no runnig over to see if the officer is OK, nothing.


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That's messed up indeed.

It's not the first incident recently involving an officer in need of help.

In NYC the NYPD were beaten to the ground by a mob of teenagers, luckily the FDNY was driving by and deck gunned them all off.

In Baltimore two cops were trying to make an arrest while a crowd gathered around them, one guy walks up from behind and punches the lead cop in the back of the head, and takes him to the ground. Nobody helps.

In PA the Temple University police attempt to arrest somebody and his thug friends join in fighting the cops and getting the upperhand, even reaching for the cops gun at one point. Meanwhile everybody stands around taping it and laughing.

All of the above incidents are within the 12 months, and were taped via cellphone (with the exception of the FDNY involved one in which a photo was snapped during.)

I was so glad when I was watching Alaska State Troopers to see a Trooper try and take somebody down and get involved in fight and a couple of good citizens came to help pin the guy until backup arrived. At least their is still some good in the world, granted these were older guys, not the younger punks of newer generations.

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There are incidents like this all over the world, it just shows man's inhumanity to man. However, there are cases where the public come to help, and volunteers in all Departments can be found of all ages. Try not to tar with the same brush, the new generation also holds next years police, fire and ambulance officers.

People are horrible, there's nowt we can do about it, except step in when its our professional responsibility or when we can lend a hand :)

The OC-D

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There are incidents like this all over the world, it just shows man's inhumanity to man. However, there are cases where the public come to help, and volunteers in all Departments can be found of all ages. Try not to tar with the same brush, the new generation also holds next years police, fire and ambulance officers.

People are horrible, there's nowt we can do about it, except step in when its our professional responsibility or when we can lend a hand :)

The OC-D

I am not saying everyone is getting bad, but have you seen kids these days? Obviously ones who visit this site have an interest in emergency services so they probably wouldn't fit the mold I'm referring to. It's getting a little crazy out there. As for the volunteers ,they are a dying breed, there are less and less of them all the time.

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"Home of scared and gutless" in some cases. Good thing Im a good kid haha. One of the only kids in my school that's not afraid to talk to cops. In middle school half my friends were NYPD school safety guys haha

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People just don't care about others anymore is the main problem. Our country has become so focused on the practices of only doing something for themselves at whatever cost to somebody else. If it's not their problem then it isn't worth their time, if they see somebody hurt ah he'll be ok somebody already called 911 for them no need to stop and see.

The majority of calls we get for fires or car wrecks come from passerbys who provide the worst information and don't even stop to see if somebody is ok, or warn somebody their house is on fire or check to see if their house is even what's on fire. They just whip out their cellphone, call 911 and say umm this is what's here but I'm to busy to stop and get involved, that's not my job. At least their calling but come on.

Liability has also messed our society up, the people who would at least try and help are scared of being sued for whatever reason so they don't even bother.

But when you witness an attack on a police officer, or see a public servant like police, fire or EMS hurt and don't have the decency to walk over and check on them or call for help, that just shows how little our society values these people who go out there trying to keep some order and protect our way of life and that is disgusting to me. Even if you are one of those immature people who has the "F da police" mentality, it's still a fellow human being behind that badge who deserves to go home to his or her family.

[/end rant]

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People just don't care about others anymore is the main problem. Our country has become so focused on the practices of only doing something for themselves at whatever cost to somebody else. If it's not their problem then it isn't worth their time, if they see somebody hurt ah he'll be ok somebody already called 911 for them no need to stop and see.

The majority of calls we get for fires or car wrecks come from passerbys who provide the worst information and don't even stop to see if somebody is ok, or warn somebody their house is on fire or check to see if their house is even what's on fire. They just whip out their cellphone, call 911 and say umm this is what's here but I'm to busy to stop and get involved, that's not my job. At least their calling but come on.

Liability has also messed our society up, the people who would at least try and help are scared of being sued for whatever reason so they don't even bother.

But when you witness an attack on a police officer, or see a public servant like police, fire or EMS hurt and don't have the decency to walk over and check on them or call for help, that just shows how little our society values these people who go out there trying to keep some order and protect our way of life and that is disgusting to me. Even if you are one of those immature people who has the "F da police" mentality, it's still a fellow human being behind that badge who deserves to go home to his or her family.

[/end rant]

The funny thing is, there are laws to prevent people who stop from being sued.

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Personally, I think part of the problem is with the parents. We're taught from a young age that cops are there to enforce only. I can't count how many times I've heard someone say to their kid, "Do this, or I'm calling the cops and they'll take you away." Unbeknownst to them, they are actually quite a few problems they're creating, one they aren't teaching discipline,they're just teaching fear of police. You start fearing them, but as you age, you learn to just not like them

Sometimes people think, eh, so what.

Mind you, these people could've been just scared senseless, but then again, I like my first one

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Fortunately, I'm one that would help in those situations. Since I'm a member of the USAF Auxiliary I have an obligation to help in a crisis anyway (though I may not "self-deploy"), plus I have my First Aid Certificate w/ CPR so I should be protected by Good Samaritan laws. I find it utterly ridiculous how little society today cares for one another - but I suppose that's just human nature to want to help yourself first.

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Fortunately, I'm one that would help in those situations. Since I'm a member of the USAF Auxiliary I have an obligation to help in a crisis anyway (though I may not "self-deploy"), plus I have my First Aid Certificate w/ CPR so I should be protected by Good Samaritan laws. I find it utterly ridiculous how little society today cares for one another - but I suppose that's just human nature to want to help yourself first.

I think we would all like to say that, personally, I think I would help in a situation like that too. But I guarantee you at least a few people did want to help but were scared shitless, a man with a gun that has just shot a uniformed officer in the face is likely a man that wouldn't think twice about shooting anyone else. Granted, the people loading the car were fucking scumbags.
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Personally, I think part of the problem is with the parents. We're taught from a young age that cops are there to enforce only. I can't count how many times I've heard someone say to their kid, "Do this, or I'm calling the cops and they'll take you away." Unbeknownst to them, they are actually quite a few problems they're creating, one they aren't teaching discipline,they're just teaching fear of police. You start fearing them, but as you age, you learn to just not like them

Sometimes people think, eh, so what.

Mind you, these people could've been just scared senseless, but then again, I like my first one

Hit the nail on the head with that big time. I see it all the time. It's very common with drug dealers kids, repeat domestic assault families, etc. Always do our best to tend to the kids, talk to them, give them a toy. We've even let them in our squad and let them mess around a bit. It's the best and worst part of the job.

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I don't remember if I said this already or not, but a friend of mine is in the Community services branch of the RNC here, and every day, she goes to one of the schools in her jurisdiction to visit the kids, not to teach them right from wrong, just to teach them that police officers aren't bad. This is essentially all she does for an hour or more every day

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Thats cool. I convinced my Explorer post advisor to ask the chief to start a program where we go into elementary school and hang out with kids, show them equipment, teach them some fun stuff. Its awesome, kids love it and it looks great to the community. (Plus the kids don't know we arent full officers. :P)

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